* z *oe r CHU IRC H S. Tueý HUIB j *1 v N a. .1 The New Siop for Women not only affrdù helatword i saroil r fection-dresses, suitsb sportBswear and coats icriminatingly cliosen from nait that is ne.w-hut presents tlxem in keeping witk the modern trendi to economy. In every case, the cfuality of the *arment is. far above its mo-le8t markin. Sherman and Churcli- Evanston T he Hub, CMicaa £14nnoun ces 4e <9e'goa N I "-t -N Indviual Sliop ..for\Vomen andc-1 ises at th4e Corner of Sherman, and Chrcl, Evanstrn, Auut»29t OUR new Individual Sliop for Women and Misses, whiicI openls Saturclay ia gala event, ià a modermn 8hop ... designed and created for modern *women, to fu1fill modern needs and desires. It is inthuate, restful, and alto- .4ethlerclarmnin4.