Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 24

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An communications must be accompaied by the Dmre an&. adires. of the wr1ter. Articles for pub- lcation mpuât reaob the editor by Tuesday noon to Inure appearanoe iln ourrent Issue. FLeôlutions of condolence. carda .oft tanka, olbitu- sarA.. notics of entertainînents or other affaira- where an admittance charge*lu publlshed, willI be cbarged at reguiar advrtising rates. Grade Sé paration Will Save Life Let's Hasten the Day! The national, government,. the varioUs states and nîany tiiun icipalities are direct- ing conlsiderabýle attention in this, era oI Ma e economnic depression an d May We con sequent unemployinent Suge? to the- prosecution of de- velol)m' ent projects ýthat, are not only essential 'but, if carried through at this timie, serve to provide cm- plâoiient for those w~ho despeératelyý need work to support their famnilies. and main- taini their self-respect. WVe have observcd no suich efort on the part of Willniette's mnunicipal admiinistra-ý tion, As a ilatter of fact, there is a no- ticeable suspension ini iniprovenlienlt enter- pr ises. Yet, -ve .have i. Our OWIl com-I munitv iman v .able-bodied iimen %Vho are out of wïork; not o1nlv'imen who .f ornierlv found eniplovmnent ini the village, buýt others, as weil, wlho are W\'limtte hIouse- holders and taxpavers and have been inak- ing their lhvelihood li Chicago. Il is Rtgether possible that_ snicb enter- prises.' couild be inauigtrated noNv witi ot adding to.the immiiediate tax burdeii. \Vil- mette.,has ample bondingpower and fa- ýcilities, orshould it be fouind advisable. to dûý the wvork by assessient, sticl cost could be spread. over an lextended p)erio.d so as not, t o aggravate, the present tax situation. Thle proposition i-is -,-o r thy o f'c onhs id era - tion. dollar a person a night? Word frômn an officiai of the United Charities emiphasizes the point' that wvhite the economic situation, in general gives evidence of, Some, Facing A nother implrovement, ac ýHard Winter tuai conditions *in the Chica.go area nlext wintèr vi1I demand as mùch energy and attention fromn the social, agencies as were .,necess ary, fo nieet the, needls iv inter. WAhi1e a .dininutioi'of "cases',ý requir- ing a ssi.stance %%as. evident during the late spring mionthis, the nuiibler of individuals and faniiilies' aplying for Ienergencv :aid wvas again: on the uptrend w;,. bththe. ap- proaéh of summiner. Spurts of inerease(1 activitv ini varions: inidustrial plants have,. largely subsided again and the lprospects for the aCproach- ing cold seasoni are anything but bright.* 'Those ,o0f Ius >-whio, a re more fortunate %vill w-,%anit to, assume our. responsibility %%-len t-jeý social agý,enicies Sound -the signal for liel11. Mo(lels of well dIirected 1 a,,ndote vacation activities are to be found in the variouis boys' and girls' camps cond(ucted * at this season Vacation Camnps- i e x per t s-- A Contribution ýlavig n-id flot nmerelv the proper plysical de vclopiinent of' the rsn gYeuerat 'on but who inculcate, as wvell, tiolse. qulîties wh-Iichi makc for up-bluild- ing, of chiaracter. Anotable examl)le, is thiat of. the Bo\r. Scout cam-p at Spring Lake, W\is., wic niav 1e regar-ded as a virtulal commnitvib venture in training for stturdy iiianihood,, and good citizenship. *just The equipnient is slight but at the saine time ample. A bcd with excellent mat- tress, a small table, two- chairs-that's about ail in the average cabin. Somne have rwiniag water, bureau, -smaill stove'and ..C.reetied porch. One that we occupied: in nortbeèrn New Hlampshire had ail these, called for j uly 24 is designed to bring to- gether representatives of the varions forth shore communities to consider plans for defi- nite action. 'The region in question lies within the Chicago, Sanitary district. Hence, every taxpayershould be interested in theProposi- tion to obtain eëffectivedrainage of the Skkie. -is written during one of the brief "breat1ing" spels may be tabulated briefly as foliows (if you are cool enough to listen) : The suburbanite clad in linen suit topped off bv last winter's fedora of sombre hue. Inmates of the House. of David over Benton. Harbor way retaining the. protect.ive- flage ùun- trinimed despite theë heat. Pajam.a-cla.d %womlen shoppers in, the loop. Similarlv dressed fair ones attencii.ng the re- crgrtd niovies-eventualily calling for, the esotscoat w.hen teclimnate becomes too rigorous.. Te boys at the corner cigar stand praying for rain to help..out the-"long, shot" business..' Introductionl of refrigerated candies at o ur best drug stores, Two of our '*confirmed-est" bachelor Iriends succurnbing to cupid's caîl. Resorters Ïéturning from.the northlands- with tales of heat and yet more heat. Prospective' resorters preparing to hie thnfi- selves. north in the hope of "hit.ting some cool spots." Fisliing reported generally f air-wvîth heat waves enhanicing the length and breadth of fish storfes. (;olfers *also' in good forin i ith glowinlg. ac- cotnts of miasterful strokes. Hoping for cool breezes or prolongation, of-. heat,, depýe-ndiig, upon one's degree of sanity. Lntirely' too' warm for, work and too warm flot to, have, wo-rk to- keep, oùe's, mid 'off the- heat. To date 'we haven't heard heat coniplaints froxin Fil Ossifer who is winding up a, Newv Eng- laiid tour ini good old Mainie, Fil's exceiloit spirits ilia. best be attested in the following receîved by post stage this week: * BOOSTING WISCASSET DeaIr Mique- Hiaving rnotored almost 3,000 miles fro6m the nor ivho e arrived lasi cvciing--at casset, the "prettiest villagein Mainei.'4. We had spent thle preceding night on ý,Mount Desert - Islanid,'close beside' the busy. se.aside towfln of' Bar. Harbor. The trip f rom-B ar' Harbor to Wiscasset was uneventful except for the crossing of the 'Penob- scot. river on 'a flat boat dignified by the nPame of - ferrN-.' Odrr lîttle car was t'le last- to boPard th.e ferry, so that as we were mnoving across the river Nve wvereý soniewhat ap)prehensive lest the brake and hlocks. holding the car might prove ineff ective and we slide backwards into the dark, dleep -water of the Penobscot. 4'il Ossifer. "Elms and oaks," déclares J. W~ Foote, oiur contributor on garden and kindred topics, "andi many other sorts of trees are at their best when several hundred years oid." Which would seem to, substantiate the conten-' tion that the first -hundred years, indeed, ýare the bardest. -Mique.

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