Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 48

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at the Wilmette village Green. The 'victors bad the Iead several times only to. lose it. to tbe aggressive Slavs who were ever alert to takc advantage of Wilniette's errors of omission and commissic i. A niiîtl inning râlly, in m-bich tbe winning run, by Berol was scored on Bill Schroe- der's long high fly, to right field. saved the day for the homie boys. Johnny Roemer -started the. gaine on the mound for Wilmette and Was a trifle wild In tbe se'ond and third. He, was nicked for sevën bits, and fiveý runs during bis stay on the shah. and at the end of thé fourth this portly boy wbo doesn't like the tor-, rid days graciously' turned bis task over to Luke Jobnsos with a lead of' 6 te 5 for Wilmette. Jobnsos allowed nine bits-anid four runs While comn- pletingthe day' slab duties, for Wil- mette. Seventeen' bjts, inçluding týwo bomfers, two 3-bagge rs and two dou-> hIes, were Wilmette's swat harvest. One honier and three doubles" feai- ured the sixteen bits by Waiikegan. Nord and Baker Star *Bobby Nord. and Bill Baker were the bitting and fielding stars of the garne, eacb clouting a borner. Nord's- other contribution was a 3-base blow, wbihe IBak- * er fattened bis batting average with two bingles, in addition te bis ciruitswt.Ber- u singles a ni a 37- p " bagger; the ast I was really a hem- L er, but Berol faile(d 'te teucb Bill Bake third. and the um-' pire, prompted by tbe Waukegan players, called Berol eut after he had: crossed tbe hônîe plate. ied- nik and Pierce were the star hitters fer the Slavs, each getting four. blows. Iiugust. 'lliee members wil sew carpet rags for the occupational room at Great Lakes. so ail are asked te bring their thimnbles! The Peter J. Huerterunit Of Wil- mette, was hostess at the' Seventh, district convention Wednesday, Juhy 2-2, after lunch at, theNormandy tea room; A business meeting was, hehd at wbiéhthe oficer for theceming year were electel. Mrs.. Joséphine Gebel of ' Nules. Township unit, was elected district director. Dr. Beatrice H4awkins, of the, Wilrnette unit .was ehected vice-directer. Mrs. Stander of Glenview was elected chaphlain; Mrs., Anna. Meyers of Peter, J. Huerter' unit, :sergeant-at-arms; and Mrs. Mary O'Shea of. Rogers Park, historian. Tbe 'ilmette, unit gave a card party Wedn.esday, July 29, at St.. Augustine%'sClub: bouse. About 2000 people 'attended 'the dedication of the Memorial fountain at the Edward Hines, Jr., Memorial hospital '-Sunday, Jul.y 26. The Wil- mette chapter was represented by Mrs. Arthur Johnson and Mrs. A. G. Jefferson. 15 LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Hayes McKinney, 1035 Chest- nût avenue, gave a bridge-luncbeon' Wednesday at Skokie Country club in honer cf Mr&. Fred A. Rye cf Mont- clair, N. J. Mrs. Matt Heinzen and children, Joan and David, 1501 Washington avenue, and ber niece, Grace Daw- 'son cf Wilnxette, returned Monday frein a two weeks' vacation at Long Lake, Ill- 0c Dr. and Mrs. . E. Grabain, Iroquois road. are 'entertaining Graham's plareints, :Mn. and, Charles Walter cf Louisville, for a montb. 1Elmr. rAwe andl hiq. Rster. 2819 Mrs'. mms Ky., found tnat ±'ennsylvania was in the ead in respect te çivic iniprovement.. Mrs. McDougal aise read an article that appeared, in last week's WLET LîPe cencerninig the work cf the Win- netka Garden club. in the care of its. trees. T'heKenilwertb Gardenclub is es-ý pecially interested in. theýquestion cof the treatment of the spaces west cof the. railread tracks.: The question cf hôw much cf this space wihl be used for a,,parký and. bow mucb for park- ing is,1a' vital on e te the club mein- bers. The -club presented'a suggLes - tien and a. plan fer landscapi'ng te the village board at thé last board meet- ing Witb Mrs. McCloud representing the park board of. Kenilwcrtb; and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick tbe garden club. The. Kenilwortb Garden club now bopes that. this noew open space wili. 1e landscaped. Mrs. Hedr ck gave an account cf this 'board meeting te the club on Friday. Mrs. Harry Olin gave' a report in regard te planting in the village and Mrs. Littell read a letter frein Harry Zander in relation to tbe trimming cf trees in tbe parkways. The meeting was an unusually in- teresting one and stimulated great en- thusiasm for civic welfare. ON VACATIONS Robent Nelson, son cf Mr. anl Mrs. Charles H. Nelson, 620 Cumnor road, Krnilwortb, is spending two weeks visiting frietids in Boston, Mass. William.Nelson is on a fisbîng trip in Kentuckcy. Miss Dorothy Nel-' son is spending severai weeks in Cmn- innati, Ohio. Miss Florence . Page, cf Deerfield, Ill., is spending the summer with ber aunt, Mrs. Howard Lynn, 530 Ex meor rcad, Kenilwortb. Miss Lotta B. Smitb cf Mazo- manie, W is., is the bouse guest for several weeks cf ber sister, Mrs.1 * --l A Cfl%*. ' flT! 1.1 a . Carlerton Smaith, of the faculty of the University of Chicagoý, ill lec- titre on Deems. taylor's new opera, "Peter Jbbetson,>' PrUéday orng, July 31, at il o'clock atf the home of Mrs. J. Lawreitce.,Hoighteling, 731 Prospect avenue, W:nnetka. The lecture is open to north shore wonien. A smalL admission fec is charged at the door. Mr. Smith _vil be assisted in his lecture by )Edith 'Rose, pianist, who ýill play important t/urnes from the opera.* VISIT AT SORORITY HOUSE> Miss 1lazel Kraft, 1236 Greernwood avenue, had as ber bouse guest last week-end C.rant Jones of Wales, Wis! On Tuesday Miss Kraft .and ber present bouse guest, Miss Miriam Holderman of 'Morris, Ill., motore4 to Madison to spend several days at the, Delta Zeta bouse. Mrs. W. j. Shiley, 2199 Ninth street. has returned from Colfax. Iowa, where she spent two weeks visiting: ber mnother-in-lIaw. Mrs. Henry Sbilev. Miss Betty Lewrance, daugbhter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lawrance, 124 Robsart road, Kenilwortb, is spend- ing two weeks witb ber aunt, Mrs. R. 0. Beach, in Waco. Texas. -.1 Greenleaf, avenue, was married last 'Mr. and, Mrs~ Foster E. Fike, 1241 week to Cleveland. Putnam cf Lake Forest avenue, drove last week-end Fores't. 'te visit Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Atkins 0o in Reckford, 111. Mr; and Mrs. James A. Doran and 0o- Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKenna cf Mn. and Mrs. Clinton A. 'Hall and Graîid Rapids were the guests last children, Tom and Betty, 247 Wood weekcf. Mr. anid'andMrs. JamesEe. court, bave. returned frein a twe 'Mooney, 2229 Beecbwe.od'avenue. weeks' vacation iti Saugatuk, Micb.. Ct.... tony or n Siled LEcessed Operators a.m. go 9 .m. Sanisay r CHURÇH ST, Neor Orr.iagton, Sute 22 UNIVERSI'T.y 9700 Doutowm-151 Nq. state st, vit CapIto>i ndir., Ilearbera 1585= . *e il .

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