in Packard Car Coincident with its announcemerit of the new model Packards, the acces sory departmenit of the Packard Motor Car company announced, and is no\v dis- tributing, an interesting.fmotor car ac- .,cessory. It is. a device throughi which the engine' is automaically cranked, wvhen the ignition key is turned on. T1he device does awvay With the nes- sity for using the conventional start- ing pedal in the floor -or a starting but- ton où * the dash. Trhe ignition. key acts also as a. switch to 6pérate the electric starting motor.. As long as the key re- mains turned on the starting iotor. will, operateý at any time the, engine :shouild for any reason stail. As soonî as the en1gine starts the starting motorauto- matically is thrown out 'of gear and: stops. No other movementý is required' of the'drivýer than itiùrning the ignition keyv when ready, to: start. driving his car. Trhe devicee is neo entireIS-'new but until the completion of recent develop- ment work was not considered suffi- *ciently trouble proof for use on auto- m'iobil es. Before being adopted as a Packard *accessory the automatic starting equip- * ment was subjected to a most unusual, test. An engine on which the device had been installed was operated over a period, autoniatically starting and stop- ping. Packard research engineers said that without a single miss the engine started automatically and instantly 100,- 000 times during& the tes,-t. They esti- Chevrolet at $2,500; That Was Baek in '13 A standard Chevrolet passenger car listing at $2,500! That message,,if heralded f rom bill-. boards or- the advertising' pages oi neéspapers today, would cause consid- erable wonderment and, speculation aniong the millions of present Chevro-. let, owners.. Yet' it wvas a mnore or less f amiliar sight back, in, 1913, when the company. was getting inito- its second year of operation, and actually priced' onie model at' that figure, the hi ghest at which a standard Chevrolet bas-ever, This 1913 car,: an anciént prospectus ýýays, . had 'an, average . road weight of 3,700. pounds Iess passenigers, and a wheelbase, of .120 inclies. With its 2ýlearning. brass headlampsand its tour-, ing-type body, niounted high above the Nývheels,, it bore hlttle resemblance either ini size, or appearance to the modern ouitput of the compau1y..,1 North Shore Chevrolet Sales, inc.,- at 611 Main sireét, Wilniette, are lo- cal distributors. Fifteen methods whereby registra-, tion fees on passenger cars are coin- puted are employed ini the forty-eiglit states, and the District' of. Columbia. Railroads in 1930 .carried 3,330,000 carloads of automotive f reight, accord- ing to the Chicago Motor club. Eatlrely New and SPEEDIWAY: Supertws Cord Tires, 30, x4.50-21 $4 28 x-475:-19 * 5.68 29::5. 00- 19. 5099 30x~3k 3*1 uall L ýCAREFULLY MOUNTED, FRKZ= WiLMiETTrE BATTERY &ELECTRIC SERVICE 740 Twelfth Street ~u nnll IIs Easy to Oi'm. A Good Used'Packard $354 Down, $49. MOthly Buys Packard 526, 6-cyl. Phaeton, 5-Pass. 'A classy sport. car. $513, Down, $72 Monthly Boys Packard Std. 8, 633, Club Sedan, 5 Pass. A choice purchase. Bob 'n' Mac Main St. at Linden, Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334I 611 MAIN eT PIONE.(- Wi LME-TTE. W L.44 4 PACKARD'MOTOR CAR~ COMPANY OFCHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBAR» WOODS Winnetka 3070 Greenl'eaf 4030 I. Wilmnette 691.69