Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 50

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ý' Roomiý4 Phono Winnetka ýenterSt ETN1-tc For Rent-Glencoe 7 RM. HOUSE. «OOD LOCATION, -3 bedrmns., 1 bath Gon seeond fioor, com- plete bath, lu bamenient, garage. Trans-" portation 3 biks., achool 2,biks.ý Rent $75 month. Ph. Giencoe 1716. MAKE EXTRA MONEY~ RENT ROOMS IN 8 RM., 2 BATH, and 2 smail 'apartment house, one block from business and trans., 2 car garage. $190. Mrs. Clarke, WJimette 3740. 6OLTN18-ltc ATTRACTIVE *M,>ODERtN DUTCH Colonial bouse. 4 blocks froni trans. 3 bedroonis, giazed, porch, ýbrkf.,.rooni; h., w. heat; 1 car garage;ecetoa large idt. Very reasonable !rentai. Phone Winn. 3598. 6OLTN18-ltc 720 INDEN AVE. A comfortable 7 rn. hom with 2 baths, Bun parlor,- screen porch and gavage. Large wooded grounds. $ 125.. Càll University 8383, 6OLTN18-ltic 4 LARGE ROOM HOUSE TO RE N T In Ravýinia. Phone Highliand Park 3889. 6 1 FOR RENT-FURt4. HOUSES 8 RM.' HOUSE FURNISHED, GOOD location, near "L," 6 months or year lease. $90. 706 Linden Ave., Wilmette 1163.61LTN1-ltp FOR REN¶' OCTOBER 1ST COMFORT- able furnished 6 rm. nmodern houseý, hot water beat. $85 per mio. For, ap- pointment eall ownver W'iimetteý 3614. 61LTN18-ltc 62 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WE HAVE A NUMBE R 0F CLIENTS wl'o desire to rent for the comin.g season. If you have any vacancies, kindly get lin touch wlth us at once. R. B. Whitaker Company 841 Elni St. Winnetku, '250 62LTN1Sltc S'MALL MODERN HIOUSE IN -NýEW, Trier district for $100. per '.mo; aduits. W,111 deal ônly -with. owner. B-176 eox 40 Wiimette, Ill. 62LTIS-ltp 7 RM. UNFURNISHED HOUSE BYj responsible people. No agent. Patter- son. 505 Sheridan Rd., Evanston. . Tel. University 3924. 62LTN1S-ltc 63 WTD. TO RENT-FURN. HSES. FURNIS HED 1OUSE Il reT..T S.. 3 (i *iiricK ana si5 * O8£ IIJ., Ju n1110. Riparian priv. 2432 N. Deere Pk. Dr. English Brick: 4 bdrms., 3 ha. Wooded lot. 248 Oakland Dr., Ravinia. Spanish home: 7 rnis., 2 ba. East of Sheridan Rd. 144 Ravine Dr., High- land Pk. Baird',& Warnier 1071 Sgkokie Rldge Drive Bria'rgate 1865 Glenicoe :1554 72L1TN18-1te Qwner, Transferred AND WILL SACRIFICE THIS VERY attractive modern home. It overlpoks àa wooded park, 15 only a biock to school, and 5 blocks to the station. TfheÉe Pare 7 rooms, 4 bedrms., 3 baths; lavatory; ýopen- porch; 2-car garage; hot ivater heat. Has Just been placed, on the market at only $20,000. Act now! QUINLAN & 'TYSON, Ine. 714 Eim St., Winnetka Winnetka 2198 72LTN18-ltc Riparian Homes Present conditions compei 'the sale of se veral of UIl finest 8 to 12 rm. modem bhomes ln Glexicoe, Winnetka, and 11gb- land PYrk. Owners will trade. Phone Briar- gate 1855, or Glencoe 1554; Greenleaf 1855, Holiycourt 1855. l3a -l&iarer PULL CONMMISSION TO BRoKERS 72LTN18-Itc ESTATE. MUST SELL HI-GRADE 10 rm. home, excellent e-ast side location. Wooded lot 100x175, large living and- dining rnis. :Solarium and screenh porcb. 4 large bedrms., 2 tile batlr., 2 inaids rnis., and bath. Oil heat, 2 car garage. First niortgage $21,000. Cali M.Sutton, Real Estate Div. in care of - onti. 111. Bank andl Trust Co. State 9000.> 72LTM18-ltc IN S. E. WINNETKA ON SUNSET Rd. in view of the beautiful Parkway, a new offering of a 6 nm. Colonial. 3 BedYms., Breakfast ijook, heated sUn parlor . and .slplng., pch. 011 heat, large groun -ds, 1 blks, to Sehools an*fI tra. Price -$19,000, or will rent at a reas. ligure. Call Winnetka, 1800. 72LTN18-ltc AMODERN 8 ROOMý HOUSE IN WIN- netka - 4 bedrooi3s and bath on 2nd floor, extra iav. on.*st floor; 2 car garage. Convenien)tlyý located near schools and transportation. Al1so large vacant corner. Wiil seli or trade. Ad- dress B-166, Box 40,WimteIl 86 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLO GOD IVI1NG. ROO'M CHAIRS. SMJALL MA- hogany desk, victrola, fumed oak din- lng rôom set, amal oriental , rug, *vacuumn cleaner, kitchen utensils. Phone Wlnnetka 1596;,add. 1432-As- bury, avenue,. Winfietka. 86LTN18-l.tc se FOR SALEL-MI4scELLANEOUB MOTORBOAT, FOR SALE-16 FT. mahogapy runabout, 4 cyl. Elto niotor upholstered with red leatheir. 'Has steering wheei, plate glass windshleld,. runnlng lights, Ilie prpservers, etc. Has brandl new motorola auto radio. Complete. $325 with al accessorles. Cail Longbeaeh 7443. 8L1-t PORTION FRIDAY SYMPHONY Tickets. Call Gléncoe 204. 88LTN18-1tc 89 Nr rAT o nuy-MIuCg. WANTED TO BUY- WARDROBE trunk. Phone Winnetka 2,130. 89LTN18-1,tp WANTflD TO BUY-LARGE OVER- stuffefi davenport. Phi. Qlencoe 258.1 89LTN18-1te VILLAGE 0F %VIIL31ETTE Notice is bereby 'given that a petition has been tflld wiotli te President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- mette praying that the ordinances of' said Village of Wilmrette,1 commonly cailed Zoning -Ordinances, now, in cf- fect creating districts of different class- es, and regulating aind restricti.ng the uses to wbichbubildings and structures Nwithin sucb districts mnay be devoted, bc amende<1 se as to provide that ahl of th~é lots, pieces and parcels of land hav- ing a frontage on Central Avenue in sal.d Village of Wîlmette anld lying be- tween Tentb and Eleventb Streets, be ncuded in the District in said ordi- nanc e termed "B" Comimerciatl District: That said.petition. wasreferred by order of -tê President, and Board of Trustees of the Village ýof, Wilniette to the ýu- dersigned members of the Zoning Com-ý mission. of Wiimette for hearing, con- sideration, and a !report ýtbereon; Thet a public bearinig on said. petiti on will be held by said Zoning Commission on Friday the lltb day of September at tbe bour 'of 9 o'clock p.m. Chicago Day- ligbt Savings Tume at the Council Chamber in the Village Hall o! Wil- mette, Illinois, at which tinie and place ail persons interested rnay appear and be hieard, touching*said niatter. Zoning Commission of the Village of Wilmette. MlTIJ.i ihIilins nomn, us fnrst exnmot u uluuong, smnce ît .was opened on May l. Prom Timbuctoo, Siam, Malay, japan and a score of strange lands between, a constantly growing stream of pilgrims bas, been pouring into this replica of what wvas Chicago's first permanent building. The original,,faithfully reproduced f rom hand-hewn -log- pallisades to fifteen-star_ flag,. Was built ini 1803 and destroyed following the massacre of the evacuating garrison in 1812. While only a f ew hundred people ever saw the original Fort Dearbomu, more than 1,000 visitors are veiwing thé replica each day. The v'isitors, corne from at least forty-five states in the- ULnion,. the District of Colum- bia, four United - States! territorial possessions and thirty foreign lands, according. to, their signatures ini the fort's register. But .unfortunately everyone does iiot register. The Philippines, Hawa.,ii, the Canal Zone and Alaskaappear among the addresses given. Other addresses -are Russia, -Austria, Czechoslov-akia,. Cuba, 'Canada,, GernianSy, Scotiand. France, New Zealand, Belgiumi, Den- miark, HollanId, Siam, Ukrania, Italy, Mexi *Co, Sou *th Africa, Sweden, Englançi, China, Brazil, Norway, Syria, Greece, Hýungary, India, Ijalay, Ireland, and Egypt. To care for, this constantlvy grow- ing' throng, houirs (turing which, the Fort is open halive, been I exténded fromh 9:30 a. ni. to 10.p. in.,daily and Sunday. .Exposition spa-ce is selling rpdy Among the two latest companies to' contract for space are the Milwaukee and( Pennsylvania railroads. Ilectri- fication of the Nllaukec road inl the' Rocki es, Bitter Roots and Cas- cades, and the history and sccniic.,in.- terest of the. Pennsy1l-ania moadc'sl- right-of-way w ~ill Ibesliovil.at the exposition, !according to rail1road offi- cia-s." Th e Baltimore -anti Ohio, the Tii- nlois Centrai, the Rock Island and the Generai Arnerican ýTank Corpora- tion lpreviousiy contracted for, space. Ail .these. exhibits> will be. in the Tf~avel an dý Tranisport building., >Mrs. F. B. Crossley and dauglter, jean, 602 Washington avenue, have re- turneçi froxrx their cottage at Sister Bay, Wis. where they have spent, the past two moiîths. Mr. Crossiey wvas. there over week-ends. *Or lease Iýj37 Eh» _Ridge Dr., -Glencoe. 9 rmis., 3 tule baths; recr. m. ; well planned. Ga- rage for 2 motors. Lot app. 100x- 160. Call Mrs. Dldr1ksen, Greenl. 1855, Hollyct. 1955;- or 1071 SIkokie Ridge Dr. Briargate 1865, Olencoe. 1855. * Baird & Warner, aird &' Warner 071, Skokie ]Ridge Dr. , 1865 Glencoe 1&54 84LTN189-1tc ,vOe U 1J1sainmatter.W 3 n 6 U 16U AMB R ULL& Myles J. Phillips Wm>. J. Weldon Andrew J. MouatC U CeIL K l Arthur C. Youngbere SM0 N.'Western Ave., Chicago Hienry Fowler Oppogite Roseli Ue9tran, . Mern6çrs of, Wilmette Plan 'Tel. ýLongbeach 116.1 ree bookiet Commiuion.Also opp.ý Oakwoods & Mt. Hope ent. LiT-Etc Loop office: 228 N. LaSaJIes$t. t i - ~ j? i

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