tie on the Oak Brook Polo club's No. 3 field.: Although neyer headed throughott the match, the Fort Sheridan quartet wab ser.iously threatened on tvwô occasions. In the second and, tifth chukkers .Oak Brook edrew up: within a goal of the leaders. In the lat ter instance,, howevvet, th' army teamn answered, the, challenge- by cutting loose with six. goals in the final three periods while' holding their oppon ents to four. Defensive .or of a highly spec-, M an knock-out. instyle', mileage anivalue New Improved standard 00 D Y.EA R ALL-'WEATHER4 st4as, wime t.. i). INCVU s ail- round. playing was also in evidence. Paul Butler and Barney- Balding of Oak Brook annexed three goals apiece, and their work, along with thiat of Tex Crites, stood( out bril- iantly. Playin the 'Oak Brook Cups.tour- nament, a nion-handicap event limited to *powerful high goal. teains, started at Oak' Brook Tuesda3, with the Ris- ing Sun and Du Page County teams paired against each other.. Fort, Sheridan, the O'ther entry., drew a "ilniette flattery & Eleetrir Servite 740 Twelfth St. Wilimette 691-696 [ Tough as..- they make: 'cm! HEAVY DUTY' Goodyear Pathfinder, the guests of Mr. and Hedrick of Kenilworth ai wvhere tliey are staying ward, Ais. 1. 4rs. Edwin the lodge near .Hay-. Mr. and Mrs, julian C. Smnithi and son, ýjulian, Jr., 1170.Michigan avenue, returned this week f rom their sununier home at Red ,Ceder lake, Wris., wherc they have spent ,the sumnier. P'hone Superlor 9880 Annountce the Opeànnpofe Thel? . . .NEW ENTACE .. . Directly of£ the New Wabash Ave. Bridge, *Just*North of River First Two Hours......i Two toTwelve Hours ......5m Lowest Labor:,Day Prices you ve ever seen!1 H IGHESI quality Goodyears in history. ~lWe'l show you the extra value you get at no extra price because Goodyear Pfljoys lowest costs through build-' ing MILLIONS MORE tires each year. La test Improi'ed LIFETIME GUARANTEED GO0O0D YE AR PATHFINDER Supertwist Cord Tires WJLMFTTF DATTERYI & ELECTRJC .SUEVICE. 740 Twelfth, Str eet Wlet 9.9 & T 740 Twelfth Street Wilmette 691-696 I i Minette. 691-696