cuti obtail Iow prices. fit sterHmflg 1ECONOIES-JULY'.17 TO JULY 23 OX TONGUES. Fresh o*r pickled IL.27c LAMB8 STEAKS. Tenderid* 4 SIRLOIN STEAKS., Fancy cuts. . lb. 46c STEWING>. CH1CKENS'. Fresh dressed lb,-. A 31-c. SUGAR. Pure cane granutated .... 10 Ibs. 59c, CRI SCO.. 1, /2'and 3-IL.ti n sb.23c COFFEE, Santos rh- ild'.blend .2 lbs. 49c ,OLIVE QOIL. Riéheliei, pure imported Iaiq. $ 1.05 FRENCH DR~ESSING. Pricé's S5, P. K. 25c baffles........ ............... 2for 39c TUNA FISH. Fancy,,iight meat. , '2-b. fin 19c RICE KRISPIES. kýeI!ogg s 1 5c size .. 2 for 23c LAUNDRY SOAP. American -Family 10 bars 59c TOULT SOAP. Armorita cold cream complexion soap . ..... .. . 4 bars 25c SOAP FLAKES. Large -25c cartons of Vogue fine quality pure whte flakes.......... 2 for 39c GINGER ALE. Morand's extra pale dry' in pints. Add 25c.for.boffles',,refunded for emptys',. .. doz. $1,10 GRAPE JUICE. MeiÎer s pu re-,Concord.....qi 35C Meier's PU re Catawba ... pi.29C. qti. 55C FRIDAY &Y SATURDAY ONL~Y AIr. .nasselmaýils connticting. ,On Friday night, juIy 24, "Samison et Dalila,". will be repeated, with Julia Claussen, Mr. Martinelli, '.,r. Basiola, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Ananian, Mr. Windheim and-Mr-ý Oliviero, Ruth Page and the-ballet wihl dance. Louis HNasselnfians, will conduct. -On Saturday night, "L'IAm)ore -dei Tre Re," will be repeated wiihL ucre- zia Bori, Edward Johnlso'. 'Mn. Danise, Mr. Ltazzari. Mn. Olivieroand Miss, Falco. Geninaro Papiý will conduct. Italian, Music Sunday On Suiiidai,. afternoôon, Julv 26,. there will be an afternoon of Italiapn nîusic,_ with Eric DeLamarter conducting tlie Chicago Symphony orchestra. ýOn Sunday iiight, Julv 26", "Il1 Trovatore" will be repeated with Madame R ethberg, Mn. Maàrtinelli,, Julia Claussenl;,. Mr. Basiola,Mr D'Angelo, Miss Falco anid Mr. Oliv-, iero, GenÜaro Papi will conduct. ON SHOPPING TRIP 3rs1 Nellie A. Hlanna is Ieaving to- dlay on a shopping expedition in New~ York -City. Shie will"he away f rom hier shop in Spaiiish court about ten- Mr. and -Mrs. James S. Hall of Winston-Salern, N. C.; are spending several weeks as- guests of Mr. 'Hall's sister and faniily, the J. Benton Schaubs,, 1040 Isal)ella street. lal ni? son sports event.: In th e leld events Billy Leary won firs't place in the 50-yard' dash for boys ten and eleven years old* an<1 first place in the sack race. Ne also) wvon- honors in the swimming races, tàking second place in the 40-yard fr*e e style ievent. Another Wilmette boy who *,wor. swimming honors was 'Billy Krippes, taking first 'place in the, 30-yard bacl, stroke for ý,juniors and second place in the'30-yard side' stroke for juniors. Billy aàlso. was oneý of f our. boys who« won the treasure hunt for the juniors. The third Minmette boy who' dis- tinguished hiniseif was. John Martin. Ne won second place in the 50-foot back swimi, using:the legs only. Lieut. Col..lHoward W. Hodgkins oi 431 Abbttstford road,, Kenfilworth, returns this Saturday f rom a two ves'tour of duty 4t Fort Sheridan, where his commiand, the. 531st Coast artillery, Anti-Aircraft, has been, train-. ing f or the past two .weeks. The traininfg bas indluded considerable fir-. ing at targets towed by -airplanes. IM is s Irene Christophel of 201 Gof terrace, Wilmette, wvll1 have' ichuii, Miss Myrth Gaylor of Sout...-) Bend, Inid, as her guest over the week- 0o- Mrs. John C. Erwitn of 623 Liniden avenule, Wilmette,.s spe)d"ing about ten days at Kilkare lodge, Spooner, \Vis. Chocolate, ~ssed....... CENTRAL ANO TWELFTH -WIILME1TE GUROCERY .MARKE~T PHONE 5,10 PHONE 514 IL~~ se ~r ,, , , Ilvil