Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 48

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* present,- causes large areas to bc ove r- fowed with water, at times, with a sewage content, and renders unsafe and unsatisfact?ryý the use of the lands of the Forest Preserve ini that vicinity. as m-elI as several parks and playgnounds-, anld-is, liikewise, a men- à"ce to the napidly increasing liuilt-up. section at:the wvest side of the several commnunities. "In order to consider the l)est means of overcoming. this (langerons condition, will you nlot attend a mneet- ing to be held ini theWietaVl lage Hall,, ini Winncltka,, at the in1vi- tatilon of the Village i Xinnietka, at 8 o'clock p. ni., Friday. July 24. Seek Expert Adviée. "tis suggested. that it wvould 1)e * desinable for y'ou, to have vour -engi- neer present, a lso, .at this time,. and, further, ihat if if shouki be impossible for you to attend in person-, that v'ou be represented by one of vour Board." The foregoing invitation was ad- dressed to theý following city and vil- lage officials:- Mavon dliarles H. Bartlett,' vi1sm ton; President James A. Rlussehi Glencoe; President E. C. Ptwrnhan, Glenview; President Josephl P. Leach, Golf; President Rallph R. 'HàNvxhurst and Village Manager F 1 Streed, Kenilwvorth; President Herb)ent'Dilg, Morton Grove; President Edwand O., Clark, Niles; President John E. Brown, Ni1les Center:, Presi d ent Ar- thur, Thernien, Northbrook;, Presi- dent Bernard Schildgen. -Northfield;, President .Hennv A. Proesel. Tess- ville; Presidènt C. P. Dubbs and Village 'Manager C. M. Osborn, Wiinette; President WilliamiB Moulton, Village Manager H. L. Woolhiser and Park Board President Harry J. Dunbaugb, innetka. ÉRACTURES COLLAR BONE Mrs. A. G . Crane, 719 'Ninth street, slipped on the stair's Nonday of. last .week and, f el, breaking her. collar bone in, two. places. - Shie. is gettiug along nicely, how~ev'er, but -%ill not, be able to leave her homfe*for several weeks, * Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Smith of Line speciais', inence proceeuing to Camp Logan bNy Metropolitan motor coaches. The units going to camp included the l31st Infantry, the 132nd l- fantry, the Eighth Infantry, En-ý gineers, Antilleny and special tn.oops. A party of 100 f rom. various or- ganizations also joi*ned the .troops at- Camp Logan Sundav morning. A%.1' retunrned to Chicago Suniday. evening. The 202nd- Coast Artillery went to Fort Sheridan Sundav to fire on -the newly-establishèd anti1-aircraft range, whîich..is being ýused for "heavy, firing this summer. They returnfed to Chi- cago Sunday evening. Other tnoops Will, visit iCamp 'Logan. and1 Fort Sheridan during, coming week-ends AUXILIARY'TO .MEET The next regular meeting of th,, women's auxiliary of. the Peter J. Huerter, Amlerican Legioni unit 661), wvil1 be held on Monday evening, july 20, at 8.,o'clock, at the home of Mýrs. j6sephine Braun, .2201 Lake avenule. Ail niernbers are asked to attend as this is, a special meeting. Mn\i. and MnsÀ. Arthur 'E.Jengeinsen and family of, i39 Liniden avenue, Keniilwortli, recetyIN have beeîi. visit- ing relatives iii 7Binnwood, \Vis., From ithere. the%* went to Detroit t sPend a f ew dayýs. Mn. JergenseWs' sister, Mns. John Thlioniias, the former Clara jergcnsen, and lher three sonsý, neturned wvith themn to spend several weeks on the north shore. At pres. et Mr.Thomas' is vI siting, her brother, Martin. jengensen, at .500 Park avenue. Mliss jane Krier, 1707 Elinwood avenue, and Miss. Anne and Miss. RuhBraun, 629 Prairie. aveniue, 're- turned Mondayf roana ten-day stay, at > White, Lake' resont, WhiteiaP!, -Mich. The iimotoreil thene and ne- turned by boat. The aniual stanipede of the men. at Illinois *Golf club wvas planiied for, Thursday, July 16, .This is thein larga- est tournamenit of the season, and is ani annual affain.. The July dinner 'dance is to be held at, the club Satur- flot so, noisy or cstracting. as duunng the first two 'weeks. Not even a ves- tige of the old music room remains. *This is due, no doiibt, to the con-. centrated efforts of two gentlemen of colonr who hacked away delightedly at the brick wâlls1 for some days un- tiI, the structure gradually crumpled beneath them. These -wonthies, were e vidently not in any sort of race, as, they seemed to work quite leisuiely and would. meditate ov er one brick falling as though observing, an ava- lanche iii the Alps. If they- should ever havethe latter expenience it «is hoped a first aid squad wil be on. hand to,,administer restoratives.. Rather an important 'improvement over the -conditions at the beginning of school occurned--when. the electric lihswere turned on. This greatly benefits everyone, especially 'on dull days. The lack of proéper lighting has a most detnimental effect on everyone. both physically and nîentally. The nestoration of the 'lights is at least one step) in lessening theénecessary discoiorts of erecting a new build- ing. The grouniýds are on the, whole be- ingtaken care ýof.very w%%elL. The stu- dents. are'. coopenating witli exceed- ing good nlature ,aýd commiendable understanding. This is of 'special credit to A freshmen who may have not been familiar with Ne' iTrer ra *dition's'extant during the first weeks o0i schoof. Miss Bernice Severson, daughter of 'Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Severson of 2031 Kenilworth avenue, is spending ten days with'iriends in '.Michigan. Mn. and MNrs. Dell C. Wilcox and daughten; Donno jean, of ýEast Orangé, S. J., are guest.s of the F. B. W\ilcoxes of .1045 Illinois road.. journey soutnaaeubwi.It V& learned hiere this week.- Mrs. Mc- Govern who accompanied him as far as Budapest, wiIl return to Paris to. stav until February when.both she and Dr. McGovern will return to the United States. Dr. McGovern's trip wiIl take him into.- the' rural districts of. Hungary, the Balkans, Asia Minor and Persia. While in Persia liewill serve as com- missioner for the, Century of Prog- ress,. to be held in Chicago in 1933. WITH BEA UTY- SALON Miss Lilliani Johnson is, nowv af-_ filîated with Van Duerm's Beauty Salon, Wilmette. She specializesI in hair, cutting and eye brow dyeing. MNl. and Mrs. J. D.. Kinnear',and theïr son, Kennethl, of .-2241 Chestnut avenue, have returned f roni a t hree weeks' stay with Mrs. Kinnear's par- ents, Mr,, anid-.Mrs. Jame's Jack of Lacon, Ill. Miss Shirley -Ross of, 1321 Chestnut avenue, bas as her guest, Miss Barbara- Allen of Peoria. She came last Sat-, urday and will remain here. a few Miss: Magdelen Mannebacli of 140 Robsart road, Kenilwofth, Ief t 1Ved-. nesday, July 8, for Indianapolis, Ind., to, spend a f ew weeks withý Miss, Helen Rose Hildebrand, MUartha and DickO'1Connor -of- 149 Kenilworth ave nue, Kenilworth,, and' Sue Hawxhurst are at Grand Beach, Mich., with Mrs. O'Connor's mother, Mrs. Forner. 0o Mrs. Howard W. Seymour and two caughters, Ruth and Marjorie, of 203 Third :street, are, leaving th ,is week for a vacation at the Lawvsonlia" Country club at Green lake, Wis. Mr. and Mns. 0. E. Koegel, 716 Ninth street, and their f amilv 'are moëving 1to Bronxville, N. Y. the last of JuIy. Richard Peniberthy of 1524 WiI- mette avenue.is at Pinewood 'camp in, Michigan, wvhere he will stay for the- eaider of this monthý. Mn. and Mrs. Fugene Hildebrand and their son, Engene, of 530 Maple avenue, are spending two weeks at their summen home in S,"pooner, Wis. -o- Tuesday, July 14, Mrs. Warren Pease, 320.Leicesten road ' Kenjilwontb, entertý-ined the * Afternoon Bridge club. Veal R..st Boneleu -end Rollec 348tLinden Avenue BSmain Street * *.23C11 110S Central Avenue 118 Wihnette Avenue National co. Food-Storesý THÉE QUALIT fOROCURS OP 7THU MDDLE WST SINCÉ 1 90 FRESH MEATS ln %paukflng Clea'n Meât Departunents -u

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