Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 22

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>13- Vtattman Senior Basebali Team Is'Titie Wnnerý The senio r basebali team of Vait- man .Park has brought tbe chant- pnship *home by w*inning a forfeit from the Village Green on Wednes day. ,The, team, bas a ean sMate by losing none and -winning eight. Much credit musi be given "Hap",' Gather- coal wbo gets oui and plays with us duringpractice and gives us a good Thomne Edwards and 'William Wade are picked as. representatives for the horseshoe teain. These two boys werelte highest on tbe 'ist. They will be. senit, to the Village Green for the Viiiage,-wide meet. We ail hope that these 'boys will bring the bacon home. We ail want to thanrk the muembers of the 'Rereation board for gi*g us ail suich a good timie Mônday, July 20. We were taken to Cub's park to see the Brooklyn teani play. We were taken free of charge int the game.-Fredleric- Aschbacher, Vatiman park.; Says Game Was Mild Before Seventh Inning The Cubs gaine with Brooklyn which the playgrounds attended was not very interesting until the seventh inning when' the Cubs made the first run of the gaine. It was the only run in the whole gante. We went in special North Shore pullman cars. Eacb playground had a special coach, We sat in the upper grandstand. A. few balîs came up but the ushers found most of t hemn. We ail had a very good, ti me.-Imogene Kaufinan, Central playground.- Cental Pgnson Pay of "Five Live Ghosts" The boys and girls at Central have Enter \Tariety of DoIlis in Village- Green Show Tuesday, july 14, we had a, doli show. Ail the dolis were arranged on. a table. Then the judges ca Ime. They were Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Schol- ten anidMr. Stonte. The prizes wr àvaaded t6: j uniors: Lorraine: Cross, first, with bier black oilcloth elephaht..; Florence. Milniikel. second, with -a 1hlack ojil- cloth dog,' and Catheri ine .Carter, ibird, with a plaster of paris ,clown. Intermediates:. Hope ýMiller, first wilh a green oilcloth ..caf; Pearl Mountain, 'second, 'with lier oilclot'a dog, and Aklice Wagner, third,,with -P plaster of .Paris mail ýman. Ail the winnerýs receive ribbons and wili be .proud to weai.then.-.Ma «.n Miller, Village Green. Cubs-Brookiyn Game Viewed by Children Monday, july 20, the children froin ail the parks of Wilmette went to the Cubs-Brookvyn gaine. lt .was i1:30 already and 1 was only haif way tn the Wilrnette avenue* station. T thouglit that I was not able 10 go. They were- still there whien 1 arrived.. The North Shore didn't arrive unti! 1 :45. We had a 'special car take us down.' We got there at 2:15. There were many men 'selling pop, candy, ice creain, popcôrn, and per. nuis. Neither teain made a' run uni il the last of the seventh. when the Cubs scored a mun. We give the honor to D. Taylor. That was the niost exciting event throughout the gaine. The 'children were waiting pîtiently for the North Shore to ar- rive 10 take thein home.. We ail had a goo'd time and we hope the Cub3 will invite us agairi.-Margaret Back- strorn, Village Green. Vattman Provides Trip>s A re Feature of Play Schedule Thtirsday, July 23, the girls, and boys of the.Village Green piaygrouýnd, went to the stock yards. Mr. Stone voluinieered to take- themn as far a%' Linden« avenue and. 'from there they took "the IL." They left at, 9 in the morning,,and reîurned in the after- noon. . About. twenty children took part in, il. On Thursday, August, 6,- our park piyrund members are going te .icî park..* We will go in . the ,morning again. A f ew of- the chil . dren's -parents will take a1 car load ail the' way. if> there are en ough cbildren 10 go, which wili' be about thirty, Mr., Ston.e and Miss1 Bierer wiil go, too. L; hope. there. wil. bc enough bc- cause I amn sure Miss Bierer and Mr. Stone would enjoy going as mitl as the children. I also hiope there will be enough carslo1 take us, or else* sonie of us will have 10 stay at home. Frances Schmiiitz, Village Green pl!ay- ground. Stock Yards Explored . by Playground Party Thursda.y, july 23, the Village Green children went to the' stock 3ýard--.Wesaw uiany interesting 7thiîngs, how. they killed cows, and how they .packed thie bacon and cul tFe meat. They showed how they washed the animais. There were seventy-, four people visiting the stock yards. At 12:30 we went bo eat at a' coffee shop.. We had à hami sandwich, 10- matoes and pickles. ýWe ail enjoyed the lunch. Then we went b the ani- mals. There *wre horses, cows. calves, hogs, baby pigs ýand sheep- Bessie Costo, Village Green. Village Green Is Victim of Defeat by Vattman.,Girls". The gaine of Wednesday,, July, ?2, between'Vattinan. and Village, Green was a waik-away for Vattman. The score was, 63-11: .At the end of .the« first inning fli.e score ýwas 9-3. in favor of Vattma n When the -second inning 'was over, 'we saw the score was. 13-5, stili in Vattman"s .f4vor. The end of the third,*inning sbowed the score 50-7, Vatiman>stili winning. The-score at- the end ofý the nexi inning was 55-10.. When. the gaine was o ver the score was 63-11i n favor of Vattman. On Vattman's teain, there were fourý home runs, one by 'Lucille Herens, one by Ellenl Jones, and two by Mar- cia Smith. When the g'aie was over Mrs. Fanckcboner treated us to poP- sies. The lineups for the teains were as fo!lows:_ Mary Edna Craft ......catcher Hielein Borns,............catcher Hilda Voeier......... .......pitcher Lucille Herens......is base Doris jean Hargis...second base Janiet Button .......... second base Marcia Smith.......... third base Dorothy Bruckhouser . . . . shortstop Patricia Green....... shorîstôp Winifred Hoffmi . .. shortstop Doris White..... ..... shortstop Margaret Versino .........lef t fieldi Martha Leach . ........... left 'field- ElIen Jones ............. riglit field Mary Ellen.Aris .... ... ..'right fieldz Edith Wingings ......center field Some of Our opponents were: Irene.Krushell.......catcher Florenceé Milnickel....first :base Bernice Krusheli......pitcher Virginia Sargent.....third base Florence janas....... shortstop -Patricia Green, Vattinan park., Village Green Planning. STrip to Lincoln Park winwme ribbons.' The imodels are very ueat.-Theresa Peifer, Central SCOOTERlS' STOP TRAFFIC playgroad. Friday there was a scooter race at Vatîman park. Traffic' 'was stoppe(l Igo'to Vattinan park every day. while we raced. The winners were that 1 can, and I play 'with the boys. BilIy FnkoeAde udsn 1 'like to watch the boys- and Hap Mary Frances. McPhelin,, Ralpi-' play biait. Sometimés I ride my bike White and Mariha Leach. > Everyone aroýund the. pathW' of the park.-Bob liked ýthe..races-BilIy Fanckboner, b Arni, Vattîman park. Vatim-an park. AWAIT STORY HOURS We wcre very g lad to have Miss Hughes with us Tuesday for story telling' hôur. She started at Central playground, at Il oclock and bold stories for twenty minutes., Her stories were very interesting and we are il waiting for next Tuesday when we Will have more-siories,. Robert Lif ton, 'Centrai plàyground. GETS INTO PARK SWIM I go to Vattman park every day that I can. I play on the rings. teeter..totters, and swings. '1 play in the sand box, too. My sister is play - ing. kck hall and çhe is muaking a bas- ket., When the pool is1 fuil of waier Iput on ny' bathingr suit and go in wading.-Betty Jane Arns,- Vatman park.

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