Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 16

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Graditale C>irpoiast aNd Fo.ot Peoria last .Sunday to spend a few 8pedialit days with ber daughter, Mrs. Clec'ne MliPbrey jIdg. 83 Elm Street Larson. Miss Harriet Keith bas just TrIehon-ffipieka,755returned from a visit tô Kokomo, TI'lelioe-Winetk "I d., where sbe was a guest of some Office Homur#.9 a. m)et.to 5 p youing people she met while on bier Eticifus by Appointmnent- t rir abroad.' Going'away to - school Or going to school here Eihr way you'I ant a' jet grey, blue .Or brown basket weavesuit ~36 WITH TWO, TROUSERS Hart Schaffner.& Marx are. specialists In unîverst Styes and MAcFAR- LAND'S for: years has been Evanston's favorite university store. This basket Richard was a graduate of New Trier High schcoôl with the class of 1930. During bis. sopbomore year be was pres- iclent of bis class. He was a great lover of music and during bis high school years played in tbe band. Hie won bis letter in basketball, was on tbe varsity football squad, and was a member of. the leaders' corps of the gymnasium. .Besides bhis parents lie is survived hyr a younger brotherl, Robenrt E. Mann. Funeral services were held at Scott's f uneral home.,1118 Greenleaf avenue, WVilmette, Fniday, september 4, and hurial took place at Decatur, III., bis hirthplace. Mr.. and Mr;s. Paul W. Chapin, 1018 Main street, Evanston, an- nounce the birtb of a daughter. Diana Lloyd, Wednesday,. September 2, at the Evanston hospital. Mr. Chapin is the daugliter of Dr. Ste- phen A. Lloyd, former pastor of the Xilmette Congregational churcli. and Mrs. Lloyd. Mrs. James Jobuson ilias been the guest of Mrs. Benjamin W. Bradlev~ of .310 Oxford road, Kenilworth,, whuleý she bas been breaking up her hume in. Evanston. 0 o- M rs, !Richard J.. Mulvey of 800 Oak- wood avenue. is entertaining lier miother., Mrs. Converse Rvan of Long Beach.'Cal. Chicago's Newest and Smartest Restaurant 7-1 East Lake, S treet Astep or Iwo off Michigana A ve. We Fea ture Full Course Lunclieon 60c EaInbo Dinner. 1.00 at the residelice of r w. L<Ynn, 11 Green Bay road, Glencoe. T he meeting was attended by representatives fromn every part of, the new Tbirteenth Congressional district, comprising the north sbore and. northwest suburban area. and, upon adjourpruelat,, tt was decided to hold another meeting Wedrîesday evening of this week for the purpose of completing >thle organiîation and forffiulating plans to get Mr. Lyncb's candidacty under way. Formai antnouncernent of bis can- didacýv for Congress on the Demo- cratic ticket wvas made bv Mr. Lynchi a fewý weeks a go- since wbhich time he' savs .he:has been receiving most encouraging reports f rom througbout the. district. Ii announcing bis candidacy, Mn. Lynch said: "My campaign is l)eing handled en.- tirely by my 'friends and 1 arn not the candidate of any political fac- tion," Mr. Lynchi states. "If lnomin- ated and elected I honestly believe J am,,capalle of representing this dis-. tfrict of wbicb I bave been a resident for the past sixteen. years. - "I arn opposed to prohibition be- cause I believe it breeds disrespect for ail laws, and 1- shall continue to fight for its repeal." M r. Lynchi heads -a tree surgery conceril with, offices; in Winnetka. Nels Olander Taken by Death Thursday Nels Olander, 1245 Maple avenue, a resident of Wilmette for the past twenty-seven years,,died at his homhe Thursclay, September 3. He ivas 05 years old and was born in Sweden. He was a bricklayer by trade. is widow, Mrs. Ada Lind Olander, and two 'daughters, Bertba and M,\ar.ion, survive him. The funeral services were held last Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Scott's-funerai home, 1118 Greenleaf, avenue.* Wilmette. Burial was atNemorial Park ceme:- terv. Miss Helen Sears of'417 Warwicfk road, Kentilwortb, is spending a few, weeks; at tbe MacDowell colony at Peterboro, N. H. Miss Dorothy Sears bas returned from hier vacation in and around Boston and1 at the Oryad ML. NEW STORE-1631 Orrington Avenue OUR REGULAR $10 PERMANENT NQW $7 Ope* Tsaesday, Tkurs day ad Saturdajo Eveminsg ALBRICHT. BEAUTY SHOP' 1~I167 Wilmefte Avenue WietIe 45 1 7, T nom -I 4 I I

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