In the introduction to bis anniixal report, Mr. Davis pays tribute to the members of the iPlayground and Rec -' reation board who were, during the last year: H-enry C. Fowler, chair- man and Park board. representative, George H. Redding, board of educa- tion representative, Ernest C. Cazel. Village'board representative, R. m. johnston and. Mrs.. Herbert Leach. repre sent ative s-at -large. The organ- iiation of the board is termed bv, Mr. Davis as ideal and«.one that is con sideredas among. the most efficient in the country. The board of e ducation is also nientioned for special tribute i the report since it assumes a part, of the finlancial responsibility for 'the work.. In return for this aid, the directoir and bis staff conduct. the physical, educa- tion, program in the, public schools îvhich, is, also under tbe supervision and organization. of Mr. Davis. One of the heaviest, parts of the recrea- tion 'program is the after-school ini- * tram uiral prograîn for boys and girls. which inciuded more than 90 percent of ail the boys and girls f rom the fiftb tbrougb the eigbth grades. In the teti percent not reacbed by the program, 9.1/ percent were physically unable to enter into such sports and were reacbed by special corrective classes. Divertified Projects In addition the physical education and intramural, program, the juvenile recreatiôli activities included an effici- ent corps of junior Police, more than * 100 writers each week for the junior Lif e, 35 boys interested in~ construc- tion. and yn of model airpianes who -were org.anized into the Aero club with weekly meetings, two large H.allowe'en progr ams,. à-ne at eacb of the public sehool gymnasiums, and an E-aster Egg hunt that was attended by 2,000 cbildren f rom the public'and * parochial scbools. Marbie tourna- menits for both -boys and. girls, a roller skating meet, and special races in.the * ice skating:carnîval are also, extra- curricula acti-vities conducted during the school year. Non-atbletîc- activities conducted for adults mentioned in Mr. Davis'l paper;" Mr. ýDavis' entiré program was con- ducted at the total expense of $14, - 100.21 during the past fiscal year. This sum includes salaries, office overhead, suippliées, prizes, equipment, mainten- ance of ice. rinks, etc. Mr. and Mrs. AI -Schreiberý of 2300' Thornwood - aven 1ue. are sp ending their 'week-ends 'motoring. -Two weeks ago they mtored to Lincoln, Ill., accompanied by Mrs. Schreiber's sister -and, berhusband, Mr. and Mrs W illiam J. Collosky and Iast week tbey took a trip up to Green Bay. Xis.- The B. W. Thurteils of. 201 Sixth street have been spending the sunuiner in 'taking several short vacation trips and entertaining relatives as their bouse guests. SUITS Ail of our remaining suits, includiaîg tihe famotîs B. V.. D., make. Many of themn sold as high as $5.00. Your clioice, while they Iast. e Tele phones WILMETTE Ç 21 q2 A - ight-weight summer under- garment perfectly suited for to- day's requirements. ANGORA- BERETS À fluff y itgbt-welght reai Angora beret. Speclally prleed for oýlearanee. $.o0 POLO. SHIRTS ,ust riglit for the sum- mer day. They'ro malle of non-rn raYon. 95C . e WILMETTE 21 CABSERVIE HERBON GARAGE,ý 732-lZth ST. The, Oldest Cab'Service In Wilmette. ~.(A Ou eI tr Cabs OficiallY APP'roved mEvaxiston Safety Laite 14-H4OUR SERVICE e $5-.00 BOYS' SWEATERS À p op ul1a r sIeevelets oweteretal wool yarns for tennils or Soîf., BOYS' SHlOR1 Covert eloih' shoytfl. A .sturdy garment ln a va- rlety of colors for the active boy. $1.15 ii.. v.von vr Lmon, i rs strong, S. C. Bennett, Taylor. The Athletic cornimttt advisory.- capacity iii~ yearly progýrm and as puttes.. Its memnbê*sb anfng the oiters of dis- included: Qflfl Raîplu 11327, Ave. De pendable Merchandise Phone Wil. IBon-Ton Corsets BATH ING, ..1I 1 - $2,95