BW KuTi4IEDA L. PRWTZIEL In the gayest of mnoods, guests of Arden Shore camp -welcojùed nortb shere women last Friday afternoon, juiy -17, and entertained tbem with sketches sbowing various phases of camp life. A number of visitors ap- peared for, a picic luncheon. and stayed for the prograin by the chul- dren, who are given tvo weekS or more of. sunshin e and fresh air lie- cause of- the geiierosity of th'ose ln-t terésted iiin aintainîng the camp. Their eyes sparkling and- their voices ringing out happily, the chul- dren performed their simple sketches with an cagerfiess to please that showed their unspokeii appreciation for the privîlege of attending the camp. Happliness radiateà f romni thenm, for here they hiad no caries, no squalor, nothîiig but sleniîyend less hours of -pl easure., deait air, grood food. anid-a cainp routine that offers exhilarating variety, They sang songs witb mnotions., played, toy or-. chestral, instruments. and danced. In order. to distingtiish the children, th ey. are divided 'into groups. The "Peppers" are the high school girls sent hy the. Board of Education, and they serve as waitresses ail summner. One charniing *Pepper," Frances Sivek, acted as our guide and chat-, ted enthusiast ical Iv- -about the camp, to which she bias corne every year for nine years. Boys sent by the Board of Education of Chicago are housed in *Tiik-andale." They are- undernourishied and undersized, and they, îtoo, stay ail s ummner. The "Mary Janes," high .school girls who are undergiourished, also stay for the summer. There are the -Cinders" and the "Gingersl' underweighit children from Chicago hospitals, who are con- .valescing at the 'camp. The "Brown- les" are srnall children who have corne for two weeks with their mothers, 'while tbe "ctt"are in- termediate girls who have 'been put in the new house built as a- memorial to the late Mrs, Johni Scott. Very tiny children with mothers are "Motheryile," and they. have a spe- j cial instructor. Other srnall children the dae oflier marriage to J2Gward W. Poinier, Jr., son of Mr. andi Mrs. E., W. Poinier of Oak Park. The ceremony wilI take place Tuesday evening gt 8 o'clock at the First Methodist Episcopal cburcb of Ev- a nston. The Rev. M. N. English will, officiate.. IMiss Ma rcella, LatchaW of Evans- ton is to be, the maid-of-hionor, andi the bride's attendants wi11 be:. Miss Eleanor Wade of Peoria, III., Miss, Martba Ann McCee -of Memphis, Tenn*, Miss Marion Condy* of Wit- mette, and 'Miss Catherine StoeltinIr of Chicago, The best man will be Arthur Poîi- ier, broither of the gr>oom,"and' the grôoomsmen: *Robert and Kendal Garretson, brothers of the bride, and. Gordon Kraft and ýLewis, Hansori, both of Oak Park. The. wedding will be imnèmdiately followed. bya reception at Shawnee .Country club. Miss Eleanor Wade lias been the guest 'of the bride for two weeks and a nuniber of parties have been given during bier visit. * Miss Latchaw gave a kitche-i shower for Miss Garretson July 8, and a bridge- lunchecon on the four- teenth. Mi ss Condy was hostess at a shower .Saturday, July'*18, and Miss Louise Hickox of Evanston Friday, the nineteenth, at luncheon and bridge at the Edgewater Beach liotel. ,Miss Garretson gave a bridge- luncheoh Wednesday, july 15, at Sbawneýe Country club andi Robert Garretson gave a beach party andi treasure hunt last Saturday. Both of these were in Miss Wade's bonor. Mrs. George Burke of . Wilmette will entertain Friday, july 24, for the bride. Éntertains House Guesta Mrs. Charles Moody, 700 Forest avenue,, bas been entertaining Mrs-. Haroldi J, Newton, bier two daugbters, Dorotby andi Barbara, andi Mise Agnes Scully, fornierly of Wilmette, for a week. Mrs. Newton lived in Pittsburgh, Pa.. after she left Wil-' Mrs. William T. Heagney was bel are her marriage on Jily 14 Miss Virginia Woodland of Kenil- worth. The wedding ceremony u'as perfoeimed at the hoine of the *bride's parents, Mr. and Mre. Le- *Roy Woodkind, 336 Leicestfer road, and as followed by a receptiQ», *at the. Indian 1Hill Countrv club. The bride and 'groom ztvill make, their home in Hava.s, Cuba. Shawnee to Give Lido Part y Saturdag Night Shawnee Country club will, hold a Lido party Saturday evening, July 23. There will be tables and dancing oni the lawn with the orcbestra playint, on the terrace. The beach as. well, as the. pool will be open to club mem- bers and guests may attend the part'y ini formai or informai costumes. Among tiose who have alréadv did entertainment at Ravinia, follow- ing the concert last Tbursday after- *noon bv~ the Chicago Symphony or- chestra. Once a year the park ha,; "North Shore Variety Day," and it i,; an event looked forwardl to by not. only participants':but ali north shore. and Chicago cbildren. Winnetka children,. pupils of Mar-ý ian Keeney. were seen in' dance 0:- vertissements, pirouetting gracefull. to the music and showing an, almosi. prof essional f eeling' for ensemble. They danced with- grace and 7î flue.ncy of gesture ýwbicb was deli 1ght- fuI to hehold.' Those wbo took pari :were Betty Jane Bailey, Elaine, Kus, Doris Kus. Mary Martha Gedge. Peggy Ketchurn, Joan :McAdams, Georgette Hill, 'Agatha Murphy andc Jeanette Barroil. ."Walking My Baby Back Home" ,was, the title' of -the duet Cung and danced by Suzanne.Mitchell and IMii- dred Mu4tllen of Glencoe. Miss Mit- chell as the girl, and Miss Mullen t-- the young man,~ gave' a flawless per- formance, and wert most enthusi-is- tically applauded. They bad the aloof, precise attitude which gave their duet snap and dash. A tap, dance by Glencoe, girls followved, -the regular swing andi tap of the feetof the dancers fascinating the audience. Those wbo took part in this were Suzanne Mitchell, Mjldred Muilen, Esther Morgan andi Shirley Burnett.' The dances were arranged by Norma Fosberg, and the costumes were de- signeti and executed by Mrs. Renniî> Mitchell. Mrs.. Dwight C. Orcutt was the accompanist.- Jimmy and Dianne Ewell, cbjîdren of the James Cady Ewells of Ra- Vinia, appeared in a mystery act, with, jimmy acting the part of the magi-, cian, -doing strange andi clever thing-s with flowers, pulliig yards of coloredý paper out of an, apparently empty bat, and intriguing ,the childîfen, with a number of things., Albert Bottorif, concert marimbist, showed unusual talent for bis instru-1 ment, plàying with a lack of senti-- mentality that was refresbing. He seemed to have a gooci sense of rhythm andi a genuine feeling for Th~e camp routine allows for swim- iuing three tinles a day, but there are flot. enough bat bing suit s to go around. Anyone who has discardeti suits is asked to comniunicate witb thé village chairman, for Arden Shore. Visitors-*are always welcomne at any tiue, andespecially on, nights when there are special, features.' A- mock wedding was given on Wednesday night. On another Wednesday there w ill be a circus. EveryMonday night the chiltiren have a "Sing," and on opther niights there are gamnes anti marshmallow roast. J. J. Sharon, Gler 24. The hostessei J. J. Sharon,.Mr Mrs. Charles J. hore Alumnae club of 1 have a luncheon and at the home of Mrs. nview, on Friday, July es will be Qeorge ward Lthen, Jir., Mr$. rs. W. H. rout, -andi Merriam.' Vista del Lago Luncheon Mrs.. Frederie A. dePeyster. and. Mrs. Percival. Hunter of -Winnetka will be the hostesses at the ' women's lunicheon bridge at Club Vista del Lago next Monday,* july 27.