Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 33

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play therrraiy Iascinamîmlg garncs ot childhood. Watchiïg, themn from his study %Vindow on the second floor of his home Nvas the Children's Poet, Eugene Field, %Nho wvas born Septernher 3, 1850. This lot ivas called the Waller lot and the thirty-six* verses of "The Delect- able Ballad of the Waller 1Lot" begin- "UP 1vojder in Bitena IPar,1 There i: a farnous spot In. feugend and i history Y'clept:tlie Wle u ANill bring -memories to many -grown- up children. This tall slender mnan wvas a familiar. figure ini Chicago f rom the -time he came tu Chicago in :1883 to his earlv <eat h inu1895. He %vas a wvhiînsica1 character' and-an inveterate joker. In1 bis Auto Analysis he savs. "If I hadp in%, wv. I should inake the abuise of horses. (10gS. and cattle a penal offense; i I should abolish ail dog-Iaws and dog-.9 catchers, and 1 Nvould punish severelv cverybodv who caught and caged.-birds. i I dislike ail -exercise. and I play ail games very indifferently. I love toi read inh bd: The Chicago Hlistorical societprizes a collection of Eugene Field- material sent by the poçt's iife to the>.society. Th;is inîcludes the chair > and mojst of the furnishings used in the corner where hé did his work., Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thelen of. 225 Fifteenth street are spending theirtwo' weeks' vacation with Mr.ý Thelen' par- ents itiRock ford., arranged for cars to take the guests to'the clubhouse.. The lirst enterprise of the \Vil mette league for the faîl will be a st4l4ir course of four lectures giveni by Louise Leonard WVright (Mrs. Q(uincy' Wright) on the subject of international relations. Thefirst lec- ture will. be on. Moniday, September 28.' In' the last lecture, at the .Wom-ý an 's clul),' Mrg.'Wright will speak on "'Chances for the' 1932 Disarmameént Conference in 1932." Mrs. Shelby Singleton is chairman of the committee on international co- operation in the Wilme ,tte ,league. .thichi arranged for the course. -Mrs. Wright is wvell known in iiVi- mette. Her mother isý Mrs. Hierbert G. Leonard who wvas the first president of the Woman's, club of WVil.nuctte.' R>er father, the late -Herbert G. Leon*- ard, ivas pastor of the First Metho- (ljst church ini Wilmette. .Mrs.I Wright, editor of the Voter and president of the Cook County Leag'ue of Women Voters, is a voung and brilliant womnan, weil qualified to talk, onin iternaàtionial subjects. Slie has traveled widelv and lias attenýded the Inistitute of Pacific~ Relations (al, c ountries bordering on the Pacific). Her hushand.is. an authority in polit- ical science at the University of Chi- cago.. Miss Margaret Uerdman of Mon- treal, Quebec,, Canada, is spending a fortnight witb her sister, MNrs. C., R. McNiell, 818 Prairie avenue.~ 0F FINE ARTS A school with a imited enroilment and'a care- fully selected fadculty, of weIl known artists n experienced educators giving dvuI instruc- lion in restricted classes. FINE AND COMMERCIAL. ART, FULLY ACCREDITED Fait ýScholopens So4ptember st h EveniigSchool, ýW.dnesdayi September 9th Saturday School, Sèpep.ibr t2th CarIson Building Iower 636 Church Street, Evansfon * * *REGISTER NOW,' For Fail and Winter Actiite AT THE NEW' EVANSTON 'Y. M. C. A Completely'Equipped for EVANSTON Y. M. C. A. Grove s&met at Maple Ave. Te&. Geea«f 7»0 Basketball-VolleybalI Swimming *Gentlemuen: pieuse ftdmeIformation about privileges for- * M EN D BOYS * DWOMEN [3 GIRLSI - I Q BUSINiESS MlEN'8 CLUB *Name........... ....... .............. 1............ ........8 *Addrs.................. ........ ........ à- ,Greenleaf ,167+

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