MEAT MARKET 0 AU Telaphone adC..D.OtesaruiyadQllJDeved TLe .PALACE MARKET' low p rices have est«blished a standard for North'Shore consumera. Foli have Iearned DY TEST Our. abilily te save woe-yet give a, 110% quality. The buyiugý trend of today, in "where eau I.gel the mont for MnY Dollar.". PALACE MARKETS. "I. answer your longing for coâtiuued economwy Fresh dressed-very select, just from the country. O L. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . LKQ OF àAM Very Lest Spring Leg of Lamb-you'll flmnd il very deicou .Lb. . ...... ....... .......2 1 2 CHUCK ROAS? Tender culs of prime chuck roasl-jrncy. and flavorY. 2 Lb.e rSwETDREADS Fresh, genuil.. calves' sweelbread s. L b . .. . ... . . . . . . 49e native beef-no waste. ýCON. Lest quality 'of narrow bacon, whole or haif., LAM ROAST SHIORT RIBS 0F BEEF 217c . . . . . . . . fiRDOîkO 4 and 338 WiImette 281 and 791 Wiflfetka .117 andi41 Giencoe, 8l 'ar k ve., Oie»... 19 EJVANOT N MARRETS 1941 Central sel t705 Main Street Greneld.4M..Greeuleaf 2989-6888-6867 dred Wilrnette chiIdren wii taice part in a miniature wedding, callèd "The Wedding of the Little Doil." This wl preçede the regular performance., In preseniting ,this, double attraction,. tbe'.Legion, auxiliary .Plans to interest tbe, entire cornmunity ini the project and ini so doing hopes to make it. the out- standing theatrical event of the season, i1t is explaïned. Mr. and Mrs. Hj. W. Jordon of 32U Cumberland ayenue, Kenilwç .rth, re- turned last week frorn a visit to- St. Paul., They had a rather thrilling ex- perience. Tbhey started to fly borne, but when th ey, were hh i în the cloucis they were- caugbt in a storrn and had to. land and corne borne in a rnore prosaic way. ROAST, pound CHOIC E___ STANDING 2 'SWIrS GOLDENWEST CHICKENS STE WING pound The Great Atlantié a PàclRc" Tei Co. MIDDLE WESIERN DIVISION ,llu With the view of producing this year plays .,with a definite popular appeal rather than experirnenting ini art fieldis, the directors of the North Shore. Circuit theater associatio coivened Thursday of last week at the home of the'.president, Sarnuel S. Otis, .in Winnietka to avnear- rangements for the corming ýseason. Selection of plays to form tbe year's repertoire and discussion of the thea- ter's> business affairs occupied theý evening. Various suggestions for, possible plays were rnade, at a prelirinary meeting by Mrs. Benjamin M. ýPrice of Winnetka, cbairrnan of the play reading cornrittee, and the directors- this week. have gone over the field. Four plays, will be given this year and the flrst tbree will probably be chosen tonight. Consider 0Openiug Play For the flrst production, ýwhich 1if1 be presented. the third and fourth wveeks' of November, thé directors are considering a ilysiery plav or> light comedy. "Murder on the 'Sec- ond Floor," "Remote Control," "Lord and Lady Algy" and A. A. Milne's "The Perfect Alibi," *a drawing roorn mystery, :are among those, receivin'g special attention. The policy of.the directors will beý to select plays with a wide appeal, while at the same time keeping up the usual standards of the theater. according to James Allen Stewart, member of the board and former business manager. "We plan to pro-. duce plays which people will be anx- ious to. see and will reinember, and wilI be satisfied to improve as niuch Ibis year as we did last," he said. Drive May Open September 18 The campaign for, membersbip is the major immediale .pzroblem before. the directors. The drive wil: again be held ail along the north shore* and bas been tentatively set to, open Fni- day, September 18. Skokie D. A. R.0 Asked to Special Meeting An invitation for members of the Skokie Valley chapter, Dau-hters of 814 Ridge Terrace EVANSTON Iblk. South of Céntrat S near Ridige UNIVERSItY 4198 If.' + I t