PortRAYta That Pea 6beflutiful photographs -moupted in 7x 10 folders $6 Luge.ne L. Ray STUDIO 1606 Chicago Ave. EVANSTON UNI, 2238 EVFS AFTPI? r- ln "TwNenty Years at Hull Flouse." Jane Addamis recounted the founding and the early days at that settlenient. Hull Flouse signalized the grovth i o a sèttlément mnovemient, which has canferred important bleefi ts on Amnerican so ciety, . and for, which Miss Addamis is largelv reslionsible. The -settienient. appli ed s cientific. mnethod to, the. study of social condi- tions, anticipating and ilnflueènci.ng our academic, developnient'of sociol- ý:ogy; it, trained a 'competeof it'ody. of research workers, who have siice de- voted their talents to nationial and iini ternational, problems; *it demonstrat- ed that cooperative,, demhocratic efforts! could surnint harsli class distinctions ; it revised- a "-leisure class" Conception, of aimleýs benevo)- lence and charity; it stirnulated, en- couragedl, instigated ,inslpired, and assisted ini the organization of nurn-, berless nîao'enients- for social ýreforn and social anielioration. Reading "The ý- Second Tventv V.ýear>s at Hull Hose," ()ne senses .a chanîge, nti ot oly ,inithat: settienient, -but in the funiction of s-ettlements theniselves. [<ast May, Robert Morss Lovett mentioned this in the ,Newv Republic. HuillFlouse hias de- velope(l froni. a stage of vouing and enthbusiasti.c experiment to one 0£ confident routine. Its contact witl; its neigbibors blas been lessened byv the sacrifice of. its earlI' functiotis- ta separate institutions, such as the juvéni1 1le Protective association and thle Iminigranît's- Protecti ve leagule. Also, the settleenft can ônly be of patchwork service ta the pour. fu- nishing thein with social contfacts..ý andl doitig amieliorative work iii iso- * afed cases; the, pocwr xviil bave ta, take the initiative ln abolisliiug theîr, L)overty. The circle of evetîts toui- iing Hull Flouse, and absorbing the tune and attention of its residents and ex-residents, bias vvidene(d and wvidened ufitil it is worid-\\idle lu scolie. MNiss Addanis' second chap- ter, ."The Progres 'sive* Party, de- sFrtl)es the .begiIinIgs aif this tranisi-ý tion. The Progressive cail ' as à crv for social wvorkers and social If Jucg's 3rd - Over tbe meidows Mien the nlloon is -furled ; 1 shall be then so littie and so lost Only the ma.ny-fingered rain ,%i!! find mne,s And 1 bave taken thouglit ta leave I)ehind nme N\otliinlg to feeltbe long on-comni f rôst. Nowv ithout sorrow and witboutt elation I .cai lay. down my body, n.or. de-f How h itle, ivith ber insufficient ra-a tion, t Life bas to feed us-but these hands, must .tbeyt Go in: the sýatie biank, ignomi.niaus. wayr And fold upon themselves, at last, no I more?,. -Pý-rom the Saturdar. Review ai [.iterature. idealists wvbo lîad been sttuggling iin relative isolation,* and wvbo had per- ceived that reforni miust be national. and niust deal \Nvtih prôblemns tlîat ait ected the nation as a wvhoIe. As a wbhole, lier book should be taken as a record af events and re- flections rather than as the basis for any 1 inal assessment oi Janie Ad- damis in aur times. Her prinicipal services have not been -tliose ai aa formi thinker, but ratiier those of an intelligent social worker, and of a . stinmulating personalitV.. It is the causes site lias sponsored, the prob-. Iemns slîe lias faced and attenipted ta suive, the inspiriaîg personality shie bias braugbt '- juto the lives aif the pou-)(r as weil as the lives of. philos- ophers. Robert Nlorss Lovett, a Hlul noersident, bas _well sunnarized the particular contributions af Hul Ho-use and1 its head residetit THE BOOK: Its History -and t)e-' velopment. - By Cyr ii DaVenport New York: Peter -Smith. _Mr. Smith's reprint ai Cy rit Daven- part's study af the development of books is mast, welcome-published originalIy in 1908, it bas always re- tained its position among the. inipor-,l Malacliv Murdock, priest QI ume Beniedictine nmonastery -at Fort Wil- liamn, ne ,ar Glasgow, was sent by bis abl)ot ta Ediliburgh on a speciai mis- sion, and while there ini that liard- becadcd, ultra- Protestant- city per.-. fornîed ail autbentic miracle. The' circunistanices surrot-ndi.ig - the I per- forinance of this miiracle are ail ta, be. founld,- set .f orth ini choice. and ex - trenely w.i1tty English, il! a .noivel %Oliihlias iiot. recently l)eeli equaled, for daring, jayous, but by po means irresîîonsile, satire. Fatlier Ma-la.cby, a sinîple> and Clîristlike muan,, desires ta bring Edinburgiî-the Nwboleý wo'rld in(ieed-back of the true faitb.; the. true and humble f aith which, can, with God's lhel.-p,- ii seem advisable. remove tioutains., Hawever, it i not a-mautîtain wbich Father Mal1- aclîy reinoves; it is wbat bis -Scotchk bishop invariabl1y refers ta 'as -yoit paly, de donce." This dance bail. calîed, the '.Garden oaiEd(en," was a. sore trial ta -the -priest.s of the Church oi Saint Margaret af Scatland, for it was situat-ed just aceuss the, street froni that respectab>le establishmuent. Sa Father -Malacby, imnprudently challeniged thereto by tbe Reverencl Humpil)hrey.1Hamuiltan i fthe beretica! clburcb -of St. Ninan, causes tie- Gar- Elen aI Eden ýta be reniqoved, ini the twinkli'ng "of an eye, ta ýtl . e top' of the ýBass Rock, lying, maiiy tie aWay t.o the ,ortbeast; in the Firth'ýý of Vorth. And then. the trouble be- gins. Father Malacby, reinember, iwas a sinmple, unworlclly nman. He lîad therefore supposed, iii bis simplicit,' tlîat -whien thiose % ha biad despised religion as superstition heéard of tbiis vindication of the mniraculous, all thiat tbey could passibly do -wauld he ta kiieelInh- the dust -and ask God tb forgive tbemiifar ftbeir past unhl-eliel." Mr. .Marslîall.knows meni and wvomen; lie knaws ihis piepcisterous aid. world onily toa w .elL. 1-e bas. been able'.ta faresee precisely w'at wauld be likely ta ba'ppen under sucli extraardiinary circunistances., But aie must ntiotrabbu im bis story, a Wise and brilitatt tour ýdv for-ce, wiîicb miust be read for its audacitY, its gusto, and the full flavar aif its sub-acid iniplications. And it is filled By Our Rentai is Easy. 1724 Orrington Aver Evanston Orrtm.tou IBote], fl14oe. mue ýer, Dallas, Hilton R Southwest ýDoran. RDEN PARTY. By Kath- [ansfield. The Modern Li- -By Robert W. Chambers. n.- ME MINISTERIS DEAD. lmn Simipson. Doubieday. EYES