THIS STORE~ WILL BE OPEN SATURDAYS DURING AUGUST UNTIL 6 P. M. Tke Au.gust Sals re Gol1den Oprunts Aorý Mr n r.and-MssconsUmr LooCk Back f Can you ever reýmember prices as low a sl91s Auust. :.Look Forward,.. to shopping- todayAugs Sale money-savinmg values! The Tkree Big Sales. For. August: SHQES *every, pair of children'S, m ss )wom.en. s and 'P shoes in this store redueed during the month of Auguât. TYPICAL VALUES Young Moderne" black patent leather one,ýstrap. Cut-out trim. Very sm2art. Ouly ... $7.29 Field Spedfied Men's black oxfords ... excdlicntly made ... rcduccd now to .... $5.85 lsi EToor FURN.ITURE * .evrypiceoffurnitrei hs store isise cialypriced for thé,ugtSae.Gad valuoe T.HIS ONE IS TYPICAL. A 3..piece bedroom suite, in maple or mahoany... Led, dresser and chest. ... $6575 Individual pioces may Le bought separately. Inquire about, Our extended paymen: plau. 5t1. Foor Soaps and Bath SaIts e *Wash e..Damask Tableclotha and Na Kitçhen Furniture . *Irish P - - oe *-Puy,5 an~AaI4 v Uuh. rnUfI5istng e Men.s White Jacquard Broadéloth S hirts... Perfumes, e Kid and Doesin Gloves... Photograph Frames and Framing ns . . . White and GoId Dinnerware, . . . Pickard China e. tand Zion Net Curtains. . Drapery anid Upholotery, Fabries