Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 28

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Big Track Meet Taken Thursday by Vattman Park -11 The Village Wide track meet .was held Thursday, July 16, at 1 :30 at the Village Green. Ribibons were given to thie winners of first, second, and. third places.j Fourth places received a certain. number of points. A blue ribbon repre- sented' first place; red, second. place, and white,, third place Winners of first bonors ini the 40- yard dashi are as follows: * For boys anid*girls under 6 years of age, Billy Finlaysoni; for six-year-olds, Mary Murdison;. for boys 7 years old, Billy Fanckboner; for girls 7> yeàrs old, Mariba Leach; for boys 8 years * old, Graham Finlayson;. for, girls 8 years old, Virginia, Todd; for boys 9 years old, Donald' Garniss; for girls 9 years old, Lucille.Heerens; for boys_10 years old, Bo~b De Viniey;' for girls 10 years ôld., Hildegarde Voeller: for boys Il years old, Charles Milhouser;' for girls Il.years old, Dorothy Davis; for boys 12, years old, Bill Jenkins; and for girls 12 years old, 'Blanche Kreuscb. Naines S4-Yard Dash Vîctors, Winners of first place iii.the 50-yard dash are the folIlowitng: For boys 13 years old, Douglass( Hindley; for girls 13-.years old, Lor-f etta Steffenis for 'boys 14 and over,1 Mark Simonds. and for girls fourteen and over, Lucille Hoffmiaxi. Names of first-place winners in the i For boys under 8,« RaIph \Vhitè; for under 10, Donald tarniss,:.' for girls under 10, Dorothy Bruchhiauser; for Intermediate>girls, Dorothy Davis;land' for Senior girls,, LucilleHfmn .Winniers of first place iii the stand- ing broad jump are listed: For boys 8 years old, Norniani Fifer;, for girls 8 years 'old, .Virginia Todd; for boys 9 vears old, Doniald Garniss: A sn*al Doit Show Staged at Vattman Vattman playgrognd: held its annual- doli show 0_1 Tuesday, July 14. Only lixtermediates and Juniors were allowod to enter dolls. The table on which the doils -'wcre exhibited was,'decorated ,witb crepe, paper. There were dolls of, niny kinds. Some of'the girlIs brougbt their dolls f rom home but most of 'the -girls made doils at the park. The winners of, the Intermediates Were Priscilla Pollock, first, for a group of flower doîls; Marcia Smith, second, for a dieh mop doil. and Betty Todd, third, for another dish mop dol. Patsy Green won fourth for a rag dol and Winnifred Hoffmfan:won fifth for a sp)oonldoîl. The *wUinners of 'the juniors wvere Virginia, Todd, first; Martha Leach, second; Marion . Treon, third; Betty Marsh, f ourth, and Dorothy Bruch- fiauser, fifth. The judges were Mrs.' Stanley Smith and Mi 1ss Amy Nas.- Priscilla Pollock, Vattmain Park.' Green's Beach Day, Lures 29 Children Fridav, Julv' 10. %vas Village Greeri's Beach dav. T%%eint,,-nine child'rew were present. Mr. Stone hired soine cars to take us do N. iss Rierer made two trips after ail the children. When %wv were ail in our suits we wvent down to. the water thîinking it would be çold. buit to .our surprise the ,wate'r Nas Itukewarni and "wa%-yY. We 1laved a few gaines in the water and %NI.eti we were getting èold we aroutid in the. sand tintil'lhe got warmi. At 3 :30 m-e ha(l o get out of the water to go home., At- a quarter' of four aIl the -childrenl were'up at the cannon. 'Phat beach- day Proved a ,success.-Výivian Miller, -Village Green. Colors Feature Baskets DoIl Show at Central Proves to Bc SucceIss The doll show atCentral was quite a success. Miss Bernice Borre was judge of the dolis.. 0f the. Juniors, Fio ra Pagliarulo Won first' place; Jacekie Baihatchet, second place, and Teresa Peifer, third. 0f, t-he Inter-' 'meiatsNancy,, Robb won first place; Imogene Kaufuxan, second, and Alicia Haake,1 third. 0f. the Seniors, J osephine ' ,Baîhatchet won first place,,Marie Peifer, second, and Margery. Weiller, third. The first- prize entry of the Seniors in- my opinion was the best of the whole' show.1 It was a bridal, procession. The bride was. dressed, in pink.- "Nancy Robb,,Cenitral.playground., Kickbali Tilt Won by VillageGreen Village Greeni had a kickball game against Vattmain MIondav, july 13. We played seven inniings.,At the end of the seventh inning the Village.Green wvon, the score being 30 'to'28. T'le Village Green players %vere as followvs: Jose- phinè Costo, catcher; Bèssie Costo,ý pitcher; Mariaîi Mitchell, first base; HopIe 'Miller, second base; Vivian Mi- ler, third base; Pearl Mountain, short- stop; Dorothy Dittnar, shortstop; Marian Schneider, left field: Frances Schmitz, ceriter field, and Margaret I3axtrotn, center field. Our next ganje wvill be with Central.-Bessie 'Costo; Village Green. Girls Overwhelm BOYs in 4 Innings of Kickball Wednesday, July 15, the boys and girls of Village: Green. layed a game of kickball. 'The bovs took. "oýtS". and girls "iris." Ini the last of the tirst irininz the' score %vas 4 to 2 iii favor of the girls. The boys caughitI two flues but droin>ed 'the rest.' At' Vattman Senior Basebali Team Seeksýý 6th Win Vattrnan Senior1 basebaîl team was after 'its sixth victory in:a, gaine* played athe .Village Green on Weédnesday, July 22.- The: weather being so bot, 'our teami is îiot, shoiving up as it should. Our latgamne we were minus three players and it wvas only a f ew' good players that pulled us out of the- boie. It hap- pened to be a Central* game. Iii the hast inning two walks were given to Vattman and our bard hitting pitcher, Howard Bail, won the game by ak a sinigle.. Most of our. Central games are close ones and every time Central is in the leaduntil thé Iast few innings, a nd then we go abead. Thle scores 'are as f<llows.: Village Green, 6, Vattman, 16; Village Green, 3, Vattman, 14; Village Greeni, 6,,Vatt- mari, 18;- Central, '11, Vattman, 18; Central, 12, Vattnari, 14; Central, 10, Vattman, 11. Horseshoes have given a great sport to. Vattman. Our boys are playing to see wbo wil l)e onthe Vattman teamr. -,Fred Aschbacher, Vattman park.' Village Green Enjoying Whirl of New Activities Wîien' the 'Village Green, had flni- ished with its doil show, a new ac- tivitv was in progress-preparation for the track meet. There were sue'-, events as the hall throw, and stand- inýg --an'd --umning, broad --JUînp1vaiï running anid* hopping races. Every- one was busy thirikirig of w -.hicl eveiits hie would enter. Then, 'too. there was the Cubse gamne to goli trb Julv 20. Miss Bierer had.,evervone Willing. to go to. sign1 their names dowi. There were mnany fromi the, Village Greeti..-.Josephiiine Costo. Village Green. 13 years 010, Marian Schneder. for boys 14 years old and over, Fred Asch- bacher; for girls 14 years' old and over, M(ary White. The track meet was a great. success and Vattrnan won the meet. Central came am second'.and Village Green, third. -. Imogene Kaufrnan, Central playLr<nd. THINKS 0F BALL GAME Sorne of the children of the Vatt- man playground were going to sec the Cubs play Brooklyn on Monday. We were 'b get in free' but we were to pày our cea 'are. We were to have' special cars to take usI. there. We hoped it would nfo raidi or be ton hot.-Sidney Morri,, Vattmanprk PICNICS EVERY FRIDAY ACTIVE AT VATTMAN We have picnics.at the playgrotund I go to Vattman park every every Friday. Recentlv we had one, rnorning and I go in and swirn in and we had just about finished eating the pool. I signed Up to play kick- our meal when a dog came up and bàl w~ith the girls of Vattman park. started nosing around everybody. We I will be on the. Junior team.In, arin threw bim things 'we didn't. likýe anci making a basketand it is red, brown, sorne leftovers.-Ma'rcia Smith., Vatt- green and purpie. -Mr ee mhan park,,, Arns, Vattman park. -j-

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