Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 17

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bo particular mine, anld he was desir- ous of niaking sure of its absolute se- curity, if there is such a condition in any enterprise today. lie. is going to do-some good advertising for the Mine, as at present he' is cô'llecting material for an article he is writing for a. current magazine. "Three 'Men in...a Boat"-o'nly minus. the dog.: The names of the three may. be revealed as W. L. Brown, acting principle of'the schôol, Harry H. Hero ' ho will serve in the capacity of 1egistrar the comingý season, and. Coach Ashenbach are' goingon a1 canoe *trip. Judging by. * reports going arou nd at present, they wHIl be among the first to:get.away froni civilization. Lt, is their intention to visit "Duke"' Childs, at bis camp in Ontario. Donald Frisbie, -Tri Ship club.spon- * sor, and affiliated with the social Sci-, ence, department, ~expects to drive east in August. CHANGING ADDRESS >ýMrs. William J. Taylor, who bas rented ber borne in Kenilworth and is' planning to spend the winter with ber son ,and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hierbert B. Taylor, 631 Abbottsford e road,' Kenilworth. Miss Helen Tay- lor, af ter a two weeks' vacation in Wisconsini andl Michigan will be witb Mr. and Mrs. Clive Taylor in Bar- DIN E OUT.~ Gjod in the midst of tnee is mighty ; he wilI save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; h e will rest ini bis love, lie ,will joy over thee with singing" (Zeph- aniah 3:17). Among the citations which compriseid the lesson-serno*n vas the" following f rom the Bible: "And the Lord direct, your hearts -into, the love, of God, and into the, patient, waiting for Christ" (II Thessalonians,3:5)*. The lesson-sermon also included thé following passages -from the. Christian Science textbook, "Science and. Health with Key to the' Scripturs by Mary ,Baker Eddy: "It should be thoroughly understood that alnien have one Mmnd, one God and Father, one Lif e, Truth, and Love.- Mankind:,will becomie perfect in proportion as this fact becomes ap- parent, war iIli cease and the true, brotherhood of man ill be established" (p. 467). VACATIONING IN NORTH. Miss Marian Bluthardt of 415 Es- sex road, Kenilworth, is visiting at Loon. Lake near Cloyne, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Bluthardt and -their daugh- ters, Margaret anid Frances, will joini Marian this week to stay the month of August. Mrs. Louis Jones of 325 Richmond road, Kenilworth, lias just réturned f rom a short visit with' ber mother, Mrs. Blish of Racine, Wis. Dlonald Milier of Juda, Xis. is vis- iting his cousin. Josephine Dahm, 75 A hhnttqfnrd roa .rAWinnetka. Whelre, Eatiu g Is INVADER PERCALES, 36 inches -wide and solid colors, 6 yards.... SLEEPWELL SHEETS, 8 1x90, anld 91 X99.: each ........ SLEEPWELL CASES, 42x36. and. 45x36, 4 -for...... inprints Si STEVENS CRASH TOWEL ING, pur. 'inen". blue, green, yellow border, 6 yards.. PURE LINEN LUNCH -,CLOTHS, white with colored border,.Isie 50x50, ec Si' CRETONNES, an'attractiveassortment, 36 inches wide, 3 yards.-......... TURKISH TOWELS, white with borders, size 1 8x3,6, 5 for...'~ 'Size 22x42, 3 for ..... s' WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFSI pure linen, $ 3 to abox, 2boxes ........... LADIES SHORTIESin pink and peach, 2 for ................... IVELDOWN (12 na pkins to a box)--50c box Kleenex FREE-3 boxes..... CHILD"S RAYON COMBINATION, 'built-up shoulder, French Ieg, 2 :for... CHILD'S RAYON PAJAMAS, one-piece, sizes 6 to 16, each . .1........ .1. ... CHII.D'S RAYON PANTIES with Of s' $1 There Is No S9ubstitute for Good Food Weeks' Dining Ro0M 1131 CEBNTRAL AVENUE, WILMETTIE 355 WILMETTE Hoffmnann Brothers Ridge andi WiImette Avenues Poneo1 ,i mtt. 4271 Si

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