Service and Song Make Station Poiiutar Patrons of Keystone Service Station No. 12, at Center, Spruce and Chest-. nut streets, Winnetka, not only receive expert attention but can have a song tossed in for good measure merely for the asking. The station, çpened July 11, is selliaag tires and batteries-as well as gas and oit, and provides thorotagh lubri- cation service. "Wally" Tissen (left) is the manager of the stat.ion and "Chic" Bruchhauser (right) is his, first lieutenant. "Chic" is the lad, Who provides the nietody. Hle's well known as a radio artist. The pair inake a fine combination, both'as regards service and harmony. Pros perity, Six Has Many New Features Carl Hainson, of the Hanson Motor company , 557 Chestnut street, Win- netka, where the new Prosperity Six is attracting wide attention, declarcs solid, deck with chroinium trini cov- ering .the gýasoiline tank at the rear; flush hood hinge; and two cowl ventilators. "In the body are to be found stili *other. details -of interest. The key nance. In effect, 'he said, the olb- stacles in the way of detecting gas- oline "boot-leggers" have been re - moved by the enactrnent of the amending bills that passed the 57th General assé',mbly. Now, the depart- nment of finance is settilnE up the re-, Season's Road Building .Totals 499 Miles July 8 Road construction state and coun- ty, for the season up to July 8, totaled 498.86, miles. Progress records for the week, compiled iii the:office of ,Frank: T. Sheets, giye this in- formation, and' showv that 51.44 miles of highway were completedl during thesix-day period. The number of me n directly employed in.road work had increased. froin 6,500 to 61600 sinice the preceding week's report.. NORTfIM SEl OR Cil EROLET or,, Pe r r a c Com fort, Performance, an.d Speed mean Chievrolet Let u8 d.emontrate include the liberal of striping, not only on the bodl mouldings but also Revised Gas Tax Law on the hood louvres and on the. Wl aeShr ct fenders; concealed hood latches,,witlihilH v hr et only. the handie showing outaide, the Revision of the gasoline taiç legisia- hood; fender lights which, besides tion, "'putteeth in the act," accord- showing toward the front also se rve ing té Director Garrett D'ee. lK- aswring markerson the sides; a ney, of the state department of Ifi- You'iIl fid ours a friendly port. Just ail in and drop anchor. We'il do the rest. And you'Il get nothing -but4the best. Bob, " Mue Main St. et ý Linden. Ave., Phône. W»ilmette ý3334