'le Alleys will Open Soon Announcement Later Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher of 716 Cen-- tral avenue, has returned f rom a monthi's trip to Alaska and Portland, Res'tock YVýour Pantry, y he Vocation Seam s o lolngshoode WilI b. r« oen d cooler wath*r bringua dear momefood. Nowiv-sha, tlmoisto1retock youw pain4r forlailin..ds. ANot oly. heRins., lied ble, but evuy - Item i n ow Food ,StIo uoff ered en un ée day .oney savng bats. VIiit our »èrststre-tiIs week end end ru"oc Swit's Suivrle.l-Curton or Tub 1F O Anuerican Hein.- Pinéapple Apricots Pý U Hawaiien Slk.d CaoAuia in or Cruhd HlasIW"G L No. 21/j 5 3 cans 55c Baconle mirrcll'pu.16c ars c.o'ic. i5c H ein Ketchup RpeTma. o* boe1.8c Quaker Oats Reuocul àr 02 ;:oo 1 7c Kitchen Klenzer H-D11, . con 5C Gl1u. fRibbou Malt HjFItea'Ofd lsi:.4 American Famiy Ly 10 bon 54c For That Final Outing Crosby Jam a a Strowb.rry or Raspberry-Made with Apple Pectin Buvy a 1/2 Dozen Jars at ibis Low Price Campbe.Isllr.3Rd 4cans25c. With Tomato Sa4uce woi Dy JNLA. vviiiim i LHdiora au Mrs. Hferbert Bartling. The duplicate ganies, held ýlast year at the residence of Mrs. Carter, 1426 Forest avenue, Wilmnette. will be .held in the Frenfi-room of the Georgian hotel. Fvanston,. every .Friday morning begitnninig October 2, ýit is stated. As the ea;son advances competitive gamies will be h eld at both the Georgi- an and Edgewater Beach hôtels. OPEN LABOR DAY. To .accommodate holidayv isitors vhose numnbers. are expected to run îinto. thousands, -Field Museuni' of Natural History will 'rernain open, to the public :ail day Monday,. Septeni- ber 7,- Labor Day, during the usual visitiing hours from 9 a. m. to 6 P. ni., it' was announced this' week by. Stephen C. Suniis, 'director of :the ,institution. oM .rs. . Ruseli Johnson andMrs Thomas. L. D. Hall. wvere delegates- from the ýVilrnette auxiliarv, Post 46j 1 Amnerican -legion, w~ho attended thc 'Aimrican J,:egion cotnveîitkm in Peoria Sunday, Monday, and Tuies- (lay. Mrs. Janies Backuts also wen.t. withltheni I PENSION INVESTMENT BOND Guaranteed Principal Interest New and Second Hand &Gift Shop 1155 Wilnette Avenue, I M mil Naine (Mr., Mrs. or Miss). ... . . . . . . 1. . . . . . .Address ................... Date 6f Blrth ......... Phone................... Jjeckwitt-Gjaloping uowp. Birminghan-Fed Up. Bower-Dark Horse. Cather-Shadows on the Rock. Cronin-ýHatter's Castie. Greene-Name of Action. jacobs-Snug Harbour. janieson-Silhouette of Mary Aiin. LeMay-Gunsiàht .Pass. Lichtenberger-Trott a nd Hi§ Little, Sister. Lincoin-AlI Alongshore. Marshall-Fathier Malachy's Miracle. Mundy-Jimgrim. Oppenheimi-Simple- Peter Cradd. Raynolds-Brother . ini the -We st. Scoggins-House of Darkness. S3teen-They That Go Down in Ships. Strong-The Garden. Suckovw-Chil.dren and Older People., Non-Fiction Crawford-Healthy-minded Child. Royce-.-Pliilosophv of I.oyalty. Amies-Jntroducion to Beautv. H.art-Pigs in Clover. MIoodie-Roughiug it inteBuh Aýdaîis-Otir Buisinless Civil izatioii. Drury-Dining in Chicago. Ferr'ero--XVo(mein tf the Caesýars. *Strachey-Portra*t's iiin iature. Washington-'Merry-go-rounid,' Vollard-Degas. Duclaux-iÀfe ot Racine. HiERE FOR WEDDING Mrs. Hl. C. Dîickson of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Ella Diucan' (of Ponica City. QkIa. have gonie home after a visit with Mr. aiid'Mrs.E . Duncail, 1225 Wrood -court. They, were guests at flhe wedding of 'MisJean Dunicain lst week. *Mi. aind Mrs. C. J. Rockcastle 0; Abbottsford road, Kýeiilw-orth bave returned froni a thrcee weeks, nIomtor trip thirough .thie east and -Caniada. ,Pds Elective hd6V.ed Seturt rSeptembw Mb and 5tm