Duririg the. sixtb week at Ravinia, three operas wil have their. first hear- ings of the sèason, and five operas. will be répeated. '"-l. Trovatore," "Ca-rmen" and "Fra IPiavoIo" will be heardfor the first time, while 'ýMar- tha,""Tosca," "Manon," Faust,', and "The Bartered Bride," wiII be re- peated.- Friday eveninsr of this week, July 24, fSamnson and ]Delilah," wil bé sung by Julia Claussen, Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Marie Basiola, Louis D'Ange- Io and others, with Louis Hasselmans conducting. Saturday eveniîg. ýJttly 2.5, «L'Amnore dei Tre Re" wiIl be sung by Lucrezia Bor.i, dward Johnson, Vin- gilio Lazzari- and Giuseppe Danise. witli Gennaro Papi, conducting., Give Italian concert *Sunday afternoon, JuIy 26, the Chi- cago Symphony orchestra, di rete1 by Eric DeLamarten, w111 give a pro- gramn of compositions bv Italian coin- *posers. Daniel Saideniberg, 'cellist, * wl!1 be the so1ô1'st. Sunday evening, July 26, the fourthl *eek commences with "Il Trovatore." sunig b Elisabeth Rethberg. Mr, Martinelli. Julia Clatîsseti, N1r".Basi- oItý, and .witb -Gennaro Papi conduct- ionday nighit, July 27, "M1artha", wilbe -sung by Florence Macbeth, Mario Chiamice, Ina Bourskaya, M,\Ir Lazzari, Vittorio Trevisan and '.\r. D*Angelo, with Mr. Hasselmans con1- ducting. - ~"Tosca" N.xt Tuesday- Tuesday night, july 28, ,Tosca" will be sung by. Yvonne Gall, with .Mn. Martinelli heard this timne as Cav- aradossi and Alfredo Gandolfi mak-. ing his Raviia.,ebut as Scarpia, Mn. T revisan, Mr. Olivieno and Mr. A n-ý anian. Mr. Papi conducts. Wednesday night, July 29, Mas- senet's "Manon", will be surîg by Lucrezia Boni, Marjo.Chamnlee, Leon Rothier, fDesire Defrene, and othens. M r. Hasselmans conducts. Thursday night, Jubly 30, "Faust" will be sunig by Yvonne G-1, Ed- ward Johnson, Mr. Rothier, Mr. Basiola and others.: Louis Hassel- mafls rnnducts. up a partLy anu Ulive tUîVUe ailtue~ later» this summer. Mrs. Leland Hobart flanforth of 333 Warwick road, Kenilworth,. Ieft *Wednesday, july 15, to join the Rev. MNtr.,Danforth at Kilkare ,Iodge, Wis. - .aa trea teot youi a 11ieau 1mt mi AttendouvrFrigdareJuile ANNIýVÈRSA.RY lGI:T to Visitors See our dramatic demonstration of Fidiefaus FRIGIDÀAIRE JUBILEV ) FIND OUT ABOUT OUJR ~ pecial Jbilee 0f f er B.e our guest at the Jubilee celebration of Frigidaire's fifteen. years, of, achievement. See our special demonistration- ho* the Cold Control makes possible a wide variety- of delicious, frozen desserts-how the Quickube Ice Tray enables you to remove ice cubes one at a time or a whole trayful-how wil con- frere duct. Robert Prentiss of, KenilwortIr and George Veeder of Winnetka have motored to Colorado on a camping tnrp . They will, stay. about ninéty. miles front Denver, and on their ne- turni Will stop at. Estes park. DOWNTOWNi DISPJLAY IlOOXa 151.N. Micidman Ave. Tel. Bandoilh 4951 Evanston MI Shermtan Ave. -,,.Groecleaf 4480- ibbard' Woods s W. G. Beyrer, - 1181 CentralAve. *-,Wflmëte 81 GE:NEEI OFFICES* 210 E. North Water St. Tel. WbitebaaR 8141 Liaden Ave. Wiguiette 181,