Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 10

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mass meetings ont tl covenionU~, AiAs address to deal with 'the cburch and its world-wicle scope. Bishop Stewart, Mrs. Stewart and their son, George, who are abroad with' Mrs. Francis T. A. Junkin's party, motoring f rom Rotterdam to Bayreuth for the Wagner festival and going on to Karlsbad, ,expe>ct to return to. Ev- anston Sept. 2. Mr. and rs., R.,,A. M cNeéil IÙàve returned f romi their: four weeks' Wed-' dinÉ trip to Europe and are spending the nionth of' August at'the home. of Mr., Mc Neil's parents ii Glencoe. They Ianded in Quebec, Canada, and visited Mr., and Mrs. McNeil at their summer home in Ma ine, after which they motored hone. the Afternoon 'Bridge. club of Ken-, ilworth" met on Tuesday, August 11, with Mrs. Rufuùs Stolp, 336 Warwick road, Kenilworth. never va- I Earl Mbss, Jr., of 316 Cumnor road, Ilef t Kenilworthi on Sunday, August I9, to spend a' week ini Austin with bis gandparents. tl!F A KODW Iey-s Il for RÉ e ie P'rese Methodist Church The higli attendance record stili çon- tinues at the churcli serVice, The con-, gregation, of last Sunday moved Up to- ward the three hundred mark. Part of thfs Increase lu due to the visitation ot theological* students from Garrett Biblie- aiIntitute. Twenty-five of 'them cème to share In the service. The -pastor will hé In the pulpit next Sunaypreaching on the .theme, 'Being Fully ÂwakÏe."1 The preachber for the next two Sundays wiil be Dr. William D.1 Schermerhorzi. ,.He ls a familiar'figure in the life of this churchand community. This' *111 be bis laut appearance. In Wilmette for the' better part of a_ year as lie lu start-, iiig on a frtp around the world, being one of two mon selected to make a study of the hlstory of thie natIve churchecs. The organist for next Sunday wIvll be Mr. F'risbie, formerly heaid of the organ departn>ent of Wyoming -unlversity. Hé% Flm and Indigestion Disappeara C.mtra-lau.t. Vesups PLmsWIhntt. 28 mad 29 105 112 PýiRCipTrioN ( p 'cIsîou t.uDe OpTICIANs LA$Si WABASH 18 S. LA SALLE 78 EL JACKSON DLVD. 1648 OREINGT01NAVL-EVANSTON ber-. Jean, Harold, and Carl Keith, Jr., of 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, with Bert Moritz, left Thursday, August 6, to spend, a f ew days ini Wisconsin.- They wil bring home Trom Keith, who has been .away for several weelcs., Presbyterian Chuirch Wonian's Club Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street Church office: Staté Bank building Telephone, Wilmette 64 and 688 A cordial welcome to ail, to the serv- ices -of this chuirci. Sunday, August 16, 11 a., m. the Rev. John A. McAfée, pastor, Westminster Presbyterlani churcli, Topeka, Kan., will conduct the. services and preach. the serrnon. The follo*ing Sunday , Augue-t 23, the RkeV~. Jerome 19. Webber pastor. P'irst Preibyterian chuirch, Jamestowfl. N*. D., wlll supply the p1ulitt. Sundày school at 9:30 a. m. Classes for ail, ages. I f yeur chiîdren are not at- tending Sunday school we inNvite you to enroli tbem here. The musical progrAm for Aug ust 16:- Prélude --"The Engulfed Cathdral".. .~~~Mr. Karhu euy Solo-"1 Consider and Hear M"... .... ....... . .. .... ... Pfluegel' Mrs. Reeder Offertory-"MaY Night" ......Palmgren Postlude "Marche Militaire», .. . . . . . . . 1. :.. Schubert Esther Reeder., Contralto Edwin Karhu, Planîst Caýls for service of an.y kind, includîng pastoral service, can be furnished at ail, times by ýcommunicating with the chürclh secireta!ry, or W. G. Colvin, 70à, ElYwaod ,avenue. St. A ugustine9sý Sunday, August 16, will be the eleventh Sunday after. Trinity. There will bie Holy Communion at '8 a. m, and Morn- ing Praye'r and address at il a. m. Baiitist .Church WVilmette and Forest avenues George D. Allisofl, n-inister *"A Churcli that Cares" *Union,' services between the First Con- gregationai church alid this church will be ýheld. for the next four Sundays' in the ;Baptist édifice. On August 16., the Rev. :John G. Hlindley, ýpastor of theý WlIlmette Congregational church, will preach. Miss .L]ydia ICochli will be the organiist for these services, whi.ch begin at il Ô'eloek.PearlI-Hoosecontralto., will be the solist next Suriay The Church school prograrn will open Sunday, September 13. A meeting of the Boar~d of Religious Education 45 fu Plat 39e SoId Ouïr at. Stores Rexali Milk ofMagneoia counteracts acid stomach, the, cause of mu-h îindi- g eat i o n. Tho-aands de- penid upon this ry'ing relief. Cleans the Teeth! Neuxtralizes,- Moutli Acide!

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