No.16 .On SOIe Thursday!, Nothinq Like t. ai the prie in Chicago or Evansfoni- Ifs à $150 Quali1y 3 -PIECE Butt W4lrzut Veneer Oak Drawver Construction Dustproof Interiors - - Choice of Vanity or Dreser $5Down Balance Mont h y saml, Carrying Charge BDRooM 0f Q enuine Butt 'W a,,lnuýt' You will agree that ther. hasn't been a furniture value lic, this beo rel Think of iti A ful"size bre, roomy chest of drawýers and large'48-inch dresser With Vene- fian mirror. Handsome figured Oriental walnut veneers witb genuine butt walnuf venéers. If would sell else- where as high as $150 . .. special at our Wonderboff price on Thursdaoy . and Friday, i any remain. af Furniture-Third FloI nasrt Room FROCKS, Sma-rt prints and dainfy solid color frocks . .0 with or withouf accompanying jackets . . . in silks and #avored Summr fabrics. tavoreqI colori No? every style in ail sizes, of course. Faskion-righf, tkrifty shoppers will rejoice in tbf. ouf standing opporfunity to buy as they savel 4»arel Sho>s-Second Ploor SUIES