Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 53

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1. an FR INSI J.>VL5.LU1, lài building I, occupancy INVITED 56LTN1î273tp THE BE ST KEPT UP APARTMENTS ON THIE NORTH. SHJORE LINDEN MANOR 19111Mrrili St. HUBBARD WOODS 3-4-5 rooms with coiored tule bath rooms Reasonable rent. H. W. CLARIS Winnetka 338.0 980 Lindeni Ave. 56LTN14-Ite 3-ROOM APARTMENT SNEW BOAL BLDG. ' SOUTH -AND 1EAST EXPOSURE ELEeTRIC REFRIGERATION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SMITH> & GOSS, hic. .7.25 Elm St. Winnetka 142. 56LTN14-lte 6 ROOM APARTIMENT OVERLOOKING PARK AND NEAR New Trier Higli School. Electrie re- frigeration. Modern building. $90.00. FRED'K B.THOMAS & ÇO.ý 74.3 Elm St. Winnetka 2850 56LTN14-ltc FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartruents, 1, 2 and 4 rooms. Cen- trally located. Ph. Wilrnette 2399. ý 56LTNI-tfc- 57 FOR UCNT--FURNIBHED Arn. LARGE. 2 RM. FURN. KLTCJIEN- ette apt. wlth open porcli, elect. 1ce box and fan. Gas,, Ught, heat furn., $50 a rnontb. 1021 Central Ave. Pb. Wlmette 2791. S7LTN'14-ltc s WANTEO TO REP4T-APARTMENTS YOUNG COUPLE WOULD SHARE Sapt, or house. Must have private bath. Garage apt. migbt suit. Er-, ceptional references. Write B-135, Box 4q,' WllImette, Ill. S8LTN14lto SMAL NFURN. APT. IN GO location. Bedroom essential. Tel. Glen- coe 464. qS5LTN14-Itc 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES .3 R 0O-M COTTAGE FOR RENT, Phone Wflmèette, 2509. 6OLTN14-.tp QUALITY WINNETKA Modern brick; 3 bedrms., 2 baths; cornpleteiy edecorated ..... $125.00 F'arrn bouse type, large yard, horney arrangement, with xnaid'à rmn. andt bath on first- floor, 4 bedrmns., 2 batbs on .3econd........ ...... 150.00 E n g sh brick, fine condition tbroughout, 3 bedrms., slp. -por., 2 tiled bathe, canopied open por. 011 heat, attacb. gar., good loca- tion for schools & trans ....... 175.00 White brick,. new; good location; 4~ bedrms.,' 3 batbs; bot' water oul heat; attach.ý gar ......... 225.00 GLENCOE Cozy- attractive - white clap- board, Cape Cod type, 3 bed-rmsn., 2 baths ........ ........... .115.00 Modern white brick, brown shut- tors; 4 bedrins., 2 baths; vapor. oil heat: 2 car attaech. gar.'avail- able now........... -.........150.00 Modern grey shingle; large corner lot; 4 bedrms., 2 baths tiled; 2-car attacb. ga'r., near, achool ....... 175.00. HIGHLAND PARK Thmee, mile view over golf course and Skokie. New C olonial white brick; 3 bedrms-4., slp. por., Z1 baths; 2-car attach. gar. The kind not often offered for rent $150.00 The lake, the vlew, .and a bouse that is different; Engligb brick; studio living roomi, library with firepi.. din. rm., breakfst i.,, kitchen, 4 bodroorna, 2 dressing. nus.. 3 baths ............... .. 200. 00 View of the lake, brick bouse, 4 bedrirle., 2 baths (with showems), on second. 2 bodrms., 1 biath on 3rd. Hot water oh bheat . . ý. . ..225.00 QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St., Winnetka Wlnn. 2198 - *. 6OLTN14-ltc 5 rms. brick. 1 c.g., Northbmook .... $ 40 6 rms. (new)H.A.H., 1 c.g. Northbrk. 45 7 rms. 1 b., 1 c.g. Highland Park- . 7 rmis. H.W.H., 1 c.g., Wlmtte.. 85 6 rms. 2nd fi. duplex, htd., Winn.. 90 6 rms. 1-.W.H.<,oUl)1 c.g., W..... 105 6 rms. brk.,2bs.,2.g.(o.h.)Wînn.... 125' $ rms. brk., 3bs.,2c.g.(o.b.>Winn.. . 150 10 rms., brk.,3bs.,2c.g.(o.h)Wînn.... 200 10 mms.new brk.;3bs.,2c.g.(o..)Winn. 250 Furnished and uÙfurnished houses and apartunents., B. H.BARNETT. Room .4 526, Center St, Phono Wlninetka 965 6OLTN14-ltc COMPLETE LIST 0F FURNISHED and unfurnisbed bornes and apart- monts on North Shore. M'is. Fuller, 1618 Chicago Ave., Êvanston, Green- *y*'. ;>W * aAAMO. Other rentajs $65 to $500. FRANCES J. WINSCOTT 902 Spruce St. Wlnnetka 1267 6OLTN14-1t* j'; S2 thsfine large wooded, lot,- iir. lak e and trans., was $25,000; re-J luced to $17500; your own termns, or 1'~vi~ rent. 720 Linden Ave. Uni.,8383 Il.FOR172.. 6RNIUHE 4HOUSE IN S. E. WINN. JUST A SHORT DIS- tance to beach, trans.,. and schools. A very lovely borne to enit, furnished, or u nfurnished, having. 5 bedrins.>, 2. tueè baths, htd.. sunrin., oh bheat. Beau- tiful. landscaped grounds at a very easonable ental. Cali Wiflnetka 1801. 61LTN14-ltc CHARMING, FURNISHED HOMIE, -5 -drm., ..baths, large. sen. porcb, on beautiful :street ln east Kenllwortb. $30a mo. Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce St. . Winnetk4 1267 61LTN14-ltc WINNETKA. 7 ROOM HOUSE, NEAR schools. Garage. Available Sept. 1. Phono Lake Forest 2027 or wfhte Look Box 384, Lake Forest. 61LT14-ltp sa WANTED TO RENT-kOUSEU List Your Homie With Us IF YOU WANT TO RENT OR SgLL we can find a buyer or a desirable tenant, promptly. We'll be glad to send a representative if you. cail our offices. H[kasD & ,Jen~lih 930 Spanish Ct. Wlbnetteý 2920 $MALL FAMILY WANTS TO RENT bouse or bungalow. 5 or 6 roohis, pre- ferably 5. State full particulars, aIse size of lot, etc. Write B-131, Box 40,ý Wilmette, 111. 62LTN1-ltp OCTOBER 1ST, 6 OR 7 ROOMS WIT}1 garage, east of Northwesterni rail- way. Write B-134, Box 40, Wilrniette, Ili. 62Ll4-lte 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE ln Wilmette. -3 ln familY. Occupancy Augtust 15 to Sept. 1. Write B-129. Box DEMAND FOR GOOD MHOUSES TO RENT. WB would appreciate hx'ving you lust your bouse wlth us. QUINLA N & .TYSON, lmc,_ 74 Elm ,St., Winnetka w inn. zLwÇ 62LTN14-2tc' IWANT TO RENT 6 OR 7 ROOII house, Wilrnette or North Shore, 1 or 2 year lease with option to buy durlng terrtn at 'price set now. WiiI pay uz> to $100:monatb. 1 chIld grow..011,heae preferred. Beat of ref. Address B-130. Box 40, 'Wllmette, Iii. 62L14-ltp WILMETTE. SHERIDAN ROAD AT CENTRAL, AVEN4UE 9 rm., 4 ba., fireproof home nr. the, lake. park,,bathingbeach, transp. and sebla. There are. 4 master bedrrns., and 3 tMe bas. on the 2nd fir.; 2. sorvant'u rms. and ba. on the 3rd 'fir. served with.,a back stairway froin the kit- chen ýhall; a ýcbarming sun rrn. w1th open peb. which, overlooks beau. lawns; brkfst. rm. and butlerlaupan- try - 2 car gâr. - hw'. gaéi ea. Thi bouse ia conhtructed wlth steel frame- work, solid masonry walls; tii. roof; tile ahd concret. between flrs.-the best Possible home construction. Own- er offers for .$10,000 less than this bouse cost hlmi 3 years ago. * BILLS- REALTY, INC. 1649 Sberidan iRd' Wilmette. 3740 72LTN14-ltc WHERE ; . SURROUNDINGS garage. Prlced to seil. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. .714 EIm St., Winnetka WInn, 2199 72LTN14-lte NEW WINNETKA HOME Just completed and landscaped, Normjan- dy brick, 9 Mis., 3 baths, 0o1l heat, 2 cer attd. garage, with bal! acre grouud in fine location. At very low price and amail amount cash. -You can mnove right in. FRED'K B.THOMAS & CO. 743 Elm St. Winnetka 2850 - ~72îI1LT14l.fi DI ay-m - r E. EU: -I III' aTwiesday 1 !

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