Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 39

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Thé Chicago Motor club wiili carry to the in-diana Supremne court it' * fighit against the constitutkm'a1ity of thie Inidiana law whiclî permits jus-. tices of the peace to share iii costs * collected froni defendants which have -m been, founid guilty. This annfouncenie nt was mnade l)v' thé e.club. following a decision by Superior Judge Maurice 'Crites of 'atChicagin which lie denicd a pétition for a writ of habeas corpus inihehaîf of. a niotorist. wholhadIbeeî fined $1 and assessed $13.70 ini costs on a charge of reckless driving. Thir costsw~ere .distributed as folloWs: $5 to the justice ; $5 1te prosectitng attorney,. and $3.70 t10 the.cnsab. "The p)oinit of our argunment is the fact that the justice canno t be dceined as inmpartial %whcen, iii order, tç)collect costs ini whicli he lias* share, he mnust find the défendant gulity," declIared Chiarles M. Hayes, president of the club. "Wheîî a de-ý fendant is declared innocent,. no costs cati be collected, of course, and the juistice receives no fee. The fact that * a justi ce nîust find against the de- fendant if. he is. to receive a fée * disqualifies hîin., ini our opinion, froni *giving the defendant a fair trial. CiteI U. S. Court Decision "Trhe basis of our brief, which w iI be filecl in the near future, wil e a decision by the United States Su. preme court, which sets a precedient * in our behialf. It wvas haxided down ini the case of Tumey vs. Ohio, and it was declared in part: \%'. S..rnudsen, presidet: and gen-. eral manager of the Chevrolet Motor comnpanv, of the appointment of C. E. Wetherald as general mnanufactur- ing manager of Chevrolet. M r. 'Xetlerald succeeds Charles F. Barth. %vhose -resignlation took eff ect, on june 30e .W e therald is a veteranl of the General M1otors organization. *He. entered the 'employ of the Buick, Motor company. as. a workman i 94.Seven vears later, in 1911, lie resiglied the position of superinten-. dent of niOtor inspection in the Buick plant to0 join the Chevrolet organiza'- tlion. In 19-22, -lie in:as appointed factory manager of Chevrolet, and in'1929 he -was promoted to assistant general, maîu facturing manager With juris-. diction over the Chevrolet plants ini FIlint, Saginaw and Bay City. In bis new capaàcitý, Mr. Wetherald will have-charge of the operation.of ail twetity-o'ne domnestic plants of the conipany. Coincident vvith.the annouincenient of 'Mr. \Vetherald's promotion, .Mr. Knudsen also announced thîe ap- pointment of F. 0. Tanner, formerlv in charge of nmanu facturing opera- tions ini Detroit and Toledo, as assis~ tant general manufacturing manager with headquarters ini Flint. Hugli- Dean, formerly manager oi the Detroit forge, spring and bumper plants, hias been placed in generai charge of the company's Detroit fac- tories. e TOW'N SEDAN DE LUXE .SEDAN> CO NVERTIBLE SEOA DE LUXE TUDOR VICTORIA CABRIOLET TEE 'most striking fine car types ever offered. at mucl Iow prices are now being prcsented by Ford dealer.. These are the, six newest de luxe creations of the Ford Motor Comp any. They are designed -and buflt Io meet every needof the, automobile buyer whose desçi efor motorig1uxryand outstaundi g p'erform-R ance is temupered with.sound economy. Get the facts. about'these fine cars. Col are their guilty, an arrest usuaiiy 1 is tant mount to a finding of guilty." Attorneys McAleer, Dorsey, Clark and Travis,. who are, handling the. case. for ýthé motor club, expect a decision by early faîl. Bob 'n' Mac Main St. nt Lindn Ave. Phonie Wimette 3334

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