Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 26

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nol vear atter year. arance icurrent Issue. ,f condolence, cârds of thanks, obitu- of entertalnmeflts or other affairi' Ittance charge i.. published, wil be alar advertislflg rates. Grade Separation, W.iÏ1Save Lif e Let's Hasten.the Day!91 Residelnts of New Trier towvnsip. partic- I j,-rjl those who niaintain a livelv interest' ll New Trier H igli school.,11iîst f eel gratifie1 oet the action1 Of th'e I'helPs Board of i'.dncation.Il Athletic Field giviiig the in anie of EBd- ward J. Phelps t(; the Anewiv dcdicâte(l high scho)l athietic field. M'rý Phelps. wv-ho resideslu IKenilworth. not ou(ilv- as been a m-enîher> ot the high school lx)ar(l for- mai-v vears, and fornieriv its presîdeut over. a cnjirh period() f f tînie, but lias'assunîied, more than ju.t on(oil kcial attitude towar(l the sc hooL. Fie is (leeply coiuceriled -al>out the slcluxol in ýail its depart- Mits; lias .contribited 'richilv tom-ard its developielt aidà lias niiaiintaiuied a cou.- CL 'tlt u verv lers(i al contact ith the * student I)odv. It ~a through i r. Plps' Initiative that the high ;cli()l I iard aqie xesv rp erties several vears ago. i an 1tiipatiQiLf the f utuire needs ()f the scliool . \hleiithie tile arrîv cd* for the bunilding exýpanision pro- grain niow Ii twspossible to tranis- fer the at1hletic i Cl t() space ,widaev d jacent to theschooýl and hruhl (eut for just snicb s. is a sîgularlvhappy selection, Lso. ive of .\Mr. .1helps interest ini the physical educa- tion aiathletic prograins at thé school. He i1s a failiar figure at sclhool atlîlletic evenits, evi ciug, an entliusiasuî. tlat is scacel - u'rassd y the stuideults thelin- *selVes. \Ve congvra-tlate the high sclool b)oardl for its selectiont of "Edcward J. Phielps Atli- cafe *were al hie. world passes, pauses and1 sings bappily. Becauise of the -iiiazilig genitîs of Louis. E ckstein, the greatst ar,tists of the age, 'those wbo îlot oniv îos,,sess voices of unusual beau- ty, but erraringrlvChpersonali- tics, presenit the mtost interesting operas in Ouriw otor anderings lhave taken ils froin the Canadian '8oo" tbrqugh Sudburv --dfraen to ii'!-,OttawaI, capital of Notesen tlie 1) o nii i i !io n .fi, 'a 'Nor-teaster M ontrea L, hvelie-r thai! VemotCliicagol. to a beautifuil lîttie 1,akeii rtea- ecru Vcrnîont.' Thie'roals, especîally soutb o, f 0t ta wa have 1een liardl and sinooth and( nioderate-, Iv <wi(le.Ille curves -are tusuallv ,long enou-Il to È),give -0ood vision of ayp)roaching cars., 'llie wather is- îlot ! The. heat, is so* Cpresie if oine is not mîot orin > or sittiîîg In the shadel,ad evetn in the shade the ,)ores, caîînot breathe adequatel,%.: But Nwe are jiist now - wthin 200- feet of a cool.' c1ëar, hard-botton.ed. la1ke. into %vhich we eaui lower ourselves wvhenever convenient., To al motorists, except those Wh-o (lesire -.epesivýe 1lestires, we recomniend tourist cal)ins. The c.ha1rge us moderate. and'the mleais can l)e l)outglit at a. correspond(ingly' low rate. In a tourist 'cabin one eau livte a s 1in(elendelitly and often as couIfortablvý as ini one's home, an~d the fre.edom from-i housevvork an, bsiness cares. dl îc t() tie recreation andJ rest. "My lieart's whI-ere-tPue his. fling up Greengarlands to the dav. 'Tiswhere the bluie lake-briinsslier cup, The sparkling rivers.play.". Agreeeut v Glenc.oe. civic hdesoer tlie location ô f the, uorthernmost liuk 0f the through highway parallclin h h West-, Dn cr. ailwvy. is,. xTe are -,Ready.for happly to o1srveé, prompt- the Big Job I1Y' followed l 1; va -request f roi the Glenicoe Village board. that the côu.ntitv authorities procee(l The First Presbyterian church of Wilmette is to be comgratulated uipon its determination to contribute anothér architectural génf0 the north shore area. Plans indicate an imposing 'Gothie edifice that will be in conformity with the Iofty standard establishedby other cburch, groups in NewTrier. Ail communo nmre and addi lication must to insure appe Resolutionsc &ries, notices where an adm charged at ýregj AHA, 'TIS A LI MyDear Mr. - Permit Illeto valuable informai jourîîâ1s. This bit votr Nvcars far into W e'r e thankful, 1w Vera doesn1t coulcln't get along f rom Vera. ditor- ell you Nw cd f rom it jrmatian M2 of Glencoc2 well try.) that' the liealth poem cited condemin sait. This wor:ld without pr.etzels. Please get* that stra.iglit. -The S ight Editor 'wudbe bard for us riit workers to get to sleep, and as for the day wvorkers, there would be no need for alarni dlocks. And whiat wvould the poor manifacturers do %vith no dernand to (2) Ail the song9s written in.liollor of the coin- ing \WorldIs: Fair wvil not be prînted. 3) Siinburti n'tt continue peeling9 forever. * 4) rhhl-C arc. sthll! sorte people NNho d, (o not Nvear b1)eachp'lajamas,. (5) Therec are verv, few -res'idents -pra 1cticing cornet or. saxophone lesson1s o0n their f ront porc h es. N )0 t quite, everv golfer lias inade a bole- Iln-onc. 7) Coluinnists can*t keep raving on forever. TH 1IS GOT B Y THE MO\I CENSORS, SO it nmust blR aIl rigbit for the kiddics: . Iet t cr'Hai1f: Wi 11 vou buy. me au(other I.esser Fraction: "Yon must th'ink dresb'es g.rowv 13e t ter*, Haif: "MMI, the first'one (lId." I-JIRBII M IY -, I:NGING CO..NPOSI- TOR of 'tbe nighit force, now, expresse-s bis. rap - ture: iii %VbIistliing, as well as in sangý. He's even bentraeigto 1jumlp into the air and click, his becis together. Herbie's up Iin tbe air silice tlbc reason() for hlis. rectmnt airpiane ride to M inni- t:so)ta bas just arrived(1inI Chicapo. Herbie oughit to be a strolig 1rotector ini the big city. He's been going ta the Y.-M.C.A. gyni al wntr Y' BOB NELSONNGH PROOFREI-ADER, sayvr lie dreads Mondays. They alvvays find in iii a st at.e of commna," lie adnîits. lui fact,. Mon- (la\ys e v: n beconie for hini- a period-.of depressioi.- Speaking of de ressioâ, Bol) Nelsonî observes,> RIîess depression will be en ded, byý theyealr of 1940, when'tbe Unlited States wilI couic to its>ý I i i I I

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