Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 33

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loi ai treUItmtof normal speech and speech deviations; disorders of rhythm in. verbal expression, tbeii -tuviqub , tle ci-0 ii0 peech ai LIJU ,nature and management; NortIiwest.ern universjty. disc>oders of atclto n hn The in wbiic rticlton and diodehofsmona l'ecourse, i hc 8advanced f onmltiand sodecrsofsymboli students in speecb cor-1rection are en- omlto ndepeso. rolled, consists of-a series of lectures The course will be concluded nexi ,and discussions conducted by leaders week . The fund of ýinformation, pro- in the field. In addition to- Dr. Clar-' vided by tbe vanious, lec tures and, dis-. eiice P. Sinion, under, wbose direction cussions will be summfed up, by1 Dr. the symPosium is being held, the lec- Simon and discussions ýheld of .the turers include, Dr. Smiley Bantn arious factors entening into.acn chairni of. the department of child 'sideration of speech. defects. study atVassar college.;.Mrs..E.... Scripture, director of speech re-edu- GROUP RIAS PICNIC cation, in the Vanderbilt ciinic ;of the Forty-five -pensons, including the college of physîcians and surgeons1 at menibens. thein families, and f iends of Columbia university and. director of, tht Nôrthnidge Womfa"s, club, enjoyed the speech clinic at Greenwich bouse, the second annual. beach. panty. held aflliated with Columbia university; Saturday, JuIY 18, at the Wilmette Dr. Edwin B. Twitmyer, assistant di- beach. _Fires were lit and for the sec-. rector of the psychological laboratory ond time J. W. Pearsow contnibuted and clinic of thé University of Penn- mucb to the success of the picilic with sylvanlia, andý Dr. Lee Edward his genenous prvsion of wieners and Travis, director Of the, speech clinic mianshmallows. Aften suppen there at the State university of Iowa. t is wvere s\vimmrnîîg and games. the first time in histcsry sucli an array oi authorities on speech defects lias 1 Mrs.J Brover Munnot, 724 McCleani been brought togethen.1 avnui entertaining ber mother, M rsued v f otlirs.J The lectures cover a widely 1diven- Mrs1 . , r ye Jot n. FredN. J. sified subject.iatt er and thé diver- Jr. also ofandlMette gae a tea gent. opinions on speech ailmnents and Tuesa ',0 Julm 14, gaMes. au-roe' corrective measures. Opportunities are. home in honor of the out-o.f-town offered those enrolled to discuss the guest. varioUs viewpoints, to compare and to. weigh themn. The first week* of the Mr. and Mrsý. C. M. Burliîngame symposium was devoted to a presenita- and childnen, Mary.and Robent, re- tion by Dr. Simon of tbe vietvs of turnied Friday, july' 17, froni a mnotor the different schools of. speech ail- trip through the. Adirondacks, Ver- niients and to an introductory study mont, and -Quebec. Canada. They of thern. . otJIiVle f- Ay Diseuttes Five Topics Dr--Blaenton, wbo assumed leader- ship during the second -period, took., Up five topics duning as niany lec- ture periods: "Development and functions of Speech," "Emnotional and Organic. Factors Whicb Cause Poor and IndisttnctSpeech in Chu- dren," "Psychological and Emotional causés, of Stutterijng,"ý Variousj Types of Stuttering," and "Treat- ment of Stuttening!" Mrs. Scripture, during the follo w- ing week, discussed tbe background of. abnormaui Seeh -o-- Mr, andl Mrs. C. 'E. Wescott, formi- erly of Keiiilw,orthi, are niow making9 their home in Winter Park,. Fia. They have rented their honme at 616 Abbottsford road to C. W. Meredith of Baltinione, Md. Mrs.. Rufus :Stolp, Mrs. Jamnes Stlpoàf Keniworth, an7d Mrs. Walter- Shattuck of Glencot motored to Xis-' consin Iast FridaV, Julv 17, to be the guests of Mrs.. Ralphi Starnett ,i, Eagle River, \'Vis., for a, short tume. - -h Wrignt. 1 .' r'.5AJ L5fliJi , h[1 eenC )f Zisiting Mrs. Artbur B. Adair of f. . Kenilwortb at the latter's sunmier ir Mr. and Mrs. L. 'N. Brenner an( borne at Pelican lake. tdaughters,' Barbara, Estella, and --o- L- Sarah, of 1330 Greenwood avenue, ýRoy, H. Jarreit, 534 Essex road,- idrove last week-end to, Camp Ma-1 Kenilwortb, bas returned from a. Ka-ja-Wan, XVis., to, visit Johin week's 'business trip to Çleveland, CAN YOU AFFORD SILENT AUTOMATJC V. A. SMITH-DiJstr'bgtor 1620 Sher'man Ave.- Ev'anston Greenleaf 0700 00Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Seeing3 Imnes or. : depends on what kind of bifocals are'used at Prices 1/2 end ' Less Ranging from $5.00 ta $6950 tjeour po icy neyer to carry merchandise over from, season to season. In. antiipation of Fal presentaitions we are cieleaing aur stock'regardleàssof ric. SObligation Aimer Coe &Cwn pany PRrSCRIPTION ( "' PRECISION MADE OPTICIANS G LASSS 165ORRINGTON AYE.-EVANSTON h developmnenlts in pathology therapy. is now being held ur Illý il L- q 1 i

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