Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 52

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(Contiinued f romi page 36) ai, Indian Hlil. (Griswold*scard read 86-4-2.Thomas Coyile 85-11-74 Edgar Stantoni 80-6-74, R. 0..ý Berger 4--7,tied fur secondplace and N. L. Hoyt, jr., camie.next. G. M. lc- Connieil 82-6-76 aiid- S. "S. Holden, 94-18g-76, comipletvd the: list 'of 'prize witneirs. OUR, MISTAKE e Mrs. Thomas Hughies, of the Wii- mette, Golf club, is a real star. She is niew 10 the gamebut swings much like Glenna Collett anid i is only a question of time when she develops a real golf game. Mrs., Hughes said jokingly that she "lias lived in Winnetka six years and rneyer had lier naine ini a paper." It ,s our mistake aiid,,if slie continues to 'play wcll, we cati assure our reâd- ers that lier niane will appear lu our coluii frequecntiy. MRS. GAMBRILL, WINS TITLE Mrs. Richard Ganîibrili, Jr, of Evans- ton, is the wonien' ,s champion of the Il'linois Counitry club. Mrs. Ganîhrifllis 'î>,laying'iiilfin ormn aiid lher tlîree cards > of- 87-819-86, totaling 262, was teii strokes lower than the. caris' of MISS. Ih Wilsey, who fiiiisied seconid. Mrs. C. M . Case finiishied third wiîh 90-94,91, îotaliing 275. Miss Evelyii Folger de- feated Mrs. Charles C. Kawin in a well played twventY-Sevell hole mnatch in thev evenl for those iiol playing in 'the 'chamipionsJiip. 'HÂTE CLEVER H. D. Hate,. of Suniset Ridge, bias a Iclever short gaine and he is also a mioney 'shooter. Playiing in the week-end event Hate liad 38 chips to his creditý and this won for lmi. 1H. W. Mayoýrga, of Evanston, proved to be the besî. 'euIter and bis total of 33 for eigbteeil holes yas nice work. 'A. Pietrowicz wvon the bail sweepstakes. wiîh a' card which read 91-17-74. Mayorga finislied second iii Ibis eveu t and A. L. Good- man, of Hubbard Woods, and J.- P. Ce T. Steel1, of Lake Forest, tied. Sec- ond low net, J. Klemm, Park Ridge; blind bogey, Frank Ha.sker, I st; Ger- aid Parker, t4akeForeýt, second; Cecil Rogers, Minmette, third; Orville St. Peter, . fourth ; Fred Fincb, Evanston, fifth,' and Tom bran, Lqke Forest, si*xth. 1 L. Lisbon 106-25-81 and Bud Beebe 99-18, -81 .îied' for low net- in thie, Wie- land Dairy tourney. S. J. Dumont wus third witb 104-20-84. PIVKWICK EXCELLENT .The, Pickwick, Suburban 'golf course was ýa busy place during the, week-end. The Writer walked over part of the' courseý and we vere, surprised. at the* excellent condition of the fairways and greens. Both courses were, cômfortabiy fîîled and joe Rosemanl said. "thiere had been plentyý of. 'play. during the entire seasoi."ý #1EANEY SHOOTS George I-Ieaney hiad a nice card of 69 at Elmgate recently in company with Mr. and Mrs. TE. Le Riebold.. A highi wind wvas blowing and a 69 unclcr these cou- dition s was1 real golf. Elmgate bas beeti kept busy wth, trade tournam~ents. Ninety girls unider, the direction of Miss Mildred Kline competed in the annual Marshi and Mc- Lennon tournamýi1t and they thorough-ý ly *enjoyed the play and the ditn1er whicb f oliowed. Thirty physicians f rom tbe Ravens- wood bospital association staged a litle tournament 'at EInigate and one of- the caddies said: "Gee, these guys . must 'ail be surgeons f rom the wvay tbey. eut up tbe turf."' Mrs. Frank Lehmani, of Wilmette, has the distinction of shooting the best .card of the year at lmgate and lier' .8-3 was good'golf. WILMETTE GOSSIP .N. Armiai of Chicago and W. E.. Brochon, of l&vanston are ini the fina.1s for the club chan'ipionship aItltie Wil- mette Golf club. Armai defeated G. 1'. pr eject was first plaied Cook Couin- Iv othicials wcrc stili tobe l)ec vinced () the c . c- ) udtl a facility for haîîdI(Iiiîg ' trallic at iitersecti ons. \V'iîhiî recut t vcars, lho\\evcr, a nu muier t af Cilit i i iu ities have i- stald grade secparatioits and found Ibein tb be notiîing less titan tieces-l sities in Jîcaviiy trav-ed regiotis. New, jersey, for iist;tice, is 1laimilig 10 I>uild fifty witlîii a stoe.'s. throwý ere --priz e -winriers. Guess : week. , John Beimonte; low net, 0O Firs idai; Par 3 hoies, George Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Coiweli; 520 and ti >uts . .McCray. ecm- Gregory avenue, wiilI returo this week' ster-J gros C' StaneBrkeY'* wf rom Estes Park, Colo. where they ov ýt* DfyHighiandark, and have been for a rnonth. andt a sîgie eu ana rn. C. S. Clarke, 526) 'Vashington avenue. conceived as an experimiental 1'-0 porary structure hie Demp- Miss Adelaide and Miss Dorothy waukee grade separatioui was Walsh of New York City are visiting ,d int a permanent safety their siser, Mrs. Graham Duffield, at ie-saving device. When the the Kenilworth Inn. UN Il I Il Ray photos T hese thre portrait: by>Eugeneý L. Ray, Ii anto' hoogapher, nere 'acc,,epted for liait, '-'i" i tise reccetii lertational pIîhograPher s exhibit at Cedar Point, O., and wcre selerteid by' e' jndges as anmontg fli finest aon view.. Tizir suibjects are: TOP Ieft-ittle Jalie Vounrgs, dastyhilher of -Mr. ait d Airs. 'H. C. ofugs 4 erlfldd; top rigjht-- Char-les A. "1Vightinan. art patron andi realtor': beIou-Miss Mihfired 1-leariiit. The two attihe right' wvere aw7arded blue >ribos. Bring Safety and Speed to Heavy Traffie By E. E. Duffy At olie 'of the bulsiest highiway 1su- tersections. ini the Chicago ilietro- potitan area automoble traffic ls in fouîr' directions safelv and witlî- out inte rru 1>1101. A trille more thani a mile away is anotiier busy inter- section where on weekends' hundreds and lui dreds of oàrs, somnetijues mi haies 'a mile long, arc licl(l up by 'fic ,first inîtersection is eqt1uipp)edý with a dcprcssed grade Separation w1iich perînits cast anîd Nest bounid traffic on Denîpster strect to proceerd unhlarnpered by the iîortiî and soutlh bound traffic 'passing overhcad' on

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