More, SILENT AUTOMATIC oil burners' were boiught during 1930 than the sumn total of its two nearest1 competitors, and of the entire sales 25%o were SILEINTS. To quote another leader in the public Imid, "Such pppularity mnust be deserved.-" Show . oom 14me Sherman Ave. Evanston Greenleal 0100) Wlnnetka 160 migbIland Pairk 4141. Thle tbree ternis of the past year have been largely attended, morei than twelve hundred residents of Chicago and suburbs having been en- rolled for complete or partial courses. The cafeteria supper. provided' by the institute for thosewho corne-directly from employVment to the.evening ses- sions has proven a real and econom- ical convenience. *The general course, requiring two years for, resident students in the day. school, can be completeti by èvening school students .in- four ,years %,ithot interfering with daytime employtnieft.* Witb.out -tuition expense, Bible stu- dents in ,the Chicago, area may ýfit themselves in this school for more cffective service as Suntiay sczho.cil department 1superintendents .an d teachers, music directors, lay. preach - ers, and other positions of Christian, CHINESETIE Are you going to buy any given braftd'of tires just be- cause Jones buys them? That is the true Chinese spirit. N AMEICAN IE Buy the ,tires YOUR judgment tells you are the best. Examine the :brands .you are favorable to inside, and -out. Compare the proven -records of each brand. Compare the. policy of the manu- 'n thinking. Buy the tells you are the best. say was flot directly sponsoread y thle Sea Scout movement,'*-as accomplished in two canoes equipped to sail. It lasted three and a haîf days and was for them. a not-to-be-forgotten adventurie, which they themselves recount-as ' los "-dAt 12:ý35 on Sunday, A ugust 23, thé Tally-Ho and the Wil-Bob, two canoes equipped.with sailianti enough supplies aboard to last their crew-Charlès Tay- lor anti 1-ugh Carrington on'the Tally- Ho and Robert, Hall ,and, Harry Cotseres on the Wil-Bob-over Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, andWednesday forenoon set forth with. objective no farther than Zion City, about- nine miles north of, ýWaukegan. We planneti to camp on the beach just. where' niglit "Sunday afternoon on a run free be- fore north wie matie excellent time andi reached Great Lakes harbor at 4:30, just four hours after leaving homne. WVe campeti there' Sunday inight and early Mondav morning.set sailinorth. Again a f ree -bef ore run and we reached Wau- kegan in an hour or so. We continti along the beach to Zion. We campeti there for dininer while two of the crewv, Taylor anti Hall, visited the Great City wvhich.isaboùut a. mileifromf the beach. "We ptU ut on rom ion about 2 o'clock and sj~ about n aîf mile off shore the _iP0 carried jaivay a brace on the mnast. Ve. put in for about two hours for. repair. We had a light breeze.f rom the, north. The breeze change Ito, a gt rong northeast; and . carried- us to -a point just north of Great Lakes. "Here the mast snapped off oii the WNilBob an~d, as the water was getting rough, we put in to shore, NWe camipeti here Monday night and Tuestiay morti- ing, and, as it was still rougit. we 'portagedi thec equipnient to the Great Lakes harbor about a distance~ of one mile. 'ruesday .afternoon vas, spent %vatching the activities at Great' Lakes. Tuesday niglit we campet at the saine' location'as on Su-nday n ight. Wediies- day morning we started for home with thé object of our trip comapletcd and prospects of getting home. -as sched- uled. There wvas still a northéast wind, anti tlle lake.%vas, still rough. Starting at 9 oclock, we reacheti WilmeIte atý 2o'oc. NEERCOSDSaes-" I J E [Service EVËECLOSED Wllmet. ~ 721 MAIN STREET, Wilmette, Illinois A. . Va iin The Misses Elizabeth Ronan, Phyllis Fuermann, 'andi Mary andi Fannie Brown of W'ilmette spent last weec at Battle Creek andi Bay City, Mich. -- Charles Rossetter Stamni of, Aurora is the guest of his :aunt, Mrs., Albert G.~ ~~ Frs .f509 Central avenue, ti week. I