Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 36

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s ' I D I U c E D u r m iv a I U o e Scouts, Leaders Eleven Scouts Received -Pet Expressions Scouts Forsake Start 3rd Period 'Into Camp Honor Group Markl; ol at Ma-Ka-Ja.Wan Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan's chapter of Some persons. amerPete Mu- e s tall; od the Order of the Arroiw..has, taken bv hi e u-F atO to r Third perioci at Camp Ma-Ka-J'a- lerstitions. othersY have their ý pet it isn't often that. Camp .Ma-Ka- Wan began *MondavJuy27 1admneeven new members, during_ the peebut-CamP.;Mia-Ka-Ja-Wanl Ja-W.ans mess hall is empty *at 6. continues until Saturday, August 8. seconïd. period of the 1931 season. hsisptersins Aonte 'lkp.m bu Thrdy night Viollowng i.s a list of the leaders and These eleven Scouts have proved >ogeadbantit.adtepr proved to be an excepon.n. When Scouts attending camp- this 'third themselves, to be outstanding .and sonssresponsibe for -hemaarettee h périodmessncaîl wasnblownfoailhtheaScouts haeerioa.d. it fr- ede-were înformed that their supperwas. Troop 1. Wilmette-Billy Grinnell hv sow acactyrlde- followin.g tth othedoftelake Troop 2. Wiltnette-Haiold. Ray and shp obcm ebro h *"eats"ý-Bersch. 2. ."Ail' rigt And what. a grand time the ýScouts James Streeter; ýTroop 3, Wimétte.. Order of the Arrow' is the highAest wiesgtyu its-ecad alAfter a :ten. minute hike they Masal Peters*en and Raymond. Pet- hônor one can obtain while at camp. ~~wn irs ?~"cu-saf down to an outdoor supper whjil Brari4.WilettiGelase The, following have been honored mlasters take chr-e-ýrc. 5. h hf Rayford Mann, Jr.. and cad, ~es h cshadcepstaked.potchatonad Paul Vrion; r' 5w'îiettewîîl with membership: Bill Tyson, Emory,,*ijere, Pete"?? 6. "A--%1 Iout" adsawihstkpnc ad Bowen and Phil Rogers. Trôop 11, Sawyer,. Perry Crawford, Donald Hopkins- 7. "Sakés Alive"-Bolt Eskimo. pies were the ttni Wilmette->Robert Rich;- Troo p :12. Rahn, Robert MacM àrran, Jack 8 o o tof bed, oaut of bed." delca c. Having f insed thei onMacd E.1 "RaringDatosgoeand, toedNto eteScuswrld snsb Wilnfietteý.Joîin Gleason1and E'-I Uowe, Davis GreenegoBobdNevmns, ,GeorgeBersch. who lhas' more peP Joyce; Troop 13-, Kenilworth-....Jýàck. Billy Grinneill, Bob Keaton and Val .hre-Ybol.. 10. "Ail canoies. in ad _vigor than te" ordinarv men, it Howe and Gùv. Robbins. as leaders, Smithi.'The offic ers. of the'Order of -Joyce..1IL "Let's sing No.' 22 ,by bas been osre.RvDvste Arthur Bonnett, :Paul Corneli. jackc the Atrow r eog etc.prs z olly chee whiz"-Mersch.. 12. Cha îegn hsernt'cs. a vi te st e- Fyfe. Def ree- F*oli'nesi Richard dent, -John .Betak, vice-presidentt*liarp"..-he-?? 13. "Ya 14. know iat aedwt bseouivilic Holmes. Dewitfý Jones, George *R. Robert Mehren, secretaryand 0Oscar ha eh -rner 4 Wa pne wcthmb"sandousYells cfd- Mc Mullen and Val ., ~Sn.itl. W. Siug pncXaara's aud»'- Bob Robert Moulton, Bob Ntouitoti'-s Top1Winnetka epres<e,.te .Smnith. 16. "The bule"ie~h father, who lias been ini camp thle en- Chiches-, Wnnetica-Bj1 ClI' I Be' never wake tire we.ek, took pictures-of the group 1alqu l.711 ele tev were.eating their u p r ert Aluhike ad FankRobnon, asr dE ds: Troop 16. Wn t-Cauraui. os abasPerio Ends TireeSBoys Rar of the best ipictures lie ever took lie-. T1roop 18, WiuekV-haîs lai P:Fiday niglit of'last week saw then Winnetka-Perrr. Craw- 1eeyn perd itrl n ford and Robert Davis: Troon 19. es hall at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan i agie Sco tRank cause everoo apecaretrahleand Winnetka-'Syýdnei. Craiz: Troon) 20, aglow with decorations. Each camp T eoea al cu steiI photographed. Winnetka - Paul latin edecked. its respective table ,lvih T eoea al cu s h EastanPhilip flowers and ferns which grow inu or higliest honor a Scout. cani achieve,. At 8 o'clock the Scouts participated Eastnani and Gerald Taber:. Troop arou4tecm Tebaqetsa and wlien three Scouts do it at the in a "treasure hunt."e It led' theni .2eade nd F-Hranl- W.tannard* Tv perhod c amp.r Than anScut s à'ar-age of 14 or less4 it is indeed an ac- around the, lake and back. After the lea er ndcrank- iStnr davTid eicafao, nedaoranSoter. -omplishment. welwortliy of praise, gamne, hot ovaltine was served to ail, 23. icn(,eCheterBlad. avi ticpat inonewayor noter. the leaders declare. Three Scouts aud then back to camp',and to bed. Cloud. Phil Dostal. J. Ross Dree This 'banquet marked the clos*n aeacsxlse hs etrcnl Harry Fish.er. Bill Kruimsick,. B,,,; of the second period of. camp. It They are Perrv Crawford, Troop 18, H t nle udil Nevinq;. Gilnian Pavuter,. Rav vj was 'the last evening 011 whicli the WVinnetka; Robert Davis, Troop 18, Co1ed by L rg Pish Sawhil and Bill ,,N-der: Troo 4* Scouts ate together. Those who at- WVinnetka. and Robert- Moulton,Lag Winntka..~..riîîam Bcher"Raer i tended the banquet closing the first Troop 22. Glencoe. Tognlmni apM-a Hoza and- Martin Wîleisner . period knew what was i store for, These boys are ail menibers of the Ja-Wan bave proved thieir sup)eriority, T'roop 2s8, North brook-Frank H*a s~ the Scouts Fridav night. M\r. Logan rder. of the Arrow. Ail three of 'over ail other competitors at fishinR.. leadMeler, Wil iam Sott d alhDeif,7ler ano i t a of theisxcant eaed.them, also lielqMr. Ho pkinsîiù the They are the noted Myron C., Ryboît lead eEler , llam ni.e h -ne, Gti- and his ta.of ssistacllnt.reaed and .Dr. B. lOrest. Botlimen 'have Slm sQ : I'r op 31 HI hI n~ Park- Awards, were presented to those i tyf 1fe u s ais s ays t m ore .fish than any boýdv ls LouI;q Schuitz, Bob White and Walter ta am saswell -plac n that ea1ghe Willard., 'rnop 33.' Highland. Park-ý-. Scouts whlhave 1»assed'testsin camp aeadcapges,ýs.systà r Vou camp. "Dnca Ortstfsays thaadMr. Richardqnn; Troép 35, IighIand Park-: and .thosé'eanz their Maý-Ka-uJa- vueups o fmn Ryboit and lie ar-e tied for honors. John O'Connor- Chrst-, .VIvirito and XVan "iM."pil eahi~ ere.. Crawford thinks that "cam Lew Sarett. are the leaders.'Scouts jr-b He___________________ IS better " Moul Arthur Baldauf, .Edward .Brizzola ra Y m. btttal eard mot-o .wike n iseeswhlie 1ton insists. htleere oto pike 2 inches long. "o"la Cali~'n Defenbau. .MferedlthElick, m errMI ls tess undintheleadeship f themerre Hlart* Harold Hnom, JhM.cntqh *C. Ryboit Sponisors itesunrthladsipotes ~au~ LeterWriingConentoffcer atCam M.-KaJa-an, sayrs it. Yes; "Doc" is a good fisher- -Ric, Gorg Ros, Lw Sret, Jak Ltte WriingConestmani, but lie Il have to go the liniit Vennlng, Orlando Vivirito, Hlburd Myroin C. Ryboit, Scout executive. a~~ ~ to beat Mr. Rvbolt's skill a d luck in Wanner, Peter White and Hlenry sponsorèd a letter wi gcnetfo-r W nners of 'araiLIl Wilde. . writ npeantestout the bgones. Ilihwood Seouts at Camp al the Scouts in Can m«\a-Ka-ja- S i le»A none What was that? "Doc" fell in the Trôon 36, Mg,,o-,,lhe O'Flah- wan. A. she et ern ig.. . .Anouee lake one day trving to pull out a ~ A leather eit bearig t e sg- Winniers of Saturday' S swimmîng bgoe? Po Dc1 erty. John Jarnby and Paul Muik are natures of ail the camp officiais wasbion? orDc! dah i,, dw ard l3ro u i n a~ ~ a wvarded t a the bov turning in th é e t a C m p M - a J W re_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the ledes Sous reLcen ar Bera foliows: cliain r'ace-B. BriggsAr Gu s s o James Ga~rty, Robert Goien J h est letter. The letter was ta thank as RotariansAr us o McL.-ran, lea- Mcaî joNt fepoeofte othSo r Troop 33, Highland Park; balloon Ric ar M Nea, .Io N to f e p ope f t e orh S or aea bursting-Robert A ustin, Troop 33, C am p on M on dak y lN ight gleonmoVncent Peddle. !rnest Santi, for estabishing Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Highland Park: war canoe race- Anioscunytd y Francis Schmiîdt, Frank Shietoný W1U- \a:n. -The Sotwiio won this cAntio'sRotary cuivtdb lardeSmith and Aedrewalslttr iumegnplî ond Blacfoot tribe ;single ccanqe race- Myron C. Ryboit, visted Camp Ma- Paut Mzikcretolae rs.Scutcree ff opies were ta iheé-sent out. eh -eorge Gaidzik, Tro 1op ýl, 1Highland Ka-Ja-Wan Monday night. TheY, Dayîdi, ari-an 11 out ~who wrote the ïîest letter was obeca.erc-Bakotcame, in fine to atsupper ihfc vai t.Marv -flrewnlee, LàVerne Cinn îven the award Vnidav nîgt he drc n okns h aefo Scouts. Whie they were eatipg, An1* el'3*peîen.. lrrY 1%adîfion, vmn: IhÎ%r banquet 1 gt. at way or, expressed: .p1csre àa-t h Scouts rtained them and.Ray. cen Mve, JhnScoefrGergevv heScouts entered tIeC entifs., Daisledserd vche rs. * 'thé Stlwtton, Rap sothron Rchr and lie iWants ~ta c-ongraiulate every- Rotary club president introdii<d I Stup t êbelrt 8tl>ey and Ramod,-S. C. Berdux.and J. M. Ue.itrlck as --i îo cnvt Waz eaders, 1Paul tuba. G~eorge - *Ce1oy. hpie. is feiJow mnembers to us. They às 211 o 4,Arden Shore-'%. A. Logan Leonara telrôy, Williami -McElnerye a anJohnDaldîNe Mlton.M.rero Ric LkHar old, 1ietkaa Mdoe abln brp op - Bkrsy ta se av lor-atifothe wiScouts pafrticipte Fr.e As Fo e t a d J ds n W eha ro p -Trop53yGlf-JhnKatel....îx- Hgh2d ar. o _'r y ohr eDrpt n edies frth Sa ihi a:we. hecapwatst Troop S~, ienv ew-H rma ~ Engel cil are Robet De ton a d Ch rles Scous ta enter the amp. The ea tiankfr.tM ueto for givi g M ri brocht aslead ery Haosn, beThvmas JDriver fcr apScoutsarived Monan Ju terv ime ar tarvttngtcselutora. Hk . , K n ý h e n dy o b % i - W n ar d B i t l r o

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