Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 9

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* mat it lis a ratrner serous tln "decl or- * ganization which functi6ns- only at voting time; that althougb it is quite *hàrw.less it-dôes Obt do a great de,4i of goqd; that it is pureiy »a civic en- terprise and -4l>4t its mémbers are ,%Nrapped. up ini civics to 'the exchi.siôn of evre.rthing else; that it is a' Polt ical organization. Whic.- is al wrong, The league wvas 'formed as the out growth- of- the Woman's . uff rage. p arty,: foimed for- the purpose of .educating "enfranchised womcn how to vote imtelliientlv ,and formed as, * a fact flnding 'and fact distributimfr organization," flot a politicai one, to teach the science of governiment. Academic study is minimized and. so far as> possible the emphaàsis is on practical 'contact wththe ,goveril- ment as it funictionis. The League is functioniing ail the timie- in. forty-five states, the District of Columbia and *an organized -group in one othe- state. It is the oniy organization ii the United States working for edu- cation in goveruiment. It bas done, is doing and wit'h the coritinued support * of its miembers wiIl do, a great dca1 *of valuabië work.- It.had before the General ,Asscemhy! * prior to its adjournient on june 10, ten important bis. The most itr e.4ting to ail, wonjen in, general are the Bohrer' Child WVelfare bis. Eighteen- of these bis including the County L'nit, bills,- the Chiid Wcifare Act, the Juvenile Court act and the Adoption bill 'have been passed bv * the Senate and are now before th,2 House Comniittee Judïci.ary. It is. a civic Womain's'club) and its mnembers are naturally intercsted in civics, but * fot to the exclusion of everyth,îng cise. t bas its social side ini the lunch- cons .Precedinýg the meetings. These1 lu-nchéons are dainty, inexpensive an,! provid-a very real social atmosphlerei and a place tô becomie acquainteci with ,otn!s *nighbor.. The,.Ieague is unpartisail in policy an( mîutiý-paritisan iù mrembership. t isý an organization of women worrking for women-not. because,ý womcn have a* separate stake in gv 1torate. - towards a hilgier average of nce and îdealisiin the edcc- Mrs. M. B. Skinner Dies Sat Home, in.South Bend Mrs. Louise Hâle Skinner, wife of Mortimer B. Skinner, died suddenly at her home inâSouth Bend, Ind., last Saturday. Mr. and Mi~s. Skinner were, pioncer residents of Wilmette and had lived here until ajfew ycars ago. 1The Skininers. took anu active part in thé community. life of Wiilmctte. Mrs. Skinner was prominent, in the' Wilmette- Woman's club and. in, St. Augustine's Episcopai church.; Both she and ber husband were active ini the, oid Ouiimettc Country club, and .Mr. Skinner was at one time presi- dent of the club . They %vere also. -mnembers of Ye Olde Towne Folks, Xilmffette's old se'ttlrs" organzation., Besidtes ber husband, Mrs. Skinner ais survived by two daughtcrs, 'Mrs. Thornton S. Adams of Chicago, and Mrs. G- Ross Stewart of Detroit. The funeral services were held at South* Bend 'Monday morning. Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustne's Episcopal church, Wilmette. asgistéd in the bu'niai services at Oakwood.%: cemnetery chapel, Chiicago, M_\onday, afternoon. ACCEPTS NEW POSITION W. Frank McClure, 219 Broadway avenue, Wilmctte, head of the office of Albert Frank and company~, re- çently resigned to becomne a vice- president and pripcipal in. Carrol Dean Murphyv, Ic., general adver- tising agency. For five years he was head of the advertising counicil of the Chicago Association of Comi- mnerce. and for nine years was chair- man of the national advertising. corn- mission. Mr. Murphy is aiso a north shore man, having his residence at 875 Hill road, Indian Hill. GUESTS FROM PERSIA Dr. and Mrs. Wilder P. Ellis and *famiiy of Urumia, Persia, were_ the. The Bi bje and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and al Christian Science Literaturé maybe rea4, borrowed or Reading Room. other authorized purchased at the THE, PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITEDTO A1 END THE CHUkCH 'SERVICES AND VISIT THE. READING. ROOM R = DAVIS110WIL.METTE 464-. A is. Carlsons Building Pharu.acy, 636 Chu scA St., Evansien, Gre. 3316 Shop, at, vvëir-F F y0UéL L lIKE 70 TORADE, 411 Linden Ave. ad oeu Wiimc.ttc, i. a Sve .ny -g . Phone Minmette 2943 ID 'White Radio Service on A Il Makes of Sots 75C~ 85c si 000 Z'

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