Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 45

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Wood-uwrniIng replaces Elevator ,service with 'operators Garage and car service i:n bùiiding Door man in attendance Immined. and Octobe'r lst occupa ncy YOUR INSPECTION INVITED 56LTN11-3tp) 3-ROO.M APARTMENT NEW BOAL BLDG. a SOUTH AND EAST E-KPOSURE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION * SMITH & GOSS, mIc.ý '7Elm' St. Winnetka 142 56LTX1l-ltc FURNISHED .AND UINFURNISHIED apartnments,' 11' 2 and 4. roorrs. 'Cen- * traily, iocated. Ph. Wilmnette 2299. È 96 OAKWOOD, AVE., WILMETTE, 2nd, unheated. 3. rîn. apt. Modem stovu heat, coal supplied, garg optionlal. Phi.,Sunnyýsiide 9421. 56L49-tfe FOR RENT 2 RM. HEATED A4PT. --%T 1937 Wîlftette Ave., Phi. Wilimette 49î8. 56LTNZ1I -H 4 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. HUM- p)hrey Building. Call Winnetka 98 or' 3328.56LTN46-tfe 57 FOR RENT-FURNEUMED APTS. FURNISHE-D AND UNFURNISHEDý apartinents for rent. Rkeasonably priced. Winnetka 690 or 1948. 57LTN52-tfcý 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES 'C 11ARMING COLONIAL, HOM-\E, 6 lodrnlis.. 3 baths, hiv., se-wing r0oni, lilrary. 2 porches 'l heat, lovely *yard. $225 a mo1. Attractive home, 4 bedroonîsý,' 2 baths, oi1 heat. attached garage: $125. O(.ther rentals $60 to $500 per month. FRANCES J. WINSCOTT * t2- spruce St. Winnetka 1267 60LTN11-1te WINNETKA .- LOVEL.Y CAPE COP éottage, 4 bdm. ibrary, 2 baths', gar., oul heat, Frig. $l75. Sm. colonial, 2 car gar. $100. Ms Lettig. Ph. Winnetka 1194. 6TX1-1tc 7 EM HOTJSE $100 -Near sch ool .&:trans. H. W. Heat,, oi ...umer, 2 porches, garage, fine trees., Inquire 877 Elm St., Tel, Winn. 1689.. 6OLTNlzltli East side, 7 ri-ls, 2 bath,,ail 'heat, large yard .............$135 Brick Colai. 7 rrms., 3 baths, jiear schools and transportation....17 White' brick, 4 bedrms-, 2 baths, ail heat.... .............. ..........$150 *HIGHLAND PARK Early American Colonial, 2 batits, 2 porches, 2-car garage......$1,50 Engiish iwhitewash *brick, large liv- fing raout, 9-baths,. oh heat ...$200 Lakev, studio living mii., 5 bed-, ris, 4 baths, ecreation m. beach QUINLAN & TYSON, Ime. 714 Einî St., W"innietka Winn. 2198 6OLTN1I1tc 4 bédrmsý. fine location.........$ 60 2 bedrnis. open porch........ ..... 70ý 3 bednnuis. 2 baths, 2 car gar ...... 125 4 bedrms. baths, oil heat.....125 4 bedrms. Z baths, ail heat......... 150 5 bedrmis. 3 bath s, oil heat........ 200: 4 bedrnis. '2 baths. new .......225 Anid alnîost 100 (thers to ehoose fro.ù FRANK. A. REID, D54 Linden Huhbard Woods WiVnnetka 1300 eOLTNll-Itc 5 rmis.' Bunga: 1 cargar.....$60 nmo. 6 ri.. -ihbard Woods 1 c. g $1W 111. 6 rilis. S11). pCb., oit heat ..ý.$115 nû,. 7 ns 2bath.s, oil heat .....$125 mo. 8 rins. 3 batbs, oil heat, 1. 2 Car gar. ............$150 'no B. H.ý B'ARN-LETT Rot4 526 Center St. Phoe innietka 965 J.UST"1 LI STe1ED FOR RENT0 N~EW BRICK HO0ME CONTAI-NING 10 rmns, 6 bedrnvs., 4 baths, library, breakfast room, 2-car 'garage. Wood- ed lot ii) seuiuded yet convenlient loca- tion. QUINLAN & TYSON, I.nc. 714 Elim St., WýNinnetka Winn. 2198 A DISTINGUISHED R 1 P A R 1 A N hiomeý with more thaii 175 feet (if beach, cani now be had a1t a rentai tha1t pays only the interest oi the first , niortgage. 4 mnaster bedirooms), servant.-' quarter., and many feaitures. Act quiekký-onfidêntial. %Write B-102, Box 40, Wiimette.. 60LTN11-ltp 7 ROOM .lýHOUSE. 3 BEDROOMS, 1 -bath, gaage.. Nice meooded yard. In Wiliette.* Phone Wiinie(tte 2798 or Glenicoe 184. 60LTN1itp 1. etju Ph. M a* WÀ 8ROOM HOUSE, SEPT. nonthl. 1101 , lllnois Road. 3228. 6OLTN11-tp RETYOUR HOUSE RENTAL, MARKET. FOR HOUSES IN Wlimette', Keniwoirth, Winnetka, Glenlcoe, and Highland Park î'ery 'aé- tive nowv, and wil be forý the next 30 days. List your house with. us. If: your. house is for sale you inight consider rent.ingfor 1 or 2 .years until market Improves. Please phone or eau in per-. son at our Sheridan road office. :BILLS.REALTY,' INC. 1649 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Wilmette 3740 62LTN1-ltc LIST YOUR W 1IN.NETKA AND GLEN- coe homes now for fali rentai! Our demiand is trenmendous for rentais fromi $75 ta. $150. DOROTlHY 'K.'ROS S 663 Vernon Ave. Gen.coe 986 or 305 62LTN1-ltp %VANTEDTO R1NT .7 OR 8 ROM bouse in Wilmette East Side. Must be modern, 'have pleasant surroundings and be reasonably priced. M-%ight pur- chase later. Address full details Rmi. .26, 7001 N. Clark St., Chicago. -62L,11-1tp LIST YOUR HOMES NOW. MA'-NY eafls for rýentais furnihed and unfur- nishied. Ph. MrIis. Winscott, Winnetka 1267. . 62LT11-]1te 63 WTD. TO RENT-FU RN. HSES. F U'RNI.-HED- HOUSE 7 OR S. RMS., beginning about Sept. lst.. flot over Glencoe State Banik IN SUITE 0F 1-2 OR1 3 ROO-Ns suitable for Doctor, Dentist, 'Archi-~ tect or an y business requiring offie' space. Low rentai. 66LT36-tfc 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE 6- RM. B RICK. BUNGA- low, H., * W. Ieat. automatic water heater. 2 car garage. Cail after '6 P.,M., Wyilmiette 2928. 72LTNIIO-tfcý THIS *OFFERING FULFILLS .A" the needs of an Ideal home, prtc.d for a splendid investment. 4 bedrmis., 2' baths -- spaclous living rn, dining rm., and kitchen. In addition- a recreatiofi rm. and' cool, screened parch. . 2 car garage. 80 ft. of frontage provides a. perfect. settlng. For location and cout. ca» Mr.. Heyser. BAIRD & WARNER« 528 Davis St. Greenleaft18S5 72LTN11-1tc LESS THAN GROUND VALUE ATTRACTIVE MODERN COLONIL home in Si W. Winnetka. Wooded and conîpletely iandscaped 100 ft. lot. There are 6 rooffis.and a sprendid.sereened porch. Hot ivater heat. ýTitsis laa nmost' outstandinig homie_ for only $18,000. QUINLAN & TYSO)N,, mc. 74Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 2198 72LTN11-1te $15,1500 STARTLING VALUE *SEE IT. 647 LINCOLN AVE. WIN- netka. 8 rooms, 2 batits, water hespt, oll burner, perfect condition. Con- venitnt location. Beautlfully wooded. Terraced lot. M~Lar~ &~Di0 541 Lincoîn .&ve~ Winnetka 1492 72LTN1-lt(c KENI LWOR'PJ SBARGAI N SUBSTANTIAL AND VERY ÀTT1RAfl- éli I1A DLn ., wlnnAIaI1I,.; w 11( 199,IU 72LTN11:-îtc ATTACTVECOLONIAL HOME IN' highly restr.lcted neighborhood, close ta 'tran.op., 4 bedrooins, 2 batlis, sleep- ing -pch., giazed suin roomi, lait., 011i heat, 2 car garag.e., Cut for Immediate, sale fromn $22.500. to $16,500. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 oor 986 72LTN11-ltp w '4' i . ,, . lu

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