Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 1

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Th* teenTowais Send Râpre- senta t>«-îs* 9Skokie oth official. representatives -of tethirteen cities and villages inter- ese nbringing about. permanent and effective drainage of, the Skokie*, for health's sake. met at the Village council chamber in Winnetkg. Friday evening of last week, perfected an organization'and preliminary plans to induce tbe Chicago Sanitarv dsrc to provide this necessary. relief. WVitb bundreds .of tbousands:of dol- lars going to the Chicago, Sanitary- district, annually f rom. the taxes paid in, the area represented'at thie meet- ing iast week his f 'elt. that oiuiy a portion of the service to> which the __ district is justly entitled is being re- ceiv ed. it was said. New Trie Pays $435,135 The four villages of Wilmette, Ken- ilwortb, Winnetka and Glencoe alone paid to the Chicago Sanitarv district 'ont of its 1929 taxes, the immense suin of $435,135, it is poÎinted out. The meeting was called bv Presi- dent William B. Moulton of the Win- netka Village council, who was elected chairnian. Herbert A. Dilg. president of the Village of Morton Grove, ivas. chosen secretary., Trustee H. C. Philiips ojf the Win- netka Village council, outlined in de- tail the object .of the movement, to which representatives of cach of the villages pledged united support. * Poesideuts Are Conuitt.p. The several .presidents were ap- pointed as a committee, each in turnl to name an associate froni bis village, who will constitute a permanent coin- mittee to formulate further plans o1 procedure. In addition t0 the officials of the, varions villages. the meeting was at- tended bv County Conimissioner William Busse, Charles G. Saners, general superintendent of the Cook Tax Problem Be fore Chamber, Committee The Wilmette Ch amber of Comn- merce is making a study of tbe tax problem with a view to working out soeplan whereby taxation' may be made- more equitabie. H ojrt King,, a member of the Cha.n- ber's civic committee, is acting as chairman of the tax committec and. .is giving much tirne and tbought to the question. Efforts are being made to secure the cooperation of, the Illinôois Chamber of Co mmerce, the Chicago Association of Commerce, the Illinois. Manufaçturers association and every other Chamber of Commerce and trade organization. in the state. In discussing the matter this week, B. T. Clark, secretary of* the local Chaniber,- stated tbat. the - problem is one that cannot be solved in a day or reek One o>f the: proposais o4 which the. Wilmette Chamber is basing its, study of the tac situation is the eiim- ination Q f the personai property tax and the subslitution of some more satisfac- tory tax to take its place. Plan Summarizes Report of Village Activities A montbly sumnîary or generai re- p~ort on the activities and functiorF of the Village will be prepared ecd month by Village Manager C. 1M. Osborn for presentation to the Vi'- lage board. The board, at its regular meeting Iast week, passed a motior- calling for suçh a report each montl,. Monthly reports of, the varions de- .partments of the Village have been received in the past, but the members of the board felt that it would be advisable to have a sumimary report of al the Village activities. Want Property Owners, 1.to Pay Oilinig Expense' In. answer to requests from prop- erty owners that alîcys and. streets in certain sections of the Villge Oppose Express Company Plan to, Use, Strets Here ,Althoughthe; Sorenison Motor Ex, press comnpany has modified its plans fc roperating its trucks oh Wilmette si reets, the Village board does flot, look With favor on,.tbhe.proposal of the company to use three- of' the principal tiaffle arteri.es 'through the village. The company bas filed an amiendre1l application, with the Illinois Comn-' merce commission for permission to use Main streetfromn the* soutih iimit'% of Wilmette to Lake avenue, Lake.ave- nue west ;to,.Ridge road, and Ridge north to the Kenilworth limits. The Village of Wilmette, through Village Attorney WiIiis D. Nance, bas filed an anewer to the application settin forth the Village's oppositionto thi5 proposai. Action on the lnatter- bas been postponed until September, when à, hearing wil 1 be held before the Illi- nois Commerce commission. Californian to Preach at Union Service Sunday Prof. William H. Roberts of the University' of Redlands, Calif., will. preach ait the union services in the First Congregational church Sunday, morning, August 2, at Il o'clock. This service is one. of a series heid during the summer nionths under sponsorship. of. the Congegational church and the Wilniette Baptist church. Rollin Pease to Sing at Methodist Services Rollint Pease of tbe University of Arizona,, formerly associated Withi Nitbwestern university school- of mu- ~sic. will be -the soloist at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church Sunday morn- ing, August 2, at the il, o'ctock serv- ices. emî.AnnuùaI Dollar Dàys t» >Be Stmged by. Wilmette Mer- chants August,10 and -il1 Monday and Tuesday, August 10 and, "', wîllibe_ Dollar Daysi Winette, and trifty housewives of the village 'bave been advised to mark a circle around those two dates on their cal- Dollar DAys -art held twice a year in Wilmette.. Tey 'are sponsored by thé Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, and al Winmette 'business men who are mnembers of the organization Co- operate in making them. a success. .Wilmiette's semi-annual dollar dayz are considered .one of the outstanding bargain events of the year on the north shore. Not only residents of this vil- lage, but those of seighbbring vil- lages as well, corne here to take advan- tage of the opportunity to make pur-. chases at a notable saving. .Because of the general low price level now prevaiing as a resuit of the business depression, Wilmetté mer- chants are confident tbat the articles they have to seil will be off erl to the public on August 10 and il at "ýrock bottom" prices. Many of the merçbants already are making elaborate pla'ns, for the two bigc sales days. commi *are fl--I. K. Hiughes, .,. . ZL rnIIp,, La r-u- mèyer and Raymnond Kiehm. Dollar Day advertisements in next week's issue of WiimxmT Lipi wil explain in detail the rémarkable sales, values to be ollered. Wins College Award for High Exa mination Mark Miss Ruth Jackson, who was gradu- ated f rom New Trier Uigb school *wth the class of 1931,. recently was ~a5'IVuIelV. - - -AIG O .. . ý& -A subcommittee of the public serv- Junior LiE ...... xce cotnmittee of the forest1preserve Music Page............ 28 district was appointed iast week by Rosi Estat. Section ... 39-4»1 Mrs. Edward J. Fleming. chairman to investigzate the proposai of Charles Rer.ation .. ........... i G. Sauerq. surierintendet ft he Cook Soci.t ae.....3 .(Continued on page 6). yPg CALI WILMETTE 4300 CircuIafion D.parftm.nt iIl linois schoo! of medicine in 'juno 19X0.He bas beena esideýnt o*0 IWiimette for several years.

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