to the village a siuyuuîîy rnin highlv developed system of com- munity play which reaches ail age, groups from the veny young to the very old, This is disclosed in the fifth aninual report- published. this week by Director of Récreatiow - Daniel M. Davis, and, his staff as- sistants. Increase in'activity, scope of work. and attendance are shown throtlgh-, out the report. The atte.ndance alone iiu.mped more than 15,000 in the year beginniing May 1, 1930 and ending Mav, 1, 1931 over the previous fiscat year ending in.1930. Total attendance for the ffth year was '224,682 and for * the l)revious year, was 208,824. VaidAttracions In this total attendance record are * included the 1930 playground. attend-. ance.of 35,960, the swimming program *at the Wilmette 'beach and the annual water carhival, .8,135, >the 1intramural program in the winter, spring, ane. *faîl after 'school hours, 69,796, the aduit recreation acçtivities,,1eagties etc., *52,743, the ice skating and ice' car- nival, 51,059,-and the special activi- *ties such as the Hallowe'en and Easter progranis, 7,0.00. The above figures, do ýnot include the 45,000 spectators who were content to watch and not participate in the vanious spoirtsz. Aithough comparatively few ne- activities were added during the year ail of the organized leagues and gym .nasium classes showed a decided in- **crease in mem'benship. The largest *ncrease along this fine was. in the basketball leâgues for both men ai Nwonen. Thirty-four adult basket- bail leagues were conducted foi- t%,weiity consecutive weeks, with the unusual record of only tenforfeitures during the entire penîod. Drop In Ice Skati*ng The ice skating program %vas -the * onivy activity showing a decrease. in * attendance over the prc eding ya and >Director, Davis and bis staff do *not feel bad. over t'hat'.fact since, unusualiy warm winter just passed was a boon for every one except the ice skaters. Only 35' days of skating * were possible last year and out of these 35, nnlv 20 could be said to be a veterinariani. The (log daictu with rabies did flot' bite anyone, Dr. Hawkins 'reported. It was, taken to an animal hospital in Ev- anston and died there. The head was examined by the Evanston Health department, wbich reported that thç animal had rabies.. This w as the flrst. case of rabies re- ported in Wilmnette .this season, although cases have been, ré pdrted in -srrouniding towns. Post and -Gatty, Globe Circlers, Will Visit Here Wiley Post and Hrold Gatty, round-the-world fliers, will, visit the north shore on July 25 'and 26, it was announced. this week by William -J. Smith, commander of Aviation post No. 651 of the. Amieican Legion. Thefamous aviators. will eW to Chicago in their world-girdling plane 'Winnie Mae" and take part in the two day. aviation meet which will bie hield byv the Aviation post at Curtiss- WVrighit airport, near Glenview. This, will be the fliers' first visit to Chi- cago. A banquet a nd other entertain-, mient is being arranged by officiàls of the Legion post. Formiai acceptance of the post's in- vitation to the birdmen who circled thé earth in eight and two-thirds days -,as received Suiiday fromi Harold' Peat of the National Broadcastinzg companv, manager of the fliers'. tou.r of the country. The: air. neet to be held Saturday and Sund ay, july 25 and 26, will pro- 1vide a complete program of aerial entertainmieft. In addition to famous * viators, thiere will be glider contests, a womien's race, sportsnietl's. ace, stunit flying,. parachute. jumipinge and other feattires. Mark :Levy to Speak at Rotary Luncheon Mark Levy, president of the Chi- cago Real Estate board, and senior miember of the fimi Mark Levy and a resiuvîi'aUAGistictLei Çaes oei most unhealthful. The petition, bearing some twenty- seven signatures, was read at the regular-meeting of the Village board lasi week. At this meeting the Village trustees who expressed opinions on the miatter were agreed -that a new dump*needed, inàsmuch as the present site is flot -large erl.ough. fôr further- dumping. The contract 'for the use of the land, as a dumping grounid still bas a, year to mün, it. was stated at the board meeting. The petition Was turfned over to the streets and alleys committee for investigation and a. report. Deny "No Man's Land' Aid 1of Local Police. The Wilmette' Village board at its iast' regular meeting concumred. in ,a recomnimendation pof the police and ire committee,. that no police protection should be granted to- "No Man's Land" by the Wilmette Police department, because of legal difficulties. .With regard to the unincorporated area's request ýfor ire protectioni, the committee recommended 'that such pro- tection 'be provided if "'ýNo, Man's Land" pays $500 a month 'in. advance, ini addition to_ furnishing,. a liabili ty bond indemnifying the Village aàgainst any loss due to injury. to persons, or p roperty caused by the Wilmette Fire department's responding to .cails in "No Man's Land." Property owvners ini the uniattached area no w getting wvater for domestic use f rom WViimette have been notified that their suppiy .Will be shut off fifty days alter july 7, givig them time to sink their own wells. CONTAGION AT EBB Contagious .disease cases have prac-» tically disappeared lu Wilmette. Th is, week the Wilmette Health depat- ment reported only 'four cases,.all of whooping cough. Two of these were nwcases reported in the week end-. ing Tuesday,,July 14, and the other two were oid cases repýorted pre- viously. $S*IMERSPORTFS" ducted by the board are carried on Dbetwee >veienn bS Director Davis and'thmee staff as running nortb fmom Isabella street. sistants, two men and one woman, The petition was read at the regular with the assistance of three addit ion- meeting of. the Village. board iast al woffen to assist in the su:.Âmer wveek, and the matter was referred playground prograxn. In charge of ail to the streets and alleys committee m 'saivities anid some specia1 aci- .of which' Trustee AturLei (Continued on page 5) chairmani. di Lammermoor,'" and the fourth act of "Les Huguenots," and repetitions of "Aida,," "La Rondine," "Lohen- grin," "Samson et Dalila,"ý and "Il Trovatore," are announced for -Rav- inias fifth week,* which begins on Sundaày, july 19. On Friday night of 'this week, Jul y 17,. "1 Pagàliacci" ,.and i"Cavalleria Rusticana" will be sunigwithý Giovanni Martinelli, Queena Manlo and Mario Basiola in the, first, and Elisabeth Rethberg, Frederick jagel, Aifredo Gandolfi and Ada. Paggi, in the' sec- ond. Mr. Papi coniducts both operas. Hear, Bori and Cliamie. On Saturday evening, July 18, Luc- rezia Boni and Mani.o Chamlee and, *Marlke Windheim- will give "The Secret of Suzanne," and'this will bd fôllowed by "La Vida'Breve," sung l)y MigssBoi,. Marek -Windheiî, Ina, BouskaaPhiline Falco, Louis D'Angelo, Desire Defrere, George. Cehanovsky' and Lodovico Oliviero. Mr. «Papi condiucts the first, and Mr. Hasselmans the second opera. Eric DeLamarter will conduct a concert of Bohemian music Suinday afternoon, July 19, at 3 o'clock. The Chicago Symphony orchbestra will play. John,,Weicher,, violinist, and Vaclav Jiskra, double, bass, will be the soloists. On Sunday night, July 19, "Aida" will be suing for.the second time this season 'by Elisabeth Rethberg, Ina Bourskaya, Frederick jagel, Giuseppe Danise. Leon, Rothier, Louis D'Angelo and _Mn. Oliviero. Gennaro Papi will conduct. "'La Rondne" MonJay On Monday night, july, 20, ',La SRon dine," will be repeated, wthh Luc- rezia Bori, Edward, Johnson;, Flor.. en'ce Macbeth, Marek Windheim, Margery Maxwell, Miss Falco, Miss, Paggi, ,M. C eha no v sk y.9Mr. D'Angeio' and, Mr. . Aiianian. Ruth Page, Blake Scott' and the ballet WilI dance,1 whilie Mr. P'api will conduct.. On1 Tuesdav night, july 21, Madame Rethberg .will be heard in concert,. ýýaccompanied by the Chicago Syni- ~~ir~a The-ipfnurt'h act of passed by that body at its regular1 ing last wèek. Hle will act a board's agent in aIl public improv( matters, supervising construction contract jobs and othen details o board's work.'