Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 30

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Vattman Senior Basebali Team Seeks Pennant T lie Seni)r. teani of ,l)aseball at Vattrnan is in a 'wiîning streak. 1 We hiope to win the. chiam'pioiiship oi liasel)all again this year. Our first game was with the Vil- lage Greeni. Mark Sinîonds started the pitching. At the end of the fiftb~ inning we were wininig, 15 to 6. As %ve were,'wnnjing, we tried our other l)itclicrs. 'oward BaIl went in for an îining and Frederick Ascbbachier fi'ishied the garne. 'fThe final score ~vsVatt'man 16, Village Green 6. Our next gaine was Nvith Central. M ark Siiuonds started again. but he could not coiîtrol his pitcliitg. Hél walked the first ýthree men. and theiî Frederick Asclbacher went iii toe- lieve inii. " He pitched to thle end of. the gaine. Tie' score at tthe begimixing- of th1e seventhi inning '-vas 10 to 6 in Cen- '-tral's favor. -Vattinan went to 'bat for. the' last .tîme, BaIl siîigled. Hom'e got a honïe. mn., Sinions sin- 'gled. 'Aschbachier got, a lhome run. '«e latted around ,iwice.,'flic final score wvas 18 to,10 in favor of, Vatt- ,na.-Fredlerick' Aschbaclier, '<att-i inan 1playgrountd. Wild Deer *n 1soni Is Viewed bv"Miargaret froia avery etjoyahle 'vacation. fonJune 21 until'julV 4. 1 went to Nliinoc(ita, \Vis-. witli i v parents.ail nîl' brothier. '«e remted a cottage' at Squirrel lake for a week. ' 'e' wevt fishî-ng everv. day « luthie evening we went swimnmiiing. ' One <lav wve cauglZ, fif tr perch. W'caught thein so fast that wve djid.'t put thlen on a :striîng,,er. Wée went to different places. n)me dav we sawv awild deer. rnning, through the woods. Froni. Mînocqua. -we went to anlotlier.lake. - Vecicaught mîany fish -there.' 'Ne brouglit .those fisihlone and-gave theîîi to ouý rela- -M argaret Backstroîn, V 1 11 a g,. Greeni. CLOSE GAME THRILLS On july 8, tlhe Central Iiunior girls 1: 4, I Kickball Tilt Won by Village Green, 25-24 july &. the Juniors of the Village Green playground had aà kickbali garne agairist the Central Juniors. Most oôf the girls of the- Village G;reeni didn't kno-w how to play butt thev worked very bard. Thley,*on!y% played three ïinn'ngs because the' girls Would get too'excited. The girls who played were, Elaine Leis, Anna Felke, Bernice Kroschel, [telle Kroschiel, Florence, Milniike!. Virginia Sargent, Lorraine Cross and Carol Anderson. The .score wvas tiel after the first hiaîf of thethird innînig. Wheni our teanm caine up to.kickthiey miale the mni that defeated Central 1w- the score of 25 to 24.iii favor of village' Gren.-Výivîan Miller, Vi[- Instructor A rrives Des pite Hurt. A nkle On entrring the playground Tlînrs- day inîoriing I found Miss .Skidnorçe there. I asked lier '%vlat had hap- penied to Miss Riggle. Much to myv surprise' 1 founid she hado îalga- nlient inIiber ankle.' At abolit 10:15. Miss Kiurz carne- and stayed tilI t welve. Ail afternoon Mliss Skidrnior,' was with ils,. We ilaved liberty hall tilI ab)out 2 o'clock. At 2 o'clock w-c 'started our story hiour. XVe readI oitside until it rain'ed. While il rained we lhad plays 'ini the -vnî- niasiunî. At 4 o'clock, 'Miss. Riggle carne on crutches to see the plav- ground.-MariePeifer, Central'* plaý.- grounld. Village Green. Children lmake Olcloth Ani mais, Trhe Village Green children have started naking oil.clot'hi animis. Soine are' fashioing elephiaiits., dogs and cat s.ý Lorraine' Gross is rnaking a black' elephanit, w-hile Carol And(er- sonI ilade. a green elephiant. *jea' DoIls on Parade Ride Royally _in Colored Buggies- Our doli buggy parade was fine, »'e thi4k--Me spent most of Thursdayv rnorning decorating, the buggies. About thir ,ty of themi, hesides the fil'- teen wagon,.;. scooters and tricycles, wvere in the procession1. The buggies, weçre pretty, s0111e in p)ink andý bine, soineii Iilavené!er'and vellow, green anid piink, red and white, and every color. .The dollies ail had cleaui clothes. '«e7 hiad a lot of pictures taken be- fore the parade started&' The 'niext mlorning Mrs. Fanckboner said those wvho wicited to would be allowed t,- inarcli 'again. \Ve wenitý north thi-, On getting back to the playgroundi(,, MNrs. FanckI),'ner tre , d. us toEk- 1110 pies. Village ,Green Conquers Central 'by 27-12 Score' Wedneday. july 8,;ilg reu Senioi girls' had a kickball gaine againist Central. W«e played. five ini- nings. At the end'of the game, Vil- lage Green won, the score being 2, to 12. '[hle ,Výillage Green players arr as follows.: catcher, Josephinie Costo; ffitclier, 'Bessie Costo;: first base, Mariaji Mitchell. second base. Hop.e .il1er;third base,'ir Vivian Miller; sliortstol), Dorothy Dittmnar; short- stol), Blanche Kreuschi; righit field, M-ariaix Schneider; center fie!d, 'Frances Schrnitz; left field, Marg-aret Backstron.-Bessie- Costo, Village Green, Paul. Haake Is, Wininer of Croqut Tournamen '[le croquet tourn.ament plamin1cd hv~ Miss Riggle was held last Friulav. After, quite a bit of Playing Paul .Haake was the winner. He,,plaved M iss' Riggle, and lost. The ganie wvtth MIiss- Riggde w-as 'very exciting. Thekept hlitting eac'h Qther way anmi hàrly eéver progressed. When it'Il gamne was' over Miss Riggle was con- grat illated.-Inogene Kaufman, Cen- tral playground., w.5on sve gm!;an.oa isr. none*t1.V . ttg correctsus n ,z 'ue..n a..n-'. y L team was Arthur Thalmamin, shortstop ; we ail love lber. Miss 'Riggle. taught Charles K'a.lres, shortstop; Angelo De last year at the 'Bent playground in. Santo, first base; Adoif Doetsch, sec- Evanston and her playground won the otd base; Harold Kummer, third base; banner. We are very lucky 'to get her Jack Ai.les,. r4ght fteld; Howard Rein- and we. thlnk the playgrounds of Ev-, wald, center field; -Arthur Mller, lef-t anston muet be -sorry, to lôse ber.- field; Nichols.s Goutach, Pitcher.-Har- Catherine McDaniels, Central: play- old Kumimer,,Village Green playground., ground. we riere m pVygo.5JuAciUwe ga~ve ouU On Wednesday the Arnerican Legion names a'nd ages to~ Miss Riggle, the posts of Wilmette, Evanstoi, 'Nortown,. new teacher. '1 was surprlsed to fi'ni and the Pete~r J. Sesterhenn p ost of so many children had' joined. Alto- Gienview had a parade. Trhe parade' gether the're were about 185. We playQd started at 7:30 o'clock from the Village' kickball and basebali ail morning. 111 hall. They. rharched around Main the aftemnoon we had juet loads of fun. street, Lake avenue, and Park avenue Wvhen we went home we ail decided to to the' 1. O. Ô. F,. hall.- It was a very, corne- tornorrow and ail the days the niee parade,'.I thought.-Tom Kivland. plaYground As- open.-Marie Peifer. Village Green 'playground. ' Centrailpl'ayground. ' 'LOSTi The coolniess of winter. Village Green basebaîl gamneyi tI Central boys. Central girls' kickl)all teamn for' the gaine at Village Gree * i. The Fourth of Julv at Central 1piavgrotinid. Our l>eacih day,' Friday, july 3. FOUND: Soinée dirti. faces after. the boys' basebail gaine. Sonle girl willing to play kickbail gaine. Fiftéei excellent posters made at Central pla.vgroui1d. Manly boys anid irls interesteci iii the doîl shiow. Evervolie pla3"iiig horsesboes. FOR SALE' Cenitral p flaygrounid will rent or sefl thieir supply of .flp irosqulltoes anIld other inisects at reasoniabie prices, 'Our b ad 'kickbail' scores. central will buv or retit Vattrnat's: knowledlge of hwt0 catch flics while playing kickball. .M.aniv fine dolîs nhiade at Cenitral. Pri ces high l)ecause of hanldwork. :Manygr.een aPples taken fromn tree on Central playýground. WANTED:- MIrs. Browni tocorniie back to Ceni- tral pl1'aNgrounid. More girls on our ' kickhall icaîns To go to- the l)each miiucli more. Miss Riggle to corne back. To %vin the 'rest of 'our ganies. --Alicia Haajce, Central playgrQnind. Many Colors Are Used for Crepe Pape r Belts On onyjulv 6, -Villag!e Green started 'imak.ing crepe paper l)elts. 'lhéy are îîîade in inany colors:' suri> a sblack àaind white, green and white,ý l)ink an(! l)lue, red - and WhbIte, an,! other èolors. You have to 'folcl thei a certain wvav or else the l)lt m-il tiot l)e correct. After the beits are tjnlishied the cbîldren siellac thet-l,1 andi then- sew snaps on ' the' belts. MIaiiv chiluiren are iniaking -thien- Jacqueline. Miller, Village 'Green. ENJOY PICNIC DAY;

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