V'%attna n park took ats sixth con- secutive vict9)ry in playgrounld track meets last Tbursday afternooît at flhe Village Green wbere the annmal vil- lage-wide track and field events were held. Ali three play grounds. sent eut- ries to the mtet but front the very' first there was nio doubt about Vatt- man's heading the list -and the- real. race was l)tween Village,,Greeil and * Central playground for-the wininer of the second place berth., Central wvas the victor by 19 points. WNin1ners of the races and fièlId events were: 4-yar d.ash for boys and girls un- der 6 years: Maàry Murdison,". Vttiit park,ý first place.; Fran.es Fay Whiite, Vattmafln;, second place;* Charles Datn- asky. Village Green, third place; Rob- ert Gordo>n Bush, Vattnian,.fourti- place.. *40-yard, dasb for, boys, and girls 6ý years pId: Billy Finlaysofl, 0Cntral, first place; - RoseinaIy I"roehide, v'att- main, second place; l3arbara Hlwy Vattmian, third Iplace ; loydliftoi, Central, fourth. l)lce..1é 40-yard daslt for boys 7 years o)Id: * BiIy Fïnkbone.t, Vattman, frst jiace; Raiph Whîlte, Vattimani, scpdlace Norman Iicffmai.n, Vattnian, thurdplc Aldeut Heurens, Vattinan, fourth place. * 40-yard dash f<>' girls 7 ye:lrs. nid: blartha Leach, Vattmnan, ftrst place Rosema'y .,Shiithe NVattnafl, second * place; Florence. Janas, Village, Green, third place; Ane4a Froehde, Vafttinan, fourth place. 40-yard dash for boys 8 years:. Gra- bait Flnlayson, "Qeti'al, firstple * Charles pCederberg. Vtmasecond * place ; ,Atdi-ev 1urdison, Vattnîan, *-third place ; Noernman Fifer, Va';ttuna;n, fou rtJî place. 40-yard dash for girls 8 vears: Vir- giia Todd, Vatnîafln, first . l;ac4' . Mar- gaýret Kraft, Vattllian1 second lace. Mary Frances P.lu, Vattilau> third place; Ila riet Jonies, -Va ttnmin, * foui-th place.. 40-yard <l:sh for boys 9 years. Don- ald Garniss, Vattnuan, flrst place; I311- *ly Dodds, Vattin-an, seconkd place; -Rob-. ert Lifton, ('enitri,l third place ; - chael Nmiuttona ra, VI.llage GIreen, feiulthl place. 40-yard ýdash ffr girls 9 year4:, Lu- cille Heerens, Vattnuan, . flst place ; Dorothy Brucla use'r, Vattiii.t, second place Florence Milnikel, Village, Green, thiu'd place ; Doris.. White, Vattmian, fou rth place. 40-ýyard dasýh for boys 10 years - Rob,-, ert DeVin-ney, Village _Green, first place; Biily Itoberts;, Village Green, sec-ý ond place;. Hioward Bohinen,Vttan third place~; Robert Lyons, Vattunian, petitive . events well out ofthte way during the ensuing week, only handi- craft projects and low organized gaines .will be iceft on the prograin for the tbree remaining weeks of tbe season. Tbe playground bulletin Pte- pared by Daniel M. Davis and bhis assistants, bas, scbeduled tbrèeeim- portant handicraft events for 'the last weeks of the season, and events that are optional witb the playground instructors. Soap-carving, paste proJ- ects, and. pocketbook-m-tkinig are the main features 'Of the handicraft -pro- granm while fiower-making may l)c introduced by the, instructors desir- ing it. The final playground bail and kick-- hal gaines will be played by next Friday afternoon and the sand-inodl- eling-cotttest, only rernaininig village- wide event left on tbe scliedule beîng. out: of -the wNay Tuesday afiernoon, ail ac/vity ont the playgrounds wili be é.cdnfineèd to, tbe local i nstructor S' prograins. Local contests in soap- carving. paid fiowver-mlaking have been left ojtional to-the instructors andl have been delegated to places of honor, in the fluaI exhibits rather thanl special shows' by most of the inistructors. The final week of the playgroi1nds have l)een tcf t for ineig'hhorhiood,.dgys at each playgrotln(l and itistructor.. are planning picnics, exhibats, plays, and( other specialjeatuires for a day set aside for the parents to attendj the playgrounds an(lse the types of activity conducteil during the stumi- Ier. place -, Bes Si e Costo, Village -(Green, thlrd place. *30-yard hop foril»boys Iundelr 8:1alph WVhite, Vattînan, fi,:st place ; Billy. F:iiîckbofler. Vattinaii, ondpace - Johups Sargent, V'illage Uen third, 30-yatrd ho)pfor girls under 8: Betty. Kraft, VaIttiani, first place'; 3Margaret .Kivland, Village Green, second place; Martha Leach, '%'attmfani.. third place. 30-yard hop for girls under 10: ]Dor- otlty Bruclîhauser, Vattnian. first place; Luceille Heerens, Vattniafl, second place; Virginia Todd, Vattniafl, thircl place. 30-yard hop for Interniediate grs flnruthy Davis, Vattniait. trst, plaçe;I years: I)orotfly Davis, Vattman,tirs,. place; Marcla Smith, Vattman, second. place; Betty Todd, Vattnîan, titird place; Hope Millet-, Village Green, fourth place. Distance: 7 feet 1/4 inch. Standing broad Jump for boys 12 years : Bill Jenkî ns, Central, first place; Gerald Spinner, Vattni an, second place;, Gilbert Hoffman,, Vattman, third place; Roger L.ynch, Village Green, fourth place. Distance:,,7 feet 8Y tahes Standing broad*jump for girls 12 years: Jean Finlayson, Central, ý flrst place; Blanche. Kreusch, Village Green.- second placé; Shirley Garnis', Vattnuan, third place; Josephine Costo,. Village* Green ,, fourth place. Distance: 7 feet 12 .nch. Runnlng broad jump -for '.boys. 13 years: Frank Swirles, ~Centrai, first place;, Howard Bail, Vattman,- second Place; Billy Wade, Vittnia n,.. third place;, Donald, Lynch, Village Green, fourth place., Distance: 14 feet, 6 Inches. Rturnnng broad, jump for girls 13 years: .Loretta 1 Steffens, Vattman, tiret place;-, rth Hill, Vattman-, second place; Josephine B3alhatcliet, Central, t hird -place..'Distance: Il feet 8. inches. .,,ttnning broad, lump. for girls.,14 years and over: Betty Peterhatis, Cen- tratl, tirst place; Lucille Hôffttan,. Vat .t- nman, second place; MNary White, Vatt- man, third place. Distance: 12 feet 8 incites. lZunning bro, 'ad junip for- boys 14 years and over:*. Mark 8inionds, Vatt- tuit, tirst place,; Fred. Aschbacher,ý Vattman4 second" place. Distance 16 feet. P-laygronid bal throw for boys'1 years: Bob DeVinney, Vi llage Green, first place ; Howard Bohnen, Vattntan, second place ; 'Bill, oberts, Village Green, third place ; ('harles sîtinner, Xattnian, fourth Place. Distance: 10à feet 1# incites. Playglo,d)tl( baIl thro(-w for, girls 10 years: Hlildegarde Vo(ellir, Vatmnan, fi'st place ; ltuth Ivestjian Vattnia,, second place; Doris Hargis, Výtttnian, third place. Distance 64 feet 3 incite. Playground bail thi'ow -for boys il years: Eric Samnuelson, Vattman, first plae Howard Mouldlng, Central, sec- ond place; Tom Klvlaîîd, Village Greell, third place. Piayground bail throw for gir1.ý il years: Dorothy Davis, Vattman, fir-st Place: Hope Miller, Village Green, seo- ond place; Betty T'odd, Vattnîan, third plae;, Mary Edn= Kraf%. Vattman. fourth Place. Distance: 7.4 feet 5. inches., ,Playgroound bail thirow for girls 12ý years: Marcella BruchhaUser, Vattmian, fir4t place , Blanche Kreusch, Village Green, second place; Jean Finlayson, Central, third place.; Marga Hlosaeus, Central, four-th Place. Distance 99 feet 10 inches. Playground baIl throw for boys 12 Years: Gll1bert Hofiman. Vatt1jn ir. 6ît *The seventh week of tbe summer playgrounds starts Monday. and will bring the last village-wide event for the season, the annual sandntodeiing contest, Tuesday aftfernoon at. the.- 'Wilmette beach. The sand-modeling ýcontest ison of the two' events during the season considered sufficiently important to warrant dismissing all the 'Play- grounds so that the 'chilitren may attenid. Trhe eve nt will be held, as lieretofore, at. the Wilmette- beach, begining at 1 :30 o'clock. The play- ground track ineet held last Thurs- day afternoon is the only other vil-' lage-wide playground event' ranking in importance with the safid model- Six representatives frorn each play- ground, will conmpete and, ribbon l)rizes wiU ble awarded to winners ot first, second and third places ini each' age group. Children under ten vears of age compete in the junior group. those under thirteen *in i the Inter- miediatç group, and those front thir- teen to fifte.eýi_ years iin the Senior group. Both b)oys aund girls are, en-ý tered in the cofitest -and coîistruct their modelslu the ,vet sand with- out advice front anyone and without the aid of kuives, sticks, or other implentents. A varietyI of mnodels frorn steantl)oats to reptiles, to say noth- ing of Orplhan Aninies, "Mfin aInd Andy Gunip" and other illustrations front cartoons in utetropolitan news- papers, are sbowîî side. by side each -,ear. The inodels constructed, repre- sent the ideas *of. contestants, -whlo are not allowed f0 accept suggestions front their instructors or miembers a f the playgrouîîds. Arrange. Story Hours for 'the Playgroünds Miss Mary Winter Hughes, £hil- dren's librarian of the XVilmette Pub- lic library, willconduct weekly story. hours at each of the three village playgrounds during the remaining 1weeks of thte summier season, Daniel Do rothy ill, Vattman, second puace, Vivian Miler. Village Green, thirc place;v Mauian Schneider, Village Green, fourth place. fobys1 60-yard dash orbys1 years and over: Mark Simonds, Vattinan, tirai place. Fred Aschbacher, Vattman, sec- ond ,place. Il0S-yard dash -for girls 14 years and over,::Lucille Hoftman. Vattman,. tirit plae; etty Peterbans. Central, second second pliace; Charles Splniier, Vatt- 1itan, third place; Bob Lyons, Vattitàn, Children Watch- Cùbs fourth place. Distance: 6 fe.-t 9 inclies. Standing brotad jump for girls 10 Trounc Brooklynites' 1 yers. HidegrdeVoeller, Vattrnan, tftrst place; Rutht MestJlan, Vattman, One hundred and seventy-fiv e iI-' S'second place; Janet Blutton, Vattman, mette playground cbildren wei e third place; Doria flarei, V&ttmlaa, guests of the Cubs manageeta 1 fourth place; Distance à feet Il taches eeta t:Standing broad jump for bôys lï the Cubs-Brooklyn 'gante last. Mon- 1 yeara: Howard Mouldlng, _Central>j day affernoon, when the Chicago club WilI UC iomorrow. shut out Brooklyn 1 to 0. The play- ground eidren were taken to and froin Wrigley field in- specialý cars and'were cbaperoned.by Director of Recreatioù Daniel M: Davis,- and' several of theç playground instructors.