Sho0p and Save 810 CHURCH .,ST.,ý EVANSTON (Oppite Marshcdl Field & Co,) The fin.est and fr.shest foods for, your tab le at pr es whch. wiII. save you moneyi FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Freestone ELBERTA: PEACHESi. Etra'Spocial....... SWEET POTATOES, ALABAMA YAMS. 15C -5 î,s. 17ic Juicy, SIJNKIST ORANGES.............3 doz.55c DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT ,Wistonsn'Finest SWISS CHEESE,l. 29C MEAT DEPARTMENT Fresh Dressed MILK FED HENS. 31/2 to 5 Ibs. SPECIAL, lb .. ..>.. . Prime Native Standing RIB ROAST BEEF. Cut from Gov*rnment Graded B..f-bth, 11h Rib. Lb., BAKERY DEPARTMENT SPECIAL FOR THURSIDAY SPICE CUP CAKES. A tempting cake made buffer and eggs. topp.d wif h a delijht.f.ui icing., Dozen... CONFECTIONS Pure CREAM PAlTI ES, SPECIAL, lb. .. . . . . .. ..: . . . GROCERY DEPARTMENT 29c 25c Ten years aga Haig Kashian brought Puzant with bis mother and brother to, Wilmiette frorn Armenia. Last june Puzant. finished bisý fresbman year at the UJniversity> of Minnesota. 'He ba's had experience ýwhile at the university as tbe representative of a. well known mnotlî ldestroying corn- panv. GX,,aauvLnd GREAT OFFERS, PE N VALUE. AT$2.45 .A fountain Pen set fine enough for any,,desc,. but specidlly priced for students. Selected for use by men- or women. Base is 9enuiné Onyx. Hôlder anid bàrrel are jet bidCki tip iS iridescent i olivegreen.Jhel 4kgoId nib hds been tborough-. ly tested' for smooth writing quolity. Of, lots of, 3 5C 49C DOsiIN Miss Miller during ber 6irst term at tbis scliool, displayed a great deal of. talent in ber appearance in three stu- dent performances, "Giant Stairs," "Suppressied DOesires'., and " Home' Chat." She is particularly clever ,1in comedian roles, and shows promise, of followinig in the footsteps of Emily Hamili of Hinsdale, whose work was outstailding in the bumorous plays pro- duced at tbe Chicago Art theater. . North shore people wbo are inter- ested in drama have watcbed the work of «the Chicago Art theater in the Fine Artsý building, of which Maria Astrova L.azareff is head,, and wbhich nowv is about to1 open'its sixth seasoni. The, art theater consists of a repertory com- pany. and a. scbool of acting connected witb it. Graduates of this scbool are fittecl eitber to- take.part in the coin- painy, to teach dramatics, or to enter a carcer on the legitimiate stage.. 1Moscowv Art tbeatermetbods, which are irecognizcd as *having tundamental grtistic values that are universal,' are developed at the Cbicago Art theater .in adaptation to, American needs. Tie resuits are. performances wvhich have mnuch aI)peai toc people wvbo loive draina wvhich. is close:to life and wbich is sIl- cere and artistic iii. its approach. *Ainong the new plays to be added to the repertory this season are Eugèee O'NeiIl's "Bleyond the Horizon":' 1h- "Cel' ý1Ghosts" and "A Doll's House," Howý.ard's "Silver Cord" and miain's '*The Sunken Bell." The coin- pai» %vill tour in "The Silver Cord" this fail throughout the middle wvest.. Agiies George, Betty Pbillips, Berta Oclisner, and Richard Kroth. are aipong the faculty members of the scbool of acting. Mrs. Benijamin Fillis, Who is well- knowvn for her gifted interpretations in the Nýorth> Shore' Guild prodluctions. received ber ,training at the Chicago Art Théater-scbool. Mrs. Etta L. Vivian., wbo is ini charge of the Iibrary, in. Ferudale, Micèh.,* and secretary for the Lib r ar% association of Michigan, bas héell inspecting and visiting libraries i Chicago and Illinois. She lias beeil spending two weeks with ber sister, Mrs. M. L. Schluetter of 305 Eighý teenth street.. Miss Winnifred Mickey. 1523 Wa1k 810 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON (Opposiîte Marshall Field & Co.) "Thse Friendly Food Store"ý EybovArch and [or ApointmentVAN DUERM' PhoneoA U R " W'ilmffe ýl54 Bauty Salon 1 l351/2 COentral Avenu. Aak Our Advice mi CosméteUa and Powvder Blendi)ng