".Ur '.JYiJ JUIl Ralph Bellarny, son of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Rexford *Belarny, 1214 Forest avenue, Wilmette, bas an important role as Johnny Franks, bootleg racketeer, in "The. Secret Six" to be showp at the. Wilmette theater oni WTNednesday and Tbursday, July 22 and 23. ".The Secret Six,"" interesting and authentic draina of American city politics and thie underworld, bas won the acclaimfi of critics tbrougbout tlhe nation. A: mightv group of stars ap- pear, including.Wallace Beery, Lewis Stone, John' Mack Brown, Jean Ha r- 1ow, Marjorie- Rambeau, Paul Hurst, Clark Gable,, John Miljan, DéWitt Jennings and others., Not only have the producers lav-. isbed. their finest stars on this pic- ture, but have alsô spared no ex- pense for backgrounds, which ini- clude' fifty separate and.,distinct sets.. ranginlg- froin a replica of a' city street,. that. was changed three tipies in its entirety, to a.pentbo)use on the roof of a great office building. While the picture is staccato ivith tbrilis, no effort bias been made to glorify gang- ]and. On the contrary, the picture strives' to present the underwvorld ini truc perspective. Arlisa inuModéen Roi. George Arliss will be seen in bis first modern picture, "Thé Million- aire," at tbe Wilmette theater on Fi- day and Sat- urdayý, JulyId' and 18. M r. Arliss p 1ay s James Alden. a -- self-made mil- .~"~' lionaire auto- mob)ile .mau facturer, who * in the quest for wealth bias *depleted W i s1 health. HI-i s. physiciaii* ad- >George Arlisa vises bis going west for a rest. cure. This Alden eluctàntly (ocs. urgcd by bis pretty daugbter Bar- bara, and bis wifé who bas social ambitions. WallaeceBrecrv, and Marjorie Rambeain have pr. »o)Innent- roles. ù "The Sceret Si.r,» thrilliing draina to bc show»i at the Wfihniette the- ater on W,1edniesdai- and TI:nrsda v, July 22- and 23.. Ralph Bellaily. whosc /Paren:ts reside j in ,ctc also a/'/'ars 'iii this pictu1mv. BILL-O-FARE Mlove Programi Day by 'Day 1 "YugThursday, July 16 4,olgSinners" Tatode a.1 "Good Bad Girl" TeroelLg ê*Dax.b.r-eak" . . .. ilmette Friday, July 17 "Bachelor .,.Apartrnent" . Teatro. del Lago "Thîe M\illioinaire*.....Wilmette ,"Rango"......... Conm unity House Saturday, July 18 ",Bachelor 1Apartient"C Teatro del Lagc "Kick In"J "The Millionaire"......... . Wilmette "Raingo" .........Comxnunity bouse pressed by the JEducatiqnal Screen', the General Federation of Wonien's Clubs and the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae regarding "Rango" whicb cornes to Community HouseFÊri- day and.Saturday, July 17 and 18. In praise ot "Rango," Pb.otoplay' miagazine says: "Into the jungles of Sumnatra a genius nanied Ernest' Scboed- sack took acamnera and great patienice. He brought back as engrosginig a movie as bas ever been made." Evens of jungle if e are portrayed in fascinating sequence. The 'hero of the story is. a mnonkey;1 the villain is the roving tiger, of the jungle. The. ad- ventures of Ranlgo anùd bis ,f ather, the old ape. and of the hunter and bis son %vill provi(le educational and interesting entertainment for everyone in the fain- i-w. "ýéDoctors' Wives." to Be at Wilmette on Tuesday .Doctors' Aives,"ý stârring Warner Baxter and Joan Bennett, will be the Wiimette théater's pitueon« Tues- day, july 21. Warner Baxter is the M. D. and Joan Bennett is the jealous %tiif e. The doctor bas attractive. vomùen patients. and -the wife -bas be.r sus- picionis. However. the picture will offer a-. highly satisfactolry solution to the problemsi that irk, the. main characters. Victor Varconi and John Sainpolis contrihute expert acting. Institute Camera Show .Lures 100M00 Visitors Onie hundred tbQusand people visited the exhibition muade by the Chicago Camera club- at the Art in- stitute last. vear. Preparations are heing muade this vear t o accommo- date five hundred tbousancl visitors. Last year the slhov lasted, onlemonth This vear it wiIl laýt two and, one- baîf iiTontbs. It will oven on July 23 and continue until, October IL. The club will issue tbe finest. catalogue they have ever made, by means of th e photogravure Iurocess, containing thirty-two pages. PLEASE NOTE ~ IDoors open Evemings at 1: 4i p. m. Show nt 7..1làp..a Last Tino.ý Touight RAMON NQVAgRR0 lui Fri, Sat.JuI178 Sujuday and Monday, July 19-8 BILL BOYD & ZASU. PITTS Tuesday Only, Juily 21 WARNER BAXTER ia. , Wed., Thurs., Juil7 22-23, WALLACE BEERY RALPH BELLAMY l ,of WiImette) ln Fr1., SaL., Juil7 24-25 galaxy ot naines. lloyd, James Glea- to the others. i nese are nela to- son, Russell Gleason, Lew Cody. and gether with a war sequence where Fred Scott play the five soldiers. the lives of the principal masculine Promnent in the civilian sequences characters corne into contact. are Marion. Shifling, Zasu Pitt£, Tonight, Tbursday, July.16, Ramon ,Wade Boteler and B. IH. Calvert.' Novammo and Dorothy Jordan 'wiIl be, Making a'departure f rom the beat- stars of e"Daybreak." Featur-e starts at 7:48 andi 9:85 Smth & Dat. Con.dy lii. -Great Pauts Mygtr«Y gI»I