Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 34

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isome time in, the- *Manns Rainho * Sea Food ýTavern Chicago': Newest and. Smnartes,' Restaurant 73 East Lake Street, A ste>- or Iwo off 'Michigag A ve, We Feature Fruilicoursé Luncheon 60C Rainbo Dnner .. 100 DeLuxe Diner . .1.50 Ladies' Lunch, Bridge or Dinner Parties particularly solicited, CIosed .Sundays a nd Holidays Telephone Central 7479 SO1OT HE S EYES AFTER OUT DOOR SPOI RTS 1 This ïs the last cnaracteristic utter- ance of one Who in bis brief career reaped the rewards and penalties of work donc in the mode of yesterday. Harrison came of age with the birtli of this century, his. first novel, "Queed", 'appeared in. 1911, the year of. "Jennie Gerhardt" and "Hilda Lesswaysà." But for a certain time- liniess of sceiie and costume it might have been done a generation: earlier. 4s, large audience, liked it none the worse for b.eing odfshoe.A vast number of Victorians were ex- tant then, and a great number stili survive. Harriscqn was a yo ung bachelor and then a *n older, bache- lor whc' believed in, romantjc love, virtue, woman. There are- always grateful hearers for any one Who writes ardently and simply and, if you will, sentimentally, of comnmon things. "The Good Hope" is afantasy of mortal frustration and fuilfiliment, ii, the vein,1 though nlot iii the style, of one of Dickens' Christmas stories, "The Chimes" or "The Haunted Mian." It is. on about that scale, a nrovelette' or a long short storv . It has a stroiig moral,.a wistful "love iinterest,"t an d a ghostly motive to1 re- move, it . from. the commonplace and humdruni. It is a. fit tablet to.- thée tnemory of one whv1o retained' in our age of "-carv adolescence the iresli heart of a child. The preface, by one of iHarnison's friends, John Stewart Brvan, is a tribute to his character and talent.and especia-IIv to his .pow- er of inspiring others. One sentence,. or part of a sentence, niight well s tand as his epitaph : ".- . His life, like a diviner's rod, revealed to those WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Tbe unfold, slory of Washingfon Sociëfy, Polificiens, and- Polifics. $3.00 Mirrors of 1932 .. * ~2.5O parWk .and ýs WI TH IRISH LITERATI . Arthur Train lias retumrnedtothis, country, from a tour of the British Isies. with the opinion that thé iitérary figures of Ireland compose as brilliant an, intellectual company as can be f ound a nywhere. He dified in Dublin *ith, Yeats, Walter' Starkie, Lennox Rob- inison and the.others, and came awvay with the impression that while Yeats is still God, Walter Starkie is high priest of Irish letters. .Mr. Train bas j gone to Bar Harbor. J mountai ns. That President'* Hoover's action in bringing bu h a ebtmorator- ilum Iwill. someday be regarded as "one of, the most reffarkable, things ever done by a single m-an," i s the. opinion of the German professor, Dr. Ludwig Muller,. expressed i.n a recent letter to. *Dr. Theodore Koch, flibrarian ait North-* western university. Writing f rom Germany wvhere he: is director of the Normal Scbool at Barmen, Dr. Muller, who was an ex- -risis Our Reut ai Plan. is Easy. 1724 Orrington Avenue Evaston> Orrvoi tênEntai ia. never uia a sïtuation similar to, this. How and when shall this end? ,"Mr. Hoover's great action in spite ofail the present distress wilI live one day in bistor.y as one of the mnost r e- maikable things ever done by a -single *mn, He-,bas shownù that the world is stilli ableof an act of generosity.". rENDURANCE. By Commander f Erank Worsley. Cape-Smith. * "Endurance," by Commander Frank iWorsley is a straight-forward narra- tiveý of the unbelievably thnilling ex- *periences of Sir Ernest Shackleton and bisparty intheir desperate> struggle to Lsafety across sea and ice when ýtheir ship was crushed.in the Antarctic. It's t.probably a more -vivid and smashing Saga of the south pole than anything Shackleton could, write for Worsley, skipper of the Endurance, was Sha ck- leton's closest f niend and-told of their icy batties, with death witb a f reedom that- Shackleton, a modest herô, couldn't or wouldn't write about himself.. 'The boat journey to South Georgia by, Shackleton, Worsley and others, across one of the most treacherous stretches of saIt -water on this old earth, to get. help for thie rest, of the party left behindon Elephant island, is truly an epic of polar adventure. The hair raising trip across the. gla- ciers and mountain peaks of. South Gèbrgia 1by Shackleton, Worsley and a companion, and their slide down a mountain side to safety and aidat a1 whaling station also is a super thriller. The. story. of the, rescue af the En- durance cre'w has been told again and again, but neyer with miore authenticity, vigor and human interest. The "goed oldJ skipper," as Shackleton ca-1Ikd hm, is1 also a 4'good old reporter." He remem-'l bers the incidents that the average Per- . son enjoys hearing about and he tells : theni with such enthiisiasm and good humnor that, perhaps entirely uncon- .sciously, hé does a really fine piece of wniting. York: E. P. Dutton and company. "In order for the world to recover a normal rhythm, it is necessary for industrialists 'and farmers to per- suade themiselves to produce ini pro- portion to the consumers they have. and flot for those they iould like.to have." Thus our author-daughter o f a* great criminologiet, Wife of the great bistorian, ]Ferrero-strikes ber keynote. She tells usý that mnankind lived, in the handicraft age; now, in the age of mass podc ion;itnly exists; its faculties, senses, its very hurnanity, dulleci and brutalized by mechanization. In briefshe joins with Spengler, Austin Freeman, Rus- kmn,and the rest of the Gloomy Phul- osophers who, regarding the, forces let loose by James Watt. beat their breasts, crying Woe! X\oe! She pieads for decentralization, a returi tosmall scale production,. fab-i-cating goods for.a, known local market.* and revitalizing themi with the personal- jty of the maker and the, spirit of craftsmanship. She is 1prepared, however,' to admit a certain.armount of modern chernistry and electric powér into ber remodeled world, and would hlot brànd as criminal a'man who carrnes a watch. as did Samuel Butler in "Erewhom." With al the certainties of'the Nevv Era economics collapsing about us' today, there is a good deal to be said for 'Madame Lomnbroso's thecsis. At any twjie there i.s much to bel said for indutstrial decentralization. Muller Hails Debt Plan as Historie Act, SOT loup CD#CAO A

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