at no cost. ECONOIES-SEPT 4 TO SEPT. 10 CHOICE CALVES' SWEETBREADS........lb6. 49r, SWIFT'S PREMIUM or ARMOURS HAMS. Whole or haif ...... L 27c. LAMB COP.Rib. L. 46c, FRESH GROUND BEEF and PORK for LOAFlb. 25c LARD. Swift's pure Silverleaf, in cartons. . . . 2,Ibs. 25c SUGAR. Pure. cane granulated.... 10C-Il cloth bag, 59c JELLO.,,Al flavors ...........three'l Oc pkgs. 23c FRENCH SALAD DRESSING. S, P. K. . .. two 25c booties 39C GRAPE JUICE. Meier's Catawba quart baffle 5 5c CRISCO. I1,10/2 and-3-lb.carns,. .. . .. I 23 PRÉSERVES. A lola, Red Raspberry and. Strawberry. Pure fruit and sugar. .... 4-lb. jar 79c S. 0. S. Magic Scouring Pads ....... pkg. 21c JAR RUBBERS. Richelieu Mason. Extra heavy red............. -............ 2 doz. 15c FLOOR WAX. Johnson's ..... .2-lb. can 98c TOULT SOAP. Camay .. .....three 1 Oc bars 1 9c SPINACH. Richelieu. Fresh spinach is very poor and high. You will as fresh. 27.1b find this.clean and -- - - . - w. -BROOMS. Matchless. A very high quality of choice straw. 5 sewed........... ... ...each 63c ASSORTED WAFERS. Englstyle, fancy -assortment. Appetizing and satîsfyng.. .. lb. pkg. 37c FRIDAY' and SATURDAY .ON LY SPRIMG CHICKENS., STEWING CHICKENS. ;T 8EEF . . . . .i IL. 39c a mnëmber of thie taculty of NeW Trier Highschool. Befôre coming t Wil-. mette the family lhad lived at Aurora. Surviving Ibu iare lis w iidowhis daughters ' Miss Ethel 'M%. Evans, and Mrs. Robert Knight'of DownKa. and a son Dr.' 'Gregg M. Eas, of Ytankto-n college, Yankton,. S. D). Mr. Evans ivas. an uncle 'of Mrs. NViI- fred C. GilIies of Wilmette. Rabbi Shulman WiII HoId New Year Service Rabbi, Charles E. Shulman of, the N orth Shore, Conigregation Israel, Lincoin and V%,ernoni avenues, Glencoe, will conduct the New Year's Eve serv- ice Friday evening., September 1l. at 8:15 o7clock aàtthe temple. The- New, Year's moôrîing service will be held, at 10 o'clocl;, September 12. CLOSE ON 4LSQR DAY Kenlworth's post office will he closed ail day on Labor day, Mn day, Septemiber 7, Postmnaster Doug- las S. Crooks annbunce ' The reg- ular Sun'dav schedule. will prevail, and nîo genieral deliveries or. pick-ups ivill be made.. Miss Loraine Lasota of Chicago is. the guest for three weeks of the Misses Irnia aiid Gertrude Karst,- 1215 F'orest avenute. N to pupils. A., statenient corlcerning the pro. posed sale reads; 'For the benefit of the student bodies of the Howard and Logan schools, la sale of uýsed books will be conducted, by the Logan-Hoxward. 1P. T. A. on Monday, September 14, the opening day of -school. Pupils rwishing to dispose of books which are on the school list for this year may, bring theni to the two schools where miembers of -the P. ýT. A. will be in charge of taibles where the .books will be received. and resold. Such books mnust be in good condi-. tion and bear the name- of the puri and, his grade this 'year, written in Iightly in pencil. 'it is be lieved this new venture of, the P. T. A.-wilI be of distiact value to the school." RETUgN FROM CANADA Miss Mabel I., Park, secretary, to Supt. J. R.'Harper of theý Wilmette schools, and Miss Matalea -Brown, teacher of fifth grade at theCentral school, Wilmette,. returned Monday, f rom a camp in Canada. Be fore attend- ing camp, Miss 'Brown took. a nature study course offered by the University of'Pennsylvaia. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frederi'ck H. Bird and children, M.%argaret and Fred-- erick, Jr., have recently iiioved>to,.i15 Eleventh street f rom India'napolis, We're Stili DRUG hi- ýSTORE GROCERY ~IIII'~f~ ~ PHONE 510 -PHONE5I4 CLOSEDALL,DAY LABOR DAY t I t GOES