Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 12

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33", Per 1.lb.. can Md. Siz, 15C 4. ~29c (Plus Boittle Deposit> t r) E T Li S ~: 7k FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES VALENCIA -ORANGE CALIFORNIA BARILE GEORGIA PEACHES Qucolity MEATS, PR IME SElf RIb, Roais?ý ES Dozen 27c ETT PEARS3 Lbs. 27c 1 6 Ls. 25c You'Ill ind the right meat to serve, hot or cold, for summer menue at A& P Markets at pleapingly Iow prices. STANDIVdO DRE$SED 23e L 3210 'I Âvrer1th duiriet, wfliefl ifluU.(W the north, shore, doesflot reside ivithli the con fines cof the - new - 3t h., A pr lnary. electio-n to select a representatlve tri Congress &fom the new 13th Wili1 be held next April and mnanyý civic-minded. res- dents of the, area are concernied about the task of choosing.a representative of mnost acceptable qualifIcations.: The ae- companying communic.ation enîphsi,ýzes that point «ind desetveef* the seýrious. con- siderationi of every voterý in the.distric. We invite other commnhications on th!F bubject. Let.-us hear your opinion 'ré- grdiga. representative in CongresFr fronm the 131h. districet E.dit or Wii. NircirLi~e: Xated: A Representative, in Con-1 The reappo rtionnient of the I1liji0iîs Cong ressionar çdistric ts gives .the orhshore an opl)o tuitý, and- a re- 5)oflsil>ility. Th e mal shows the newf dllistlrict in M'Iich we are located, wbicli mill he kiiown as. the 13thl Congres-s sional district. We wvere formerIy in c the Ith district Nwhjich. itcludedila section of Chicago. The.new 13th is strictly suiburban, starting.at the citv-,i fine and runniiing niorth and noCrthwestk to the state linie. On the west -it in-Il cludes Barrington, 'Elmýwood Parlz, Park Ridge, etc...b Carl Cliiidblom, wvho has ably rep- 1) resented uis 50 fiany years, is flot in the district nor is any other sitting ," congressinan. A new mian must be ô, Steutcool 7,and Soft, In Hot Weathez1 portunïty. ur national governmient can be no better than the. men w~e send to Washington. We doubt -if there are a dozen congressional di,,- tricts in the country that are* made up of as fine a group of commtinitiesR as:,compri-se the. new l3th. It; is a district unusualiy high in intelligence, privilège, antd« ethlics.lItsresidents' are *widély -varied. iii businiess interest.4, no one type of business. prevaj'iing. that. should - bilas. its judgment .a2ný! desiies. It is sufficiently r:ural to svm-, pathize and appreciate the, problems of the farmer and vet urbaàn enough to know the needs* of the city. In short, it is just the kind. of a com- niun ity that .,vould delighit in having a representative that could be a leader of the "country as a whole wjth broad enough vision to act firmlv for the genieral, good-a mani Who will no. barter his vote to the lunîber. inter- est 's to secure an advantage for sugar, or,' seli, him self to Cotton to curry favor for steel. Lt wouild bel a reaIl hoior to reinre- sent such a district un.fettered by any obligations to any~ group or faction.ý Already' naines are being sug-gested. £very., citizein who wants good govern- mentshoulci feel a responsibilitv ii) knov about the aspiran-ts. for this honor. Do thev measure. up to the 5tandards that should be set? 'And, )y the way, what standards should 1e set up ? * Wouldn'*t it be advisable to chooste amanî younig enough to give 15, 2() >r,.25 vears of his life efficiently to hiis %work and vet mature enough te have ripenied judgmnent and e.Nperi- enc e enough i i p.olitics to lie effec- ive' Naturally, a comrnunity that as 1whole has býeen spleiididly success;- âil in business would prefer a nmIan aiso successful %vho would .flot be ntirelv tied doivn by and whélly de- )endent on the ýtoo meager sala*ry hat %ve pay our public serv-ants. F urtherinore, it would. seecîn that Io ace the tremendous economnic prol,- ms of- tariff, -uiinmploymqt, and., gricuIturé and to be.a leader iii their, 'lution, he. ,_must inti-self 15 t hôroughly grounded ini and a care- ifl student of'econonics. Dr. and Mrs. J.. P. Mann of Phila- w~ deiphia, P., have been visiting Dr. Cental-Wlmete Avnue* Mann's sister, Mrs. W. C. 'Reinhold Cental-WImet. Avnu., of 1005 Ashland avenue, for a week Plioet: ilmete 2. an 29 on t.heir. way- to a tour of the West. Phoea Wim.t.28 ud~ hey ,will i their so'n, r. A.'H. Mann, of Silver C:ty N. M DR. PRICES Vanilla Extr aCt 2 5. c: k4iLANI'S FRENCH .Dressing GOLDEN -610W Brew SAWYER Butter Cookies j '9Ce RAJAH Salad. Dressing, q Food %Stores mon

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