As tbis goes ýto. press, the Summiier Vacation Reading club at the WV*- mette Public library bas: corne to a s'uccessful and tiumpat lse 0w hundred and seven Wilnette boys and, girls have, spent: a part.of their timne this suiumer se rching for treasures, hidden in books, and of the nuniber, ninety bave sqccessfully found at:- least temi treasur'es, entitling themi to a certificate as a 'meniber of the, Reading club. There' were three group.s of cluW inenbers, a nd three separate lists ,of l)ookS-to read. Special bonor and on-j gratulation 'should be given to four of the club -nernbers whô read ail of the books on ail tbree lists-a total of 106 books. They are: jean Gordon, Aliia, Haake,, Paul Haake, and Ger- aid Spinner. These boys and girls hiave been good readers for sorne tinie, but the readiing that they bave dlone this suimmer has opened for thern new bhorizons of book enjoy- luenlt. Honorable Mention Honorable mentionrt tust.,be given. to fourteen ineMbers who. read- ail o? the books onthr own speciaIliist, and began reading books on an ad- ditionai list. Thev are: Lorraine Beecher, Annabelle Brown, Nadine present to Meet their fellow club meinbers. The exact date of the re- ception wilI be announced later. Earn Cetificates Thue following club. members will i)e awarded their certificates: Vivian Abrahamns, . gry Anne Ar- thur, 'Lorraine 'Beecher, Elizabeth Behles, NancyBercaw, Janet. Bertrani, Heen. Born, Annabelle, Brown, Nadine BrwGeorge Colitoràé Gladys Daistroni, Virginla, Dalstrom, Betty Dodds, Nan- cy Durgin, Dorothy *Edwards, Theodore Field, Norman Fi' fer. Polly Flynn. Shirley Garnies, Jean. Gordon, Alicia H-aake, Charles Haake, Paul Haake, Doris Jean, Hargis, Richa.rd Harper, Richard Hlooker., Ellen Jones, Howard- JoncsQ, Jacqueline Katz, Imogeile Kauf- i-n,, Martha Leach, .Mary Janet Lerch, Arnme Lipsch, Eleanor 'Lipsch., Riandoiph. McCandishi, Catherine Me- Daniel, F r a n c i s McDanielI,. Rosa- niond ,MeMillan, .Bo b M a tt he*ws, Majorie. Meaker, Nadine Meaker, Louis .Melchior, Ruth Mestjiafi, Joseph Meyer, Louise Meyer, Yvonne Meyer, Rose Ma- rie Wiî,~iiiamn Moody, Jeanne Moný- eau, Mary , Margarét Mordoif. Barbara Ollen, Virginia, Oison, Mar- garet PaUlson, Caroline Peej<ei, Marie Peifer, Jane Vernberthy, Prisclla Pol- lock, Jea~n Robertson, Patricla Rogers, Betty . Schaefer, V1rg1i1ia 6chaefer, George Schwali, Heken Schwall, John Seddon, Chai-les Spinneîr, Genald Spin- iuer, Julia -Staekel, Ruth Sutherland, jack Sweeney. janmes Thale, Ray Treon, Janice Van Inwagen, Donald Vogt, Merle Vogt. Hariene Ward, Luec'ille Watson, Berke- ley Weakiey, Ellene Weakley,. Hug1h Welter, MNarjorie Wood. Laurel Ih!anch Biliy Chister ,on, Betty Claire El- lis, Paul Ericson, Betty Jane Ericson, Adrienne Kaývanalgh, Betty Jane Pose, Byrýon Towle, Janet Whitehead, Lois 1Mr. and Mrs. now rnaking. tbeir ment at 911 Was anston. Mrs. Bar marriage in june, ley of wilnîétte. in Barlow are M rs. .(C. Kingsley of 529 Curninor ie ini an apart- Toad, returned to Kenilworth last Sat- n avenue, IEv- urday f rom her sunirnr home at Co- xas, before ber nesus lake near Geneseo, N. Y. The MataCross- two boys,. George and James, motored borne earlier. COLLEGE ~JIRL'S ARDRO BEl PEARSON'S'MARK - Ridge Avenue, WiIrntte Phones -WHilnette 2800-2801-152 Buy it here. for less This Store ýWilI Be Closed Labor Day j BUTTÉR, Brick or Bulk, 2f lb............. ..35 EGGS,Strictly Freah, 0 dozen ý........ 0 COMPLEE Coat- Dress- .Dress- LUXURIOUSLY FUR TRIMMED MONOTONE TWEED IN. TH E NEW'PRINCESS'$ILHOU. ETTE. FOR CAMPUS WEAR-SEVERAL- STYLES IN LIGHT WEIGHT WOOLS COPIED FROM. PATOU AND LELONG. FOR SEMI.FORMAL WEAR-SVEL STYLES IN SATIN OR FLAT. CREPE. When it cornes frorn "Pearaon'W» it's the. best W. Douiver to Wilmette, Konilworxtli, Wlnnetka, Hubbaad Woods, GlenCoe %a* uA ma Nà *g wf'Nu Juniors and Girls Wear Wimtt.e 11le8 WILMETTE, AVENUE WLET 1 WILMEYTE 312 50 $67,-