MTON FEE1 Village Board Adopts Amending Ordinances Its8Last Meeting TWo TWO amending ordinances,, making certain changes in charges fixed by the. Village for collection of 'garbage, ash- es and miscellan eous waste f rom busi- ness property and f rom private resi- dences, wvere passed, by the. Minmette Village board ýat its .regular meeting last week. Theé aiending odnac ffecting business premises establishes the f ol- lowing. fees for the garbage and ash collection service: For, each drug store. mneat market, bakeèry,. con fectionery store. lighit lunch, room, dry,and hardware store. fifty-cents per:Week; For eacli restaurant and for each i- (lepeuKent grocery store, onie dollar, per week ~ For each fruit store, one dollar and fiftv cents per xweek: For each "cl1ain" grocery store, twvo *dollars per week; For each. côuntry célub anid clubhouse, four dollars per week. Fees 1êayabIe Quaiterly These fees are to be paid quarterlyv iin advance on Jauiuary 1. April 1, Julv 1 and October 1 of every year. Fees established for ash and miscel-. *laneouls w'aste collection f rom residences anud apartmei its and. f rom, schools, board- ing houses. hotels, laundries, offices, and business places not subject to the wveekly removal f ec are as followvs: For, residences or, apartmnen'ts whiere. such premises are heated by,"ou or gas, four dollars petr annumi. For, residences lor apartmeflts Where. sucb premises are heated by coal, Éôke, Wvood or any fuel othcr than oil. or. gas, four dollars per' week. For schools boarding houses, hotels, laundries, business places and offices,, irrespective of the type of fuel used in heating such premises, twelve dllars per annumn, provided, however, that said f ee shall not be required to be paid by Dr. and Mrs. IEdward P. Hess and their sons, Edward and Robert, re- turned to their homne at 915 Ashland avenue Iast week Wednesclay after a three montlis' trip abroad. 'Tliey traveled in Germany, witzerland, Austria; and Italy. retuming to Ament- ca on the. S. S, St. Louis. ALTER( COLLEI Lh.uuce- s ..... ....1 CIassified Ads ....44-46 Editorial-Shore Lines ... .20 Junior Life .... ..30 Music Page.... 28 Recreation ........ 34 Society Pages........ 32-33 May Eliminate Train Stop at Central Avenue Trains. of the Chicago, North, Shore .and Mi1lvaukee railroad will no longer miake. stops at Central avenue, if thc Wilmette Village board adoptsthe rec- omimenidationsof the.railroad wvith ief- erence to such stops., A communication f romn the North Shore lne, read at the regular meeting of theVTililage.,board last Nweek, imdi- cated that the railroad 'is desirous of discontinuing the Central avenue stop. If is a cause of serious, and unniiecessaryl delay to automohile traffic* and to pe- dest'rians, the letter stated, since the Wilmette avenue stop is less thailfoôur .Iluindred f eet distant. .Th e letter, also indica.ted that f ew passengers board trains at Central ave- nume, according to surveys.made by the railroad., Several NNeeks ago the- Vilmette. Chamber of Commerce notified the Vil- lage board that it favors the cliscon-, tinuance of the Central avenue stop. The matter w-as referred to the public service committee of the hoard. 'Mrs. Ruth H. Snvder is chairman of this committee. Invite Entries for Tennis Tourna ment The annual tennis ineet at the New Trier H-igh school courts wvill hé. held f rom 'Mônday, July 20, to Mý,onda-,, July 27, inclusive. This year's events wvill include' menl's singles and junior singles. The juniior. event is especially for boys under 18 years of age. There will be no doubles this season, it is annouinced. Ail north shore resients, former students of the high school, and pres- ent'îstudents hiave been urged to par- ticipiate in 'the tournament. Those in- terested must have ýtheir names sent in A ht ater. than noon, Ju:ly 18 ,f ee of one dollar is, to acconi- pany each entry. Prizes wvill be a warded wînners of the events. Persons desiring Special infotmatiorti i,. a .tlpri)hoiie Grrver ,Fldn'i. .2a prices to make ber home bot comorFbleand attractive. WIUVIETTE 4300 DRIN SKOKIE North Shore M arsh Land Called ýHealth Mcnace; .Càali Conference Summer Services The WNilmette Congregatio.nal and \Vilmette Baptist churches announice th' f ollowing schiedule for thue sum- mier union services which will be. héld in the, Congregational church f romI july 19. to Augu st 9. IThe sermons w ill be given by the following: July 19, the Rev. Gleorge D. Allison; july 26, the Rev. Otto R. I..9verude of Great Falls, Mont.;,-Au-, gust 2, Prof. ýN7iliami H. Roberts of the University of Redlands, Çalif., and Auigust 9, Dr. Robert Gordon, managingý editor of "The1 Baptist." On' Auglust. 16 the' services. will be transferred to the Bapýtist'church with the, following preachers supplying the, pulpit: August. 16, Prof. Frank M. M\cKibbeni, of Northwesterù university; August 23, Dr. Bryan S. Stoffimr. presi- dent 0 f the, American college, Ma-, dura, India; August 30, the e vCN. .il- liam. E. McCormack, of New*.Enigland Congregational church. Aurora. 11., and Septeniber 6,. the Ret. John G. Hindiev, pastor of the Wilmette Con-ý gregational chiurch. Authorize Insurance for Motor Equipment Village Manager C. M. Osbornwas authorized by the Village board at its' regular meeting last weel< to take out public liability anîd ire and thef t in- surance on ah mrotor equipmnent owvned. by the Village. One blanket .policy wvîll cover the public liabilityI insurance f or ail cars. trucks, tractors, street swveep- ers.and other- motor equipment., An- other policy xiI cover the fire and thef t insurance. Separate bids. will be taken by Village «Manager Qsborn up to 2 o'clock next Monday, and Mr.' Osborti will make his report on the bids to the board at its next mee ting Tuesday nighit, July 21 3tallation ofthte flouse drains an ter service connectionls is necessary ore the Main street widening and ing improvement can be completed m Elmwood avenue .north. tQ. the imette-Kenilworth imits. Inv-ýitations 'have be.en extended to officials of thirteen north shore area citieïs andvillages, to attend .a meeting at Winnetka Village halýl,.Fr.iday eve- ring, July 24, at, 8 o'clock, to consider plans to bring about a Permanent à ,nd effective drainage of the Skokie rnarsh .region. As previously explained, this move- ment is being spons1or.ed, by the Yil- lage of Winnetka. A condition has been reached, it, is pointed Out, ini which. the undrained Skokiè,!,. ever-increasing pollution, is becom- ing- a menace to th~e of the north shore area. william B. Mofulton, president of' tlhe Whieilka -Village cotincil, in a letter sent out Monday to the offi- cials of the thirteen interested cities andl villages, requesting their presence at the, m eetinig on the foregoing date. says: ý'Danger to HeaIth "The 'comniunities in the iiorthea(st. corner of Cook county, from the Lake county uine, south, to the north line of the city of Chicago, and f romi the shore hune of Lake Michigan, west, to the ridge between the drainages .of the Chicago anid Des.Plaines rivers. are threatened with a serious danger to thei health, due to the increased pollution of the water sheds of the north branch of the Chicago river (usually called'the Skokie Valley). "Ths cndiionis brought about, bv«: "First-The increasèd flow of waftv, ..and its delivery in ' concentrated places at the north Uine of the. coun- ty, due to. ditching in Lake county. "Second-The increased amount of sew 1 ge pollution of the waters com-' iuig into the water shed, both nortb of the. countv lit.fe and in -the area AT COTTAGE IN DUNES. Mrs.ANice Dung an, secretary at the Wilmette State batik, is spending a two weeks' vacation at her cottage in the Indiana dunes.