tick er Sox ; sortmenit of small' on4ýj-checks-plaids. choeidaysà. 1 ern Cors elettes ePried4 $394" [ettes and girdies of lso Iight and soft ansiparent-yet it is N r heavier niateriais. fI#eUA <OR Y)S-Second Floor Mattress Proper, Restf1 Sleep Fiurniture Floor-the Entire Third Iooking1 cztheadý A NAnniversar 1y is. to some an occa- sion to. look backwards ...to others, to look ahead. This: store con- stantly is looking ahead. anticipating public*.wants and making itself ready, through advance preparations,1 to lead the way in- Meeting new requirements. Now we are looking âhead to the!begin-- ning of LORD'S Golden Anniversary Sale .. . a great store-,wide event ... and the ENTIRE STORE is in complete readines *.Every department participates.- Thelre: will'be splendid assortments of new, sea-.. sonable merchandise for wome, for men, for children and for the home. The VALUES are REMARKABLE!