Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 20

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rhe AIIeys wiII Ope n Soon Announcement Later IMr. and Mrs. R. E. Baker and family of 205 Fif teeîîth street are v'a- cationing at Papoose lake, Vs GROUND GRIPPER ,SHOES, et a 18W ed uced prices for, the ~ . openng of school Ne. Pilou~#ecfle Start thcm off in Littie. Gripésta *ensure foot health in liter life. Littie: Children's Tan and Grippers embody THREE VITAl Blück Oxfo rds PRINCIPLES: SnenS%8to S.. .LO 1. The Flexible Arch. Sies, 11% te 2I..*5.00 ý2, The Straight Inner Lin.. Misses and wro wing 5irls 3. ml omfrte os Sites 2% to 8s......s.. Amle 7o6fo1t5 ti. SIIOP JEvaston iopwGREENLEAF.6181. Savungs on Quality -6M-E AT S ~t.III. V 1I~L ~VI ~AUt~ Trinlty v I ermon. V Choie l fDelilosly tf Pet R.ast Coc Tender 20c b P"e Eective Fniday end Stwdoy, September 4 end 5 AIOS.CENTRAL AVENUE 1189 WlIWE£TTE AYZNUE Also Ce V- ww s m . gi s- rmacy, 636 Church i-».,E pnston, Gre. 3316 STREET .':ab a.m. Suncia sct>ool. and ~il claszses. Il a.m. Second service and sermon. Sermnon : 'When the Sun and the Nfoon stood Stijl." (Joshua 10, 12-14.) MEETINGS Thursday at 2 :.M._Ladies' Aid and Thursday at 1:45.parn.: Senior Y. P. S. and Walther league. FPriday at 7 :45 p.m.: Junior Y. P. S. and Walther lea.gue. The eLadies'Aid and 'Missionatry SO- ciety ivilI -have its 'first mieeýting after the summier interniisýsion on Thursda'y afternooh next at, 2 'oç. At tliis meeting the' fail and winter plans of the organization %vill-be presented. Al miembers-shouil be present.* The annual flally Day in, the intere.st of the Sunday. School will be held Sunday inorning, Selitemnber 20. After a service in the Sunday ýsuhpoolI i wliivh theý proinotions ivili take place andthe FalDays .,Are, Facial Days APTER exposure to MONTHS of summer sur YOUR skin .and HAIR need attention FOR they are PARCHED and -dry. DRY, poorly nourîsbed SKIN which bas LOST ifs elasticity WINKLES most easily. HAIR Iacks lustre AND glint. OUR f acials restore LIFE to your skin., OUJR pecial 0oL TREATMENTS. bring 'back. THE beauty. to your NNIR. Why.no+ DROP in? anflual service ln whicn a s-peciai et- fort is made in the interest of h'î and foreign missions. Contribution eni- velopes for this day wlll be mailed to) every communicant miember, and it is- expected that the members ivill attend both theimorning and-the evening serv- ice. A more detalled anno>uncement onij the services wil1 foliow. St. John's extends a cordial invittii to everyone to attend its services, Par-, ticulariy to those Who have no church affiliation whatever. The visitor will al- wayý-sflnd a welcome at thfs church. Baptist Church wîlmnette ani Forest avenues *Gleorge D. AllIt1on, pastor *"A Church that Cares"' Sunday, Septeniber 6, *111 mark tii. close of a successful series of 1U'ni*ol services 'between this church and the First eongregatlonal ..hurch. The pul- pit Nvill he occul)ie d b Prof. FÉrank -1. McKîbenof N6rth western univ-ersity. The ser.viees ii giatio'.c. SundLay, Scptember 13, ive reýsu ie on regular Iprggani o ctvtestrogh ont. the'-Chnrch and school, einn t 9 :30 o'clock. g . t .The Nursery dcpartmient foi, children:j 2 and 3 years. of ageL., the Beginners' departnient. ages 4 and. 5, and the Pri- mnar y departmnent, ages 6, 7 ànd Ç, wijI mneet iii Children's hall.. The Junior departmenit includes boys and girls (), 10 and il years (4th, 5th and 6th grades) and the Interniediate departmnent boys and girls. 12 and 13, years. (7th and Sth grades). The Senior and Aduit depatmneniýlts will meet in the church auditoriumi. At Il o'clock the session of the Church school wiii becinerged with the niorning worship of the church. At this service the -Lord's supper wili be observecl. During, the sermnon-timie an extended prograin for the Beginners and Pri- mary boys and girlg wIll -be held in Children's hall.. The Young .Peopie's soci1ety mili ho(all its fiï'st meéeting of the faîl on Sep- temnber là, at é6'oltloclc' Wednesday, Septemnber 9, the Board of Religious Edttçation memnbers,- Churcb sehool officers anid heads of ciepart.- Ments will mneet in the Guild room at ., o'clock. This is a very important mieet- ing and a one hundred percent attend- ance Is requested. hehd

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