Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 21

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ThIe jmusýical. program oi'September 1>l-ude-"Pra;yer" (Jocelvin) ..Godai'd So1o-"Seel< Ye the ILord".....Lyn,,s ,Mr. Otis Offetor-'lIw Bightly Shineis the Mori-nlg Star" s Bach Pntue-'Tostlude in B Fl.at". West Edwar-d Otis, bas$ Er-nia Rounds, pianist The Wonian'sý society will 'hoid its firStimeeting of the Fall season Tues- (lay, September' 8, begzinn'ing, with -sew- ing in. the morhing under the direction of Spokes 6 and 12. Lunicheon at noon, serviýd by Spoke 1, fol1oôved byr an In- ter-est ing pr*ogramin n the a fternoon. Mr-s. Ralph A-. »lice w%,lII lead the devotional. service. Mrýs._ Stanley M. Il.eter-sofl ~il adilres.s the society,. her topie being. "Siaiin." Au>dal jniati n' is extenddt alIi !lember-s of the church aInd:con- grega^tion and their frienids., Reserva- t foi-S forthe luncfieon slould reach your Sp<,ké chairmin :ot later thaii AMonday. If flot a mienber of, a. Spoke notify Mi-s. liarthfolornew, '%Vil. 1887. The puipit fiowers will be furnished dur-ing the iiolth *of Septeinber Iby Spoke 9 Sunlday., Septenber 6, the tloweis wiil be given by Ms.Walter hanî~ii memor-y of her mnother.. First Congre gational, John . Hindiey, ininister J. -Clai~r .!Jeâçe. irector of religious éducation, 10 .a.mi. Chureh school. Prirnary and Junior departhients. Il a.nm. LUnited service in MWilinette 1Balt!8t churceh, Prof. Frank J. ýMeKib- Iben, preaching. The Re\% J. G. H-indley, pastor of 'the Firýst Co.4ngrýegationai church of M-il- mette, and sons, Kenneth and Douglas, hiave rieturned after spending two meeks t)tiing thr-ough Ontario, Quiebec, -Newv Methodisi C hure/z The pastor- will be in the pipit iiext Smnday morniins- and iili preach on a theme in keeping with the deeper sig- niÉfcanec of Labor Day. Trexiii . be no sess1in of the Church schooi Sunday morning, September 6. The regular wor*k of, the Church'-school ýwill be resumned September 13, at 9 :30. Coopera tion on, the part of ail our -nem- ber-S d frien.ds will mlake of' this a grealt "'e-beginning." The ohfiai b)oard wiii hoid its flrist Acaclemfy of 1Fine Arts Opens Term September 8 The Evanston Academiy of Fine Arts,' in thue Carlson building at 636 Church street, Evanston, announces the open- ing of its fall schools on the folloiving dates. Fall school, Tuesday, September .8; evening school., Wednesday, September 9; Saturday school,, September 12. Fine and commercial art are fully ac- creditcd. at the school,. it is explained, where a selected faculty of well know%ýn artists. and experienced educatoirs give individual instruction ini restricted classes. TO ýCELEBRATE BIRTHDAY On Thursday, September 3, W. A.ý Moulton' of 235 -Raleigh road, Kenil- wvorth, will entertain some Chicago friends at golf and dinner at the Illi- nois Golf club,. the ,occasion being the celebration-of his birthday. Mr. and, rs. . D. Tillson an d daughter, Susanne, of Evaniston are abroad for six weeks. Mr. Tilison is making the trip in the interest of the World's fair and will attend the Inter- national Illumination conference at CÇambridge, England., Mrs. Tihiso'n was Agnes Flentye of Wilmette. Mrs. flollis Gleason, '910 Chestnut avenue, and ber sister, MINrs. Roy G. Rennacker, 585 Arbor. Vitae road in Winnetka. have returned f rom New- port. .R. I., where they visited another sister, Mrs. John Farrior, for two weeks. Mr.. and Mrs. W.T S. Moore, 531 Washington avenue, are leaving today to motor to Detroit, where they will attend the International Motor Boàt races. From there they will drive to, Toledo, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh,.re- turning ini about three weeks. Mrs. Edward J. Freiberg and daugh- ters, Carolyn and Violet-, of- 510 Lin- dert, avenue,- have returned f rom a motor trip in northern Wisconsin and a visit ý%tith Mrs. Freiberg's brother, Dr. F. J.Patira,- at Trout lake. Form mthe Regal Adornment for This. Eugenue Version of the SQUARýE-CROWN D ERIBY Coq feath.rs add a touch of elegance and distinction to the. Fafl at, whether they swoop from the crown, frail over the shoeaMer or swiM ecross th. clwok. This graoeful trimmi foucb is anl important featur. of many models in our colIec- tion, priced from $4.50 to $1 2.50. 4 ilhinery Salon-Second Ploor WIEBOLDT'S.- EVIANSTON, Davis Street FIRST FLOOR Tel. phonos: aIreenleaf .7200; Wilmetfe 724 &~crd,1511 Chicago (Yhoderne 505 Main ri c aVAdSTO- Wilmette 1.100-

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