w. "Firsi iii ~ViImette" __________________________________________________________________________ 1~E, THE ADVISCRY COMMITTEE EUGENE V. R. THAYER Chaireman ExecutiL'e Commit tee, Central Trust Company of Illinois Diu'ector. American Telephone Z Tek graPh, Company,. Otis Elei'ator ComPazny. etc. m DAVID E. SHANAHAN, Chairmran of -the Boardis. Central Mlfg. Dist. Bank. Terminal ;National Bank, Midland National Bank, .L.ESSLEY Pées. and Treas.. E. L. Essley fachiry Go.c0 X\, N. N. J ARNAG 1N President,,CCentral..Mýf g. >ist. -Bank Chairman. Madisotz-Kedzie J r. k Sav..Bank. .H. E. PORONTO Tïustev. Central SIfyq. Dist. Bank Presidert, tU. S. Cold Sturaqt (orp. AI-AN (~DIXON-, ART IUR NMEEiKFR-Irctr.rnOtir £1Ca Preidet. rcacl arMs Mil'ling (o. .B.KPPEUNHElME , 1R Capitalist 1.L.ROSSET Presidenit,., 3.L. Rossét 1C FRANK L. WVEBB Presi dent, lerrminal'Na.ýional JBank THE DIRECTORS HýARRY C. E DM ON,ýD S .Estates Manizgement RAYMOND G. KIMBELL Presi'dent,.Kimrbell Trust ý4 Savings Bank E. B. KNUDTSON President of theBank B. W. LYNCH Vice President H. M. Byllesby 8l Co. Th acation Sason. Suggss aving, Many peopleemplo0y sys.tematic savin o the .Purpose of accumulating vacation f unds. Trhe scheme works remarkably well. >- There is no nee n, feeling wsflwe others talk happily of made pssibl by tis means. same easily. tervacatio n plans, You ýcan >do the By starting a savings actount here in this stogcmmunity Ban k. today and niaking regular depoit- we ekly or nxonthly *a's'you. find most convenient-you can assure yourself of a pleasa(nt vacation.for- 1932-t free f rom, worry, about expense., Ifs, a good thought-obey that Mimpulse nowr. ce Pres. CrateCGo. A.C. \WOLFF PrsdnWoIff-Grifis, mc.- ________________________________________________________________________________ h 8 a. ni. Until, 12:30 p. 7 until .9p, m. REAL ESTATE