Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 42

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--just on. morel Homne of Col. R., H. MORSE Knollwood Country- Club, Lake Forest. Chairinon of, board Fair- banks. Morse Cà., Archifecês Zimmerman, Sas. & Ziîmmerman. Heating confractors Mohrang& Haànson Co. Equipp.cI witfi two' Sufent Automatic 011 Surners for heatingý bouse and domestic hot water. Ask V. A. Svnltlv Phone Greenloaf 0700 SILENT AUTOMATIC Show Room 1620 Sherman Avçq.. Evansion Greenleef 0100. Main Office 900 Linden, Winnetim Winn.tkà 650 Highland Park 4141 .CARDINAL LOBELIAS The, showy .cardinal is. a» wild. na-. tive, mighfy useful, in the wild .gar- dens, among ftle wild borders, in the ravines, ini the*bog garden or ln the nafural f imbers. This cardinal lobelia growýs. wild along ditches and in. creek botfoms, or in1 any river or lake. lowlands, but if seeks these locationsnof particu- larly for the moisture, but rather, wve f hink, for ýthe acid soul. So if you have a sfretfch of green in the gaIrdens, anywhere, and you want a botd fouch 'of color f0 liven if up ifl the sumnmer monfhs, just dig in; some roffed. wood or in sorne other w'ay-add to the acidify of a few. po ckef s and plant fhe cardinals. Durinig the blooniing season, from *July to October, the lobelias will thrive along fthe dried up creek beds, where during earl.y spring fhev were etitirely under wafer. They have a hardlife in the wilds, hlowever, espe- cially siiîce the mnosquito abafers have opened up theponids and creeks and* d1itches so thaf the spring rains go off, wifh a rush, f earing ouf the plants in one place and covering fhem up in another. This rapid drain-off menaces not -I onythe Nvild flowers, but- also 'the tfibèrs 'aildA the bird life. The more we drain the forest preserves, thé more we must water our lawns and the more we must plant the cardinal lobelia. and other wild plants in our own gardens. * THE RAPID CULTIVÂTOR This liff le garden tool has been a vailable in the hardware fool racks, for quife, some fime, but if is as necessary fo* the gardener' as the hatchet is to the carpenfer. In the* firsf place, in case. ail pres- ent do not know « iusf whaf we are falking about, let us explain that the tolresembles a mi 'niature' pifchfork wif h eitber three or four tines, bent at righf angles almost in Ilhe middle. It is handled somnew«hat -the samne as a lioe, the difference being that in- sfead of striking the ground, you jusf drag the cultivafor toward you and the angle of the fines makes hnienter the ground very easily, 50 you drag it foward you somewhat as. you would. a rake. In. the flower ,beds, by .handling the cultivator likea hoe, the ground may* be' kept loose to t he> desired. depth' wifhout cutfing s0 many roof s as a hioe would do. LTnder the bushes and along the hedges, the iitt le. culfivafor will .go anywvhere a caf can go and leaves the soul more' level than a iioe or fork or spade. The tines are sfurdy and vou need flot fear f0 book themn in packed ground' and pry with the handle as m. uch as you may. need. On the Iawns whiere ,thé top soul 'has bec.omeý crustéd f rom waftering and, you wish f0 loosen, if up f0 let in the air anidwater, the:cultivator wvill go deeper, more .easily and will root-up very litile of the grass as» the ti.les are wide eniough to. let the roots slide thrôugh.. If ýyou have a lawn in which the wild grasses or fail grasses a re bothering, the cultivator will pull ouf much of the coarser gtass and leave the finer domestic grasses remain. Cal! Ivergreens Plant A ristocracy There are 50 niany interesfing groups of evergreens, and such a wide range of forms, foliage textures and color ef- fecf s, if is little wonder that thée vr-, ereens are cailed the "Aristocraf s of the Plant %Vorld." -Evergreens add such a fereling of securify and conifort when, planted about the foundation of the: home; the ftait, narrow growers are bold exclamnatory points in the back- ground; the larget- types devcop, int o beauti fui lawn specinens-in facf, there is a suifable type, of evergreen- for every purpose. No part. of thle grounids is quite. so ffleas:ingly adapted to the, Use of er-. greens as the doorwav entrance. Nar- row columinar varieties te accent the, architectural lines, with lower growers g-rouped about their hases-what could make a moe picturesque and' inviting ertrance? ýWhen planning the fouindation plant- ing'of evergreens. remlember te choose varieties that are suited to theirloa tion. The mediunt--and dwarf growers are besf under windows and in simi.. lar places. The tati, varieties are ýmost 1)leasiflzat the corners and -along the f oundation wv1here there ae no windows.. ýWhere a'cliiped hede is required, the richness of evýergrIeenis'is without, equal. Such living watts of green re- main attractive throughout ail seasons (f the year. Remember, too. that the brighf colors of a flower border are -never so captivating as when evergreens iorm the background. Keep the birds in mmmd when you M pan vour evergreen plantings. These feathered visitors will reward you, with happy songs if yeu provide a sheltered nook for them, with a bird bath and feeding, stand. The evergenswl make this a vear-'round sanctuary for the hirdsg.-.Charles: Fiore Nurseries. dlreatsýhow if, happens. We had Hr ete just as Most, of the.,va- riefies were coming. into .bloo'm, se that. where fjiey were not watered, only a. portion of the buds developed and bloomied. Then. before if, was f oo late, we had rains and the re- maining buds cam~e along and opened up into a second bloom whiich looks quite well in the. gardens, although if is not good enough for cuttinoe. vur our and Material Company Phone Wilmèt te 999 CHARLES FlORE NURSERIES4 Office-49 Prairie Avenue-Highwood< Phone Highland Park 523 Nursery. Prairie View Phone Libertyville 629-R-I Seasonable Garden Notes Dy J. R. Foole Create That Dream Gjarden 3640 Lake Ave. -1

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