Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 32

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Boy Scouts Win Honor iFirst Period of Camp The 10towing awards we~reý eannied by the Scouts :of the Northu Shore Area counicii (iuring the htireperiod at.,Camip Ma-Ka-j a-Wanib is summiier: 'Wilmnette-Troop) 2: Silver aîd Gold palm, Jailes Baker; Mn badges, iJaésBaker,. rcading. wotrin Stephenl Brooks, reptile s-tudy, T1roop 3: Menit badges, Bill Lehie. camping, couk- -ffIt--fuoneerning Craig Stoddand, canipm-. ing, pioneern'g ; Mark toddard, camip- -ing, 1piCniig. 'hîip 7 : Ment badges, john lr ,e,îodu Niigvoodwork; Tndiop 8: Menit hadges, John DLernieh.i, canpentry. reptile îtudy. Tnoop 10: Menit badiges. Richard Hatigsfless, sig- lnaling, swiviramig;Lick Steeni, canioe- inig. Troop 12: Menit badges, Victor, 'Joyce, camping, cooking. Winuetkans Gain Awardi - .. . \inueka-roop14:Menit'badges, MINlvColemancanoeing, Iflesa ing, sw%,imintg ; Tom tLarsen, If e saving. Troop 17: Secon)id Chass, Bob) Cele. Troojý,18: Life Scout, Mablion Sharp; Menit badges, Penny -Crawford, bird study,, bugliing, camping, pathfinding; Robent Davis,, bird study, bugiing, camp- ing, cooking; Ja mes- 1Lvonis,' canoeuîg; Charles Meichier,ý- woodcarving, wood- wvoking;Maion Sharp, athletics, if e Gtencoe-Troop *22: Second Clas.s, Dick Cushmnan, Lenov Fisher, Bob) Ci- sen, Frank Stannifrd; Finst Class, Janies Mitchell'; Star, Warren I3ettcher, Lewis Leprnan; Menit badges, Warren Bett- cher, camping, eathercrait, .pionéering, swimmiiing ; ewis, Lepinan, camping; Girodon Matthews, hf e saving, pioneer- ing, swiiiniimg,; James Mitchîell, svIîr- mîng; Bob Moul tonl, ugi, camping, ioneeing; David R obents, .reptile study; Ralph Stoetzei, first aid, iand(i-. craf t, swimming; Fred WVoleben,- ath- letîcs,, swlmming. Highland Parks Honored Highland Park-Troop 30: SecondI Class, George Clark, Duane CpCd Pfanstiehl, Bill Scimidley; First Chass, Harry Eaton, Lee Gatewood, Council A nnounces New Regist rations During the past wveek one Cub, one Scout, two Sea Scouts and one, tnoop have 'registered in> the North Shore Area council. John Butler is the. new Cub in.Pack 42 of HighWood ; Scout Fred Baker joined Troop 10 of Wil- mette,.: and. Motley Bryant, Who ivas .f ormerilY registered as a Scout in Troop 23 of Glencoe, registered.in the- Glen- coc, Sea Scout Ship 21. Gordon Keliey- is transferring f rom Troop 46 of Lake Forest toô Ship 62 of Lake Forest., Ivanhoe School -in Ivanhoe. II., is the sponsoring institution for the new 'f roop, 81. ýL. H. Dietz is Chairmati of the . 'I'oop committee with, R. F.. Don- fier, Clark A. Dun and Herbent Chami- l)erlin, acting as members. William H. Browder is, the Scoutmaster with Ray- miond Gnosvenor the:Assistant Scout-ý master. l'he Scouts who negistered with this Troop'are John Shields, William Myer, Kenneth Grosvenor, Leroy and Donald Donfler, Robent 'Dietz, Mýelvini Chapibérlin and Anthony l3ehni Takes.His Officiai Oath- Whileý Using- Scout Sign Scouts and leaders were etated and lotbers w~ere mystified recently when newspapens at Pittsburgh, Pa., pub- lishied pictunes sbowipg John M. Phil- lips bein.ig swonn in as, Pittsburgh's new councilman. In the pictures- Mn. Piillips is shown with bis right hand raised but with three fingeis uprighit and together, the thumub resting on the nai of the Iittte finger. A reporter iooked into the matter and tearned that it wvas. the Scott sigti used by Boy Scouts'the wvor1d over when taking the Scout, oath.. He informned the- readers 'thàt Councilman PhitIlips has long ben inter-ested in the Boy Scout movemfent, having _organized one of, the>,finstý Boy Scout troops in, Pittsburgh, :and is a mleml)er' of the National ýExecutive board of the Boy Scouts of Amenica. Scouts A re Honored at Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan Tfhe following, awards- were earnied by- the Scoutsý of the N.orth Shore Area counicil 4uring the. secônd pcriod at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wanthis* summ er., NN'jijetteTrqop 1 :Second ..Ctass, Phiiip Samuelson; Menit badges. Bill Grhieli, canoeing, hlf e saving.. Troop. 2: -Second Class, Frank Randal,; Menît b)adges, Jimi Donahue",. canioeing,; John Stredter, if e saving. Troop 3.: Second Olass, Bol) Mac«Morran, «Marshall Peter- son; First Class,' Rayfiond. Peterson,_ Ernest Sechaper; Abralhamin incoin niedal, Hlarrison Storms ; Meit badges, B3ill MacMorran, Ieathercraft, tife sav- ing; jeromre Nevinis, .forestny,.phiotogr-a- phiv;. Marshal Peterson, personal, health ; Ravmoiid.l>eterson. -.persd 1nal heath; Ernest Schaper, camping, lea- thercraft, pioneeriing. > Nlore of \Vilnette-TIroop 4: Second Class, Eliner Stone; First Ciass, Roh- ert Edmonds; Menit badgecs, Bill Leie, first aid, public health -,' El7mer Stone, leathercraft. Troop 8: Second Class, Bill Ha.rvey; Menît badges, john Dar- nei, bird study;ý Gordon Wells, per- sonal health., Troop: Il: Seconid Class,' Tad Harvey, Bob Rich. Troop 12: Menit badges, Edwvard Joyce, 11f e sav- ing. Kenilwarth Recognized Kenilworth-Troop 13: Mernt bad- ges, Paul Cornell, canoeing, iif e sav- ing; jack '-Iowe, canoeing; Defrees Holmes, camnpidg, signaling; Robert Hôlmnes, if e saving; Hugli Peterson, pensonal heaithi. Win'ùîtka-Troop 14: First Class, Frankli n Mundock; Ment badges,. LFranklini Murdock, carpentny. Troop 17:- Finst Ciass, Hobant Ogdeni, Kenneth R;ýhn; .'Merit badges, Hobart Ogden, hif e: saving; Bob, Radline, swimmiing; Donald Rai, first aid, personai heatth, public heath; Kenneth ,Rahiu, lf e sav- ing,,public health, swiimming. Troop 18: Second Class, Jack Kidd; Eagle, Perry Crawford, Bob Davis; Menit badges, Penny Crawford, teathercraft; Robent Medal Awaiting. Sea Scout Who Went With Byrd Sea Scout Paul A. Sipie of Erie, Fa., youngestmîî of theBrdAnarctic expedition,- basI)een awarded a gohd medat commemorative of bis Service In. the anarctic. The awVard is nmade, liy Charles F. Adains, secretary of the Navy, in compliance wiffth an> act of Conigréss. The presentation to Sipie vill l)e made in the iearý future bv Rear, Admirai Richard. E. Byrd. Siple is one of sixty-five %who o" iit receive the gold medai presented -to. express the: high admiration in, whîch Congress and the Amerùéan1 people h.old their hieroic and undainted services Î!i connection with thé scîctîtihec investiga- tions, and e xtraordinary acnial exploits in the atiarctîc contîîîeiit under htie pe r- sonal direction of Rez.r Admirai Rich- Sipie vas an active. partjcipant i mfany. of the important activities at Little America. In addition 'te the dailv dutties . common to -ail miembers of. thé expedîtioQn,ý lie developed great resource- fulness and skill as a-traînier and driver of~~~ ~~ d1 eas lews entrusted h Admirai Byrd wiîth. the. making c f, sounldings through the bay ice, %vith thle stucly, collection, preparatiom'and e- envation of biological specimens. .and %vith other scientifié activ-ities including the wvriting of the biological secetion oft the expedition's officiai report. *Silver and bronze miedals wcre awarded sixteen other iieijibers of, the crew.. Troop .31: Menit badges,. George' Gaid-, zik, camnping-; Bob White, cam.njpingpli- oneeiingà; 'Walter Wiiland, car pentny, %woodwoVrking. Troop ý32: Second -Class, Fred . Goldeni, David jenkins; Mèniït b adges, Bob Riddle, personai heéalth. Troop 33: Mfent. badges, Bill Bniggs, leathiercraft; Larry ,B iggslathteties, first aid, public heath. Tnoop 34; Sec- ond Class, Anders H7ustvedt; Menit. badges; Robent Geary, leathiercraft, tif e saving, personai bealth, swimmning; James Cuffy, astrononhy, photography; -- . - - ... ', -11-. . . . . . .'>VIII.. . è;' ,b -"" viLbe>cy, ir lU. m : irst uass, jay la -sO : son, if e saving ; KerwN%,i Smith, leather- 77: Second Class, Chantes Fenwich; camping, leathercraf t; Frank Ronaàn, Merit badges, Jay Alianson, bird study, craf t, swinrming. Troop 34: Finst Ctass, Finst Ctass, Robent ,Oison; Menit leathercraft, tif e saving, personal canoeing. Trroop 72: Finst Class, Robent Geany, David Innian; Menit badges, Stanley Degnes, pensonal health, lealth; Jini Rutiedge,, canoeing, leathcr- Chartes Chemenson; Menit badges, badges, Fred Johnson, athletics, lîfe Robent Oison, swimming;* Melvini craf t, ti f e saving, personal health ; Jin David Morris, finst aid, pubic heahîh; saving, swinuing; Dick -NcManus, ath- Rouse, camping, cooking;'. Stanley Rutlegcnenlahnca ,tfeRseiPocton, llnst aid, pubic health. letics. Rouse, camping, cooking pioneeing; saving, personal le alth, woodwonking; Outside councihs-M e ri t badges, Fort Sheridal-'Tnoop*,67 Second EdwnSatp1oalhat. - i YsRKQ<ife saving, .swimmuing. Gere"y, sn~Y.

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