Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 14

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Women of the -north shore wil drive in their automobiles to meet the caravan at 'Winthrop barbor on Tues- day, August -Il. There the machines will form a line and the caravan will proceed to Waukegan wbere a, stop will be-made for luiicheon'at noon, after.wbich there will be speeches by the city officiais and others. From.Waukegan tbejine will' go tu, Lake Forest ' wbere Miss Colvin, Mrs. John Richards and1Mrs. George Blos- soin are the committee in charge of, arrangements. There Will, be speaking at 2:30, P. m. on the Market square, Lake Forest. At 4 o'clock the caravan will reach Winnietka -where William B. Xoul- ton,' Village presîdent, WUil formally extend a grreeting at the Village Green to -the women who are vwoÉking -to awakeni public sentiment on- the im- portance of the comi gconference at Geneva.on World disarmament. A. meeting is planned for Tuesday eveninig, August 1l, at the First Methodist church. in Evanston.. SAmong' the wonlen who are show- ing interest in the coming of the Peace caravan are Mrs. Andrew Mac- Leish,. of. Glencoe, Mrs. Herman Fabry, of Evanston, Mrs. Mitchel! Dawson, of, Winnetka, and Mrs. Catharine .Wa.ugb McCullocb, o.fEYý anston. The use of more than fift.y automo-, biles is already assured for the cara- Van from WVinthrop harbor. Personis i nterested in baving their car, in the caravan mav communicate witb Mrs, james A. White at Winnetka 445. GIVE 1NFORMAL. DINNER Forest avenue, entertained .at dinner *Wednesday, July 29. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, .formierly of Wilmette, now of De] Monte, Cal. and Mrs. Ji'. Frank Brown of Chicago, who also used toý live iw W\ilmette. Mr q. .FTrank Bridges daugbter, Jane, of Pekin, jane Taylor of Alameda, Miss Katherine Mickey bouse guests last week of and Mrs. D, M. Mickey, 15 avenue. anà her Ili., miss Cal., andi were the We cordially w elcome -strarigers and viiosto aIl the services of the e.hurch. Sunday, August 2, at Il o'clock, theý Rev. M.Nelvin V. Oggel,, pastor, Wabash avenue Presbyterlan church,.,Crawfords4- ville mnd., will preâch. MinI sters aM the servrices the 'next two weeks wili be: August 9-The Rev. Jerome e. Webber, .pastor7, First, Presbyterian church, Jamestown, N. 'D. Augut 16-Thé Rev. John A. McAfee. pastor, Westminster Preshyteriin church, Topeka, ]Kansas. Sunday school at 9:30 a.. m. elasseFs for all ages. Musical. program for August 2: relude-*'Improm Pt.......Favre Solo-"Splnit of God" .......Nelfdllnger, Mr., Otis Of'fertory-"',Little Litany 0 f Jesus" ... rôvIez Posýtlude-"A D. ýMDCXX" MacDovtell Erma Rounds, organist Edward OtIs, 'bass, soloist Caîls for service of anjy kind, ýincluf(I- Ing pastoral service, can be furnished at ailtiUres by comrnunicating with th(, <'1ufff1. ecrûtarv, or W. fl Colvit, 7"9 Elniwood avenue. M et kodist: Church. The pastor wiil be in the pulpit .next Sundas' mording. His th4eme will be "Weaving and Unweaving- the Rain- bow.' The special .soIoist for Su.nday miorn- irmg will be Rollin Pease, formerly of Evans-ýton. Nfr. Pease needs no Introduc- tion to a north shore audience. He will be heard ith profit by ail who corne Hlis singing has' a peculiar quality of In- spiration. school maintains aseiaratt. urjr -....r5...,.vc o(-r, I-imarty Ii an uirs th'rOughout the summer.' jThe.se meet at the 11 o'ciock hour. Thé? Beginners and Pnirnary pupfils meet ln their own vooms. Juniors meet with their parents at thé, church service and go to the Junioer rio during the singing' of the second hymn. The coolness of the auditorium ôof this church has -proved 'to:,be onueof the rpe- freéshing qualities during thes e hot sumn- mer Sundays, "The Disarmament Caràvan,' whichl fi, under the direction of the Wornan's International Lengue for Wor.ld Peave znsaiay go sne - to p. ..; -5 v - -. changes be necessary, they should be reported to the church office at once. ý._St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmettce Herrnan W. Meyer M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. ý> Telephione 1396 Church telephone 3111 sERVICES NXinth Sundgy, after Trinity 9:15 a. .M. First service and sermon. 9:30 a., m., Sunday .sehool and ,Bible classes2 il a. m. Second service and sermon Speaker: J. Baurngaftner The pastor Rev. Hlerman W. Meye'- and bis farnily are leavinig for a qhort vaceation trip ln Wisconsin. nexitweek. The services for the next three week-. w~ilI be ln charge of -supply pastors. The, Rev. AÀ. Werfelmann of Glen View will take cha:rgeof any emergency cails dur- Ing the regularpastor's absence. Until August 7 the Rev. )fr.. Meyer wIll be at home and ail calls may be addrtssed .to the parslonage 406 PrairIe avenue.. Telephone 1396. Pirst Con greg,,,ational John G. Hindley', minister J. Clair Meati, director. of religlous éducation Prof. William H. Roberts,, of the VIni- vèrsity of. Redlands, California, will preach at the union service of the Bal)- tist and Congregational churches which will be held in this church nekt Sunday: rnornlng at 11 o'clock. The musical Prozramn will be as follows: Prýelude-"Sup)pl iration" .......Gigout Solo>-"Send Out Thy Light",. Wooler Offertory-"Reve rie" .. Mauro-Cottone Solo>--Thine, O Lord, la, Love Unend- ing" .. .. . . Blm, Postlude "Dorlc Toccata" .. Bach Ethel Heide Wishover will be the sololet ba rd Of t ru stees -will be he.ýld nth church parlor at 7-:30 1p. ni. next Mon- day. 1 St. A ugustine, S Sunday, Auguat 2, wîli be the ninitbi Sunday after Trinity. There will bc- Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and Holy Communion with addrees at Il a. ini.' xext SËunday, beip'g the first' Sunday in' the month, will be Corporate Conm- munion Sunday 'for the Boys' and the' Girls' Communion leagues. Thursday, August 6, will be th.e Fe- tUval of the Trensfiguraition. T1'ia.1 A seasoni. With' the Pioneers' defen-se failing to function properly, Harry Scblue- ter. twirler for the local team, suf- f ered accordingly. Errors on the part of 'bis teamniates aided materially in bis downfall. In the early innings of. the, game Schlueter outpitched 'his oppônent, Jerry Valeeda. leive runs had been scored bv Edison Park up to the eightb inningr.,two of which were un- ,earned.. Then tbe Pioneers faded out cômpletely. « Boyshel. and Fred Krause. a long witb Pitcher Schlueter. were the Pioneer stars. They bammered out four of the eight bits collected by their teamand.starred on the field. Next Sunday the Pioneers face an- other tough foe, tbe Mount Prospect nine. The gamne- wll be 'played at Mount Prospect. The teams bave n'et twice this. season, one contest going toeacb team. QO the Rames was a 14-inning affair. Mrs. Lillia n Arns Is Qaimed by Death Here Mrs. Lillian Arns, wife of Joseph Arns, Jr., died at St. Francis bospital in Evanston Saturday, july 18, after a brief illness. The funeral services were beld Mondav morning. July 20,' at 10 o'clock at St.* Francis Xavier' cburcb in Wilmette. and burial took place the following day at Mishicot,, Wis., Mrs. Arns' bir-thplace. Mrs. Arns was born Marcb 16. 1902. She bad been a resident of Wilmette for the past six vears. Besides ber husband, she is sur- vived by ber father. Louis Guex, one brothers.' Joseph, Louis, Edward andi Ernes 't Guex. Ail are residents of .Mishicot. witb the exception of one brother. Joseph. BENEFIT CARD.,PARTY On Feiday, July 24.. The B abies'. F.riendly society of "Minette batiaa henefit card party at the -home of Mrs. Harry E. Smoot, 731 Park ave- nue.ý The affair was mostsuccessful and tbe -procee ds greatly' benefited this worthy cause. Mr. and, Mrs., Fred S. Skeel andi ig theC Pasa- Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Jr.. andi son, William Wallace the third, of Jack- son, Mich. left Saturday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Kerr, Sr., 707,Forest avenue. Williami Wallace Kerr, 707, Forest avenuei à spending the weeký in To- rOnto, Ont., Canada. ter and son-tn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fonzo.K. Pefley and tbeir daugbter, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Tl-arry Adams, ail of Chicago last S--inday. Carl Reissman of New Yorkc Cityr is spending 10 days, as the guest ofý Mn. and Mrg. Albert Spitzglass, 10.19 [Linden avenue. ana uaoitJyn May~t3, lias i'eturnedl iror Omaha, Neb., wliere she spent a month with ber parents, Mr. andl Mrs. A, C. Busk. -o-- Miss Mary Mack, 707 Central ave- nue, Miss Marcia Bruch, anti Ralph Bruch, both of Evanston, have gonc« to spend their v acation at 'Lake of Bay&, Huntsville, Ont., Canada. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hammes and children, Gertrude,' Dorothy andi Robert, 422 Linden avenue, wîll spend a montb at Cedar lake in northern Wisconsin. C. S. Keating, 953 Rornona road, re- turneti Friday, JuIy: 24, from a week's trip in the West. N%ý ý ý- ý!Wv- ý j il lr*"KlâilijJÇ m",xn4y- ýmeelill'a ýQr- "Zne Alfa.,, misenniâti- and. Faî it- u

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